
Missing Windows Mobile Target in Visual Studio

I cannot select the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK target in Visual Studio for some reason even though the file "...\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcpackages\WCE.VCPlatform.config" contains the target. How come I can't select it in VS? How do you get VS to recognize it? ...

What does mx:target do in Flex 3?

There is an example on Adobe livedocs for using states: <!-- Define one view state, in addition to the base state.--> <mx:states> <mx:State name="Register"> <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{loginForm}" position="lastChild"> <mx:target> <mx:FormItem id="confirm" label="Confirm:"> ...

JavaScript post form data to new window without "target"

What? I would like to be able to do a post request (does not have to be form data) to a new window without using the target attribute (XHTML validation). Why? I have a webapp (using jQuery) where the user selects a number of entries to print. Each entry id should be sent to a processing page that will display a printable version of the ...

Why is using a period to separate words the convention for target names in an Ant build file?

I never quite understood this, since the name attribute appears to support spaces, but every example uses the harder to read period to name targets. Why do this: <target name=""> <!-- target child nodes --> </target> When you can do this: <target name="Some Target Name"> <!-- target child nodes --> </target> Was th...

How do I set the target frame for form submission in ASP.NET?

I have an page in an iframe where all links target _blank <base target="_blank" /> But I want the form on it to submit to _self (i.e. the iframe where the page is located) when the one button is clicked. The form is an <asp:Panel> with an <asp:Button> control for submitting it. Where can I set the target for this form? Since ...

How can I recover formatting of application's info.plist in Xcode?

I duplicated default build target. Some code files are duplicated also. Problem is, duplicated info.plist file is not formatted by Xcode. I don't think this is normal. Any workaround? Or any way to specify formatting of plist? (which may format other type of .plist by my custom formatting rules) ...

Is it possible to force an Xcode project to clean before it builds?

Hello everybody, In my Xcode project, I've created a symbolic link script in the target that allows me to edit my scripts and see the updates live. Unfortunately, a side-effect of this is that if I don't clean before building again, I get the following error message: ln: /Users/atg/Desktop/Projects/Xcode Projects/Debug/

How to set target and action for UIBarButtonItem at runtime

Tried this but only works for UIButton: [btn setTarget:self action:@selector(btnClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; ...

Jquery External Link Help

I'm fairly new to jquery and haven't had much time to explore more and was wondering if anyone could help me. Here is the code I have which I pulled from different places: $("a").filter(function() { return this.hostname && this.hostname !== location.hostname; }) ...

how to w3c validate a target="_blank"

The title says it all. Does anyone have a sollution? ...

Is it possible to have Ant print out the classpath for a particular target? If so, how?

I'm trying to get a target to build that has quite a long list of <pathelement location="${xxx}"/> and <path refid="foo.class.path"/> elements in its <path id="bar.class.path"> element (in the build.xml file). I keep getting "package com.somecompany.somepackage does not exist" errors, and I'm having a hard time chasing down these packag...

Can you target Google Chrome? (Yes, you can)

Hi, I need to position this update button on (you'll have to add an item to the cart, use the Kjøp button to add and Handlevogn to view the cart). Works in FF and IE. (Although there is another alignment problems with IE) but not in Chrome or Safari. I had it working before, but the only thing I can think of to do...

Target iframe Raphael Js

Ive been trying to target iframe using Raphael JS heres some sample code var c =, 10, 10); c.attr({href: "", target: "top"}); v var t = paper.text(250, 50, "Raphaël\nkicks\nbutt!"); t.attr({href: "", target: "_blank"}); Also..cant get href to work with text ar t = paper.text(50, 50,...

iphone google maps crosshair button

I would like to use or emulate a button like the gps button in the bottom left corner of the standard maps application on the iphone OS. The button behaves like a toggle button where gps is enabled or disabled depending on whether it is pushed and it may hold a small spinner component while the gps is finding your position. Does anyone ...

Building Web Application project using MSBuild from command line on 64-bit: missing targets file

Building a solution containing a web application project using MSBuild from powershell like this: msbuild "/p:OutDir=$build_dir\" $solution_file Works fine for me on 32-bit, but on a 64-bit machine I am running into this error: error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v9.0\WebApplication...

Why for only some actions must I call setTarget?

For most actions, I just click and drag in InterfaceBuilder to "wire up" a call from some interface object to my code. For example, if I want to know when the user single-clicks a row in a table, I drag a connection from the table's action to my controller's action. But now let's consider the user double-clicking a row. If I want one of...

How to target specific letter/word with jquery?

As a mere example, I want to apply the class "fancy" to all occurrences of the sign "&amp;" in the document. The CSS: .fancy { font-style: italic; } So a text that looks like this: Ben &amp; Jerry's would be manipulated by jquery to this: Ben <span class="fancy">&amp;</span> Jerry's Is there a function to target specific words/...

Anchor tags and target behaviour? - HTML

Hi folks, I must say that despite this being a newb question, I don't think I have totally mastered HTML a tags. Whenever I want to open a link in a new tab I add target="_blank", works fine in chrome and firefox. Not in IE7-8. I think the behaviour might have something to do with the DOCTYPE, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm currently ...

MSBuild target _CopyWebApplication does not copy all necessary files to the bin folder

Elsewhere on the Web, you can find recommendations on using something like this to simulate the Publish feature in the VS 2005-2008 IDE from a command-line (I hope I did not goof up the syntax!): msbuild /t:ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication /p:BuildingProject=true;OutDir=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ blah.csproj Now, it looks like the .dll'...

Sometimes Xcode appears to ignore target build settings?

Hi all, I've created a iPhone static library project with two targets like this Project --> Library (Device) target --> Library (simulator) target The device target has the SDK set to the device so it produces an armv6/7 library and the simulator target is set to the simulator SDK so it produces an i386 library. The issue I'm having ...