
How to invoke the same msbuild target twice?

Dear ladies ... and sirs. I have the following msbuild script: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project xmlns="" DefaultTargets="All"> <PropertyGroup> ... </PropertyGroup> <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(GallioTaskPath)" TaskName="Gallio.MSBuildTasks.Gallio" /> <...

How does one have developers on VS2008 target .net 2.0 (but not the service pack) to avoid runtime crashes?

So, I want to upgrade my development team to VS2008. As an enterprise, we haven't rolled out the 3.5 runtime yet. From some reading, it seems like installing VS2008 will automatically give you .net 2.0 SP1, which has some new APIs, and when you target 2.0 runtime it will assume 2.0 SP1. But if SP1 is not rolled out to our users, this ...

Controlling Movie Clips from the main time line instead of using their individual time lines?

I have a Flash website template (four pages) that I made using AS 3.0 and Flash CS4. It is for an assignment involving movie clips. Currently on the main time line there is only one frame, and three layers: actions/menu/content. The actionscript on the main time line is simply: content_mc.stop (); There is a movie clip on the stage c...

how do wild character % work in makefile rules

I have a makefile. I need to build a set of targets under C:/bin/ from the source files under src1 and src2. let them be required in the order say ${DEST_DIR}/a.o ${DEST_DIR}/b.o ${DEST_DIR}/c.o ${DEST_DIR}/d.o in some part of makefile DEST_DIR = C:/bin SRC_DIR1 = C:/src1 SRC_DIR2 = C:/src2 and i've the rules for them as follow...

How to check the version of the SDK I am using?

I dont know for which iPhone OS I am compiling my code, 3.0 or 2.2... ...

How can I get the value of the current target ant?

How can I get the value of the current target ant? Does it exist a spacial variable something called TARGET? ...

[Javascript + HTML] Dropdown selector, change to target="_blank"

I have a dropdown selector in place and I need to change it so that the target="_blank" so it opens up a new tab. Here is the current code: <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function dropdown(mySel) { var myWin, myVal; myVal = mySel.options[mySel.selectedIndex].value; if(myVal) { if( = parent[mySel.form....

Building for 10.5 in Xcode 3.2 (on Snow Leopard) error

I just created a new Cocoa project on XCode 3.2. I'm running it in Snow Leopard. When I build it for 10.6 it works fine but if I change the active SDK to 10.5 I get this error: cannot find protocol declaration for 'NSApplicationDelegate' ...

Using <OBJECT> instead of <IFRAME> and Internet Explorer

So my problem is NOT with getting the objects to work with IE. I have a way to get rid of the borders and scrollbars (I think). The real problem is having links inside an object which target the whole screen frame. Even with target="_top" and _parent it just keeps targeting itself in IE... even in IE8. Here is a demonstration of it on a...

Xcode: project settings vs. target settings

Hi all, I'm creating a static lib on Mac OS X for one of our customers, as well as a small cmd line app to test the static lib. The cmd line project has 2 extra library search paths, which meant I was linking to the Debug version in Release mode and just about went crazy, so I tried to get rid of these two paths, but I couldnt find wher...

Possible to open iPhone Safari and target a specific window?

I have an app that uses OAuth to authenticate, which means the user must be directed to the website to authorize the application. I prefer to make it obvious to the user that they are using a standard browser to authorize at the original site rather than just using a web view to show the content within my app. However, every time they ...

Setting href link target without reloading page

I have a href tag <a href="#somepage" target="sometarget"> or more accurately loading a URL from Flash loadURL('#somepage', 'sometarget'). I have no option to remove the target so am limited to (I assume) the available targets: _top, _self, _blank, _parent. What target or alternative do I have to avoid refreshing the page? ...

iPhone plist file versions... Adding keys sometimes does not work.

I created an iPhone project using the Core Data template. Now when I try to change my plist file to "Status bar is initially hidden = YES" I can't find that key in my options. Instead I find a lot of keys that are relevant to Core Data, keys that I've never seen before. Anyway, I add the key "Status bar is initially hidden" myself and s...

Why doesn't the target attribute work in my frames?

I'm building a FRAME solution for my CMS. But, before you all start showing me disrespect about the entire frame thing keep in mind that this is a solution that would be visible only to administrators, and the reason why I'm doing this in frames is because then I don't have to keep reloading the administration controls. So the entire vi...

jQuery break out of bottom IFrame

So I've found some stuff online but none of it uses jQuery and most of it is old and not suited for what I'm doing. I have a main page and then a div overlay. Something like, but with a little x bar and links :D I had some old code that may have been working at some point, at least someone put it in.$(...

How to prevent a iframed page from opening in a new window

Hi, I have a site iframed in and it has a bunch of links in the menu. The way their site is built they have all the links in the menu set to open the pages in a new window. Is there any way to override this and have it open in the iframe? Thanks, Matt ...

target conditional library search paths xcode

I'm trying to condtionally link in. .a static libraries by defines. Is this possible in xcode? Basically trying to wrap library specific code in ifdefs so it can be excluded at compile time by setting flags. ...

PageindexChanging TargetInvocationExeption

Hello all. I'm having a little bit of trouble sorting out the paging scenario with a gridview i.e. I can't get the bloody thing to show page, 2, 3, 4, etc. I have the following Grid view code <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" style="z-index: 1; left: 20px; top: 440px; position: abs...

Detect in Xcode iPhone project whether I'm building for simulator or device?

Is there any way I can conditionally compile in my app based upon whether I'm building for the simulator or the device? (My app hooks to an external server: if I'm running on the device, I want to connect to localhost; if I'm running on the device, I want to go to my production server.) I'm looking for some #ifdef variable I can detect,...

Run script during Clean / Clean All in Xcode

I have a fairly complex (iPhone SDK) Xcode project, with many targets -- 4 static libs, unit tests, multiple sample apps, a BuildAll that runs a shell script, and a Package that runs another shell script. The "BuildAll" target creates a directory in the project with some subdirectories with contents ready for distribution. When I click ...