
How to create a RSpec task with Rspec 2?

Using tspec 2 I want to create a rake task on the fly to be run, we used to do the following in RSpec 1: Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:client) do |t| t.spec_files = FileList['spec/units/client/**/*_spec.rb'] t.spec_opts = spec_opts end But now Spec::Rake::SpecTask was substituted, any suggestions? Regards ...

iphone multiple background tasks

Hi All, I've got a program that uploads photos and uses a background task to do this. At the moment it only uploads to one destination but eventually I would like it to upload to several destinations. (Also in the background). Is it possible to have more than one background task running or should I have one background task that does ...

How to create nested element for ant task?

Is it possible to create the nested element for any ant task. For e.g. <copy todir="../backup/dir"> <fileset dir="src_dir"/> <filterset> <filter token="TITLE" value="Foo Bar"/> </filterset> </copy> Here for the task copy we are having nested element as filterset. Now, i would like to create my own nested element en...

SPD workflow- Custom Task form

Hi All, I am running into a scenario where I need to display List Item (Approving context) properties/Fields in custom task form. But I am looking into SharePoint Designer created Workflow. I can see, custom task form in the Workflow folder in SPD. But not sure, how to change it to display details about list item. Any pointers or links...

Serial Task Executor; is this thread safe?

I have a class that I've created to allow asynchronous sequential execution of tasks, using the ThreadPool as the means of execution. The idea is that I'll have multiple instances running serial tasks in the background, but I don't want to have a separate dedicated Thread for each instance. What I'd like to check is whether this class ...

Task.find Conditions

Hi, I'm building my first Rails project - its a ToDo app, which are supposed to send out warnings when a Task are X minutes from its deadline. Im trying to create a variabel with the tasks that are X minutes from its deadline. The X minutes are diffrent for every Task - which means that its stored in the database. So I got two columns ...

Is there an effective way to use System.Threading.Tasks with WCF service proxies ?

After reading a recent MSDN Magazine article about the Task scheduler I was hoping (and actually quite excited) that using it would benefit my use of WCF generated proxies. I was hoping to get some of the following benefits : 1) Ability to abort a running WCF operation (I'm not expecting this to stop the operation on the server - I'd ...

How to use property Array in ant Task?

I have created an Ant task, wherein i would like to have an property array? First of all, is it possible? Does ant allows us to have a property array? public class MyTask extends Task { private String tokens[] = null; public void setTokens(String[] _tokens) { //... } public void execute() { // iterator over ...

iPhone background task stops running at some point

Hi, In my iPhone app I have a background task that starts running when the app enters the background state. The task runs fine and is structured in a loop like this: run. sleep for 5 min. run. sleep for 5 min. etc. For some reason, the task stops running after a certain amount of time... say half an hour to an hour. Can anyone help ...

Writing XML data from URL to Object in SSIS Script Task

I have this URL where there is XML data. I have to extract that data from URL and dump it into DW table. I am using SSIS Script Task for that. This is how the data looks like: -<currency> <csymbol>AED</csymbol> <cname>United Arab Emirates Dirhams</cname> <crate>3.6732001305</crate> <cinverse>0.2722421770</cinverse> </currency> −...

Gradle Task Dependencies

How on earth can I do this in gradle: eg. want to use HTTPBuilder in a task. build.gradle: repositories { mavenRepo urls: "http://repository.codehaus.org" } configurations { testConfig } dependencies { testConfig 'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder:http-builder:0.5.0' } task someTaskThatUsesHTTPBuilder (dependsOn: configurati...

Ant Tasks for Amazon EC2/S3?

Does anyone know of a good library providing Ant tasks for performing operations against Amazon EC2/S3? I'd like to leverage S3 for deployment of new WAR files for my applications, and figured Ant would be a good way to keep simplify the process and keep everything consistent. Any recommendations? ...

Creating a thread to asynchronously download xml for usage in UI elements

I'm making an application that grabs an RSSFeed from one location, parses it, and displays the items in a rich ListView. I've got it working synchronously, but it hangs on the initial download. I used ImageDownloader from the Google blog to asynchronously grab images to populate the ListView, but how do I go about threading the download ...

Exception handling in FTP task of SSIS

Hi, I have a FTP task in my SSIS package which deletes files from FTP location. But the issue is that if the file(s) or directory is not available on the server, the task gets failed. Is there any way that I can fix this issue? Thanks looking forward for urgent reply. ...

Windows Task Scheduler will run app only once

So my situation is that I am running an app on the Windows Task Scheduler. This app is run once a day at 1pm. the app does some queries and transfers data to an FTP site. All that is working great except on the weekends when i am not here the app is run and the GUI is still displayed for me to review. This seems to make it stop running o...

rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'jobs:work'

Hi all: I'm on Heroku, installed delayed_job and am getting the above error when I attempt to run a background job. I've tried filing a ticket and scouring the net to no avail. Thanks...Chris ...

How two different task can goto one task in SSIS

Hi, please see the figure to get idea of the scenario. Now when my Package will run after executing the s! task, either A or B path will be followed. So If A is followed then Task S2 and F2 is executed. But if path B is followed, task F1 and F3 is executed. But also after completing task F3, the flow should go to task S2 via path E. ...

Difference Between a Task Killer Killing an App and the Android OS Killing an App

Is there any difference between what happens when you use a Task Killer App to kill an app vs. what happens when the Android OS kills an app due to scarce resources? The Android SDK says that the Application.onTerminate() method isn't called when the OS kills an app due to scarce resources. So it sounds like the OS doesn't cleanly close...

Where is a proper place to get SMALL programming task performed for pay?

Stackoverflow is a terrific and valuable resource for learning from others how to solve problems. I can get good answers to questions fairly fast. But, sometimes, I don't really want an answer, I want a simple solution, a small task performed and it would not be etiquette to ask the community to perform task as it is to ask for answers...

Open source Task Management modules for OpenACS/TCL

We are about to build a standard task management (collaboration enabled) feature on top of our TCL/OpenACS based website and I would like to know if there are some open source modules we could leverage for this purpose. ...