
How to hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form?

I'd like to hide the taskbar entry to maximize effective space since the app has a systray icon, i dont need the taskbar entry. The app doesnt allow you to only have a systray instead of both. How can I hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form? Thanks, Dennis ...

Running winforms in task bar

I have a winforms application that I want to display an icon, and display the icon next to the icons on my taksbar for like my AV sofware, and the volume control. Any idea how to do this? Thanks in advance. ...

How to make a JFrame have no taskbar button ?

I would like to have a normal JFrame with its full functionalities (decoration, title, icon, resizing, minimizing, maximizing, etc.), with the only thing that it wouldn't appear in the system's taskbar. (Typically, there would be another program opening and managing them). Is it possible ? And if yes, what is the best way to do that ? ...

Is the Windows 7 Task Bar the new Notification Area?

I've seen a few Windows 7 applications popping up around the web that take advantage of the new task bar functionality. However, some of these applications are treating the task bar like the notification area. There is no foreground window. All interaction is done through the task bar button (with overlays, progress bars, jump lists, etc...

Using Windows 7 taskbar features in PyQt

Hi all. I am looking for information on the integration of some of the new Windows 7 taskbar features into my PyQt applications. Specifically if there already exists the possibility to use the new progress indicator (see here) and the quick links (www.petri.co.il/wp-content/uploads/new_win7_taskbar_features_8.gif). If anyone could pro...

Destroying session on close of the browser from the task bar

Hi, When i close the browser window from the task bar the session is not getting destroyed. I could handle this on closing the browser using close(X) button or by pressing Alt+F4 using javascript. But from the task bar if i close the window how can i clear the session? The problem occurs only when there is another browser window already...

Windows 7 Taskbar progress

Quick question, I've developed a Forum specific C# WPF WebBrowser, for Windows 7. I have completed so far for the Taskbar: Tabbed thumbnails Jumplists Icon Overlay Now as the WebBrowser uses the IE engine when a download is started the progress dialog is displayed, what i want is for the progress to be reflected in the Taskbar Butto...

Windows 7 taskbar - jumplist, jumplistlink and jumplistitem

I am using the Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework to try out of some of the new UI features of the Win7 taskbar. I am coding in C#. I have a question regarding jumplists. All of the sample code provided assumes that the entries on the jump list are used to call out to run a particular application or open a document, e.g....

.NET for Windows 7

I want to take advantage of the new Windows 7 taskbar functionality in a .NET application and would like to know what people think is the best way to check for Windows 7 features in .NET. My aim is to have distinct code for Windows XP and Windows 7. I'm not overally keen on: just wrapping the Windows 7 code in a try catch if OS = ...

Prism/CAL and WIn7 Taskbar Grouped Thumbnails/Preview

So I'm using Prism v2 (CAL) in an app with four separate modules, loaded as tab controls. Works great so far. Quesiton(s): How do I have one grouped taskbar icon in Win7 for each tab, and how do I get 4 taskbar preview windows to display (one showing each tab control's contents, like in IE8)? If it helps, this is how I'm loading my tab ...

Application is visible on taskbar?

How to know if a Application is visible on taskbar? I am using Delphi on windows. ...

Taskbar left click minimize the borderless winde.

Hi, I want to know is there any WNDProc message which the form can handle left click or double click on the taskbar inorder to set windows state minimized. Thanks, Raj ...

Windows 7, VB6, Launcher App and Pinning to the Taskbar

We have an application that has a "launcher" app that sits there with a pretty UI while the main app loads in the background. Both of these apps are written in VB6 (sigh). In Windows 7, if user's pin the launcher program, we get two different icons on the taskbar (one for the main app, and then the pinned icon for the launcher program)...

creating a deskband (WMP style taskbar toolbar) in vb net

I have searched and searched how to do this but everything leads back to Appbars (dockable forms) which is not what i need. I want a toolbar that goes into the taskbar, like WMP, itunes, language toolbar. Preferably in vbnet, but if its in C# then thats fine. ...

How can I hide the Windows 7 logo in the taskbar?

I have a WPF window that goes fullscreen, and I have made every attempt to make it truly fullscreen. WindowStyle is None, WindowState is Maximized, Topmost is true, etc. I even used p/invoke to hide the taskbar when the window is loaded and make it appear again on exit. The problem I have is when, for example, I play a video that replays...

How can I determine programmatically whether the Windows taskbar is hidden or not?

I need to know whether the Windows taskbar is hidden or not. I believe there is no .NET method to do this, and also I have come across a lot of "how to hide and show the taskbar" samples, but I haven't seen anything based on what I am looking for. I am not familiar with the Windows API, so I find it hard to understand traditional Windows...

Windows 7 taskbar tasks without a window in .Net

I'm trying to create an application for windows 7 that has taskbar tasks that are available even if there is no window like Media Player has. I'm using the Windows API Code Pack and I've been able to add custom tasks but they are only available after a window is created and as soon as the window closes the tasks are removed. Any idea h...

Building C#/.NET Apps that Use Windows 7 TaskBar Features

The new Windows 7 taskbar features, like jump lists, previews, etc. are really cool, and I want to allow my C# applications to use them. I have two questions: First of all, how can I use these functions (in general)? I found two articles by Microsoft about this, but I'm not really sure what to do. Could you provide links to a library, a...

How can an application display an object on the Windows taskbar?

There are several applications around that display objects on the Windows taskbar but do no implement the IDeskBand interface. For example, the Lenovo batter meter and Notebook BatteryInfo. For example: In the picture above, the object on the taskbar is put there by the application and disappears when the application closes. This i...

Windows7 taskbar thumbnail without showing a window

Hi, Is it possible to "mark" my program as active in the windows7 taskbar without actually showing a window and even provide a thumbnail picture? I worte a small program which displays the system battery as a deskband. Now in windows7 I'd like to display the battery in the thumbnail picture, and make the deskband optional. ...