
GPLv2 or GPLv2 compatible Windows 7 TaskBar library?

I wish to integrate the new Windows 7 Taskbar Features into a GPLv2 licensed open source project (EVEMon). Microsoft's excellent Windows API Code Pack would work well however it is licensed under MS-pl which is incompatible with the GPLv2. I have found a Windows 7 Taskbar project on CodePlex, licensed under the MIT Licence which is GPLv...

How can i remove the task bar entry of a GTK# window?

... Just like the ShowInTaskBar property of a WinForms form. ...

ICustomDestinationList windows7 taskbar feature

hi I am looking for the windows7 ICustomDestinationList implementation using typelibrary. Can anyone please provide an idl defenition or tlb typelibrary ..? ...

"The parameter is incorrect" when clicking pinned item on Windows 7 after updating the application

I have the following situation: Installed my application using ordinary .msi Run the application from the start menu Right click on the icon in the task bar and pin it. Now, I can use the pinned item/short cut to start my application but after I update my app using another .msi file, clicking on the pinned item shows this error: 'Pr...

Windows 7: Loop through Taskbar items

Hi, I'm trying to build a small utility for myself only to hide labels of running programs with windows visible in the taskbar where the label holds no information (for example "iTunes", "Microsoft SQL Server Mngmt Studio", "~cmd.exe") but keep windows like Windows Explorer and Visual Studio and MSN ungroupped, with labels (to know whi...

Determining if a Window Has a Taskbar Button

Hi, I am looking for a way to check if a given window has a taskbar button. That is, given a handle to a window, I need a TRUE if the window is in the taskbar, and FALSE otherwise. Conversely, I am wondering if there is a way to get a handle to the window that belongs to a given taskbar button, which I suppose would require a way to en...

How to display a Windows Form in full screen on top of the taskbar?

I have a .net windows application that needs to run in full screen. When the application starts however the taskbar is shown on top of the main form and it only disappears when activating the form by clicking on it or using ALT-TAB. The form's current properties are as follow: WindowsState=Normal TopMost=Normal Size=1024,768 (thi...

Get RemoteApp taskbar icon to flash

I'm using FlashWindowEx to flash the taskbar icon of a .NET application. If I run the app from my local desktop, the flashing happens correctly, but if I'm running the application as a RemoteApp, the taskbar icon doesn't flash -- probably because the app is actually running on the server (even if it looks like it's running on your local ...

How to assume/steal another process's windows as my own?

I'd like to show another app's windows under my app's taskbar button. It's a background app that reports another process's windows as my app's own. Is there any universal way to do this, e.g. each "new" window, alert glow, progressmeter, and other taskbar features, show under my own app's button? For example, Winfox runs under its own p...

Win32: full-screen and hiding taskbar

Hello, I have a window, which I SetWindowPos(window, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), SWP_FRAMECHANGED); It covers the whole screen, ok, but it takes a while (0.5 sec) to cover the taskbar as well. Is there a way to come over the taskbar immediately? I found that setting HWND_TOPMOST does i...

Change the ApplicationID of a running process from c#

In Windows 7 we have the concept of ApplicationID, which allows (among other things) to group several icons in the task bar. How can I change the ApplicationID of a running process from c#? I'm trying to make my WinForm app's icon group with another application. I've tried using Windows API Code Pack Library, sticking the following code ...

How to get window title of a program reduced in taskar ?

With C#, i use this code to list main window processes titles Process[] ProcessArray = Process.GetProcesses(); try { foreach (Process proc in ProcessArray) { Console.WriteLine(proc.MainWindowTitle); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } but this doesn't work to see mainwindowtitle of processes...

How to Trigger autohide on the taskbar on WindowsCE

Hi All, im writing a C# program for a Windowsce 5.0 Device (PSION Teklogix Workabout Pro G2). The taskbar is set to autohide. I can't disable it completely, because the user sometimes needs to access the start menu or may like to manually show or hide the SIP. And it should not be displayed all the time, because i'd like to use as muc...

Balloon tooltip with close button - C#

How do I create a ballon tool tip with a close button. I can show a tooltip: TaskbarIcon.ShowBalloonTip(10000); but I can't do the opposite: TaskbarIcon.CloseBalloonTip(); Or even a way to show a close box on a Balloon Tip. I saw this question posted on another site but with no (free) answer. Thanks in advance ...

Combine NotifyIcon and ToolTip

I have been working with NotifyIcon in order to show an icon in the taskbar. This program has no Windows Form. I perhaps could create one and make it invisible but I was hoping to avoid it. The ToolTip functions attached to NotifyIcon are somewhat lacking, and one of the gurus here suggested I look at the ToolTip functionality. It is pos...

Flashing taskbar using Java (a la pidgin || MSN)

I'm looking for a push in the right direction. I have a simple chat program, written totally in Java, and am looking for a way to get the Taskbar icons to flash. Preferably in a manner similar to Pidgin, or MSN. I'm hoping for a platform independent solution, as there are both Linux and Windows users, and preferably totally in Java. ...

SHAddToRecentDocs without a file?

I was toying with an IRC client, integrating it with the windows 7 app bar. To get a "Frequent" or "Recent" items list one has to call SHAddToRecentDocs API. I want to add recent IRC channels visited to the Windows 7 Jumplist for the IRC application. Now, my problem is, IRC channels don't exist in the file system. And SHAddToRecentDocs ...

Get number of apps in TaskBar

Hi All I've been wondering how to do this for ages. I'm creating a little app, and I need to figure out how many apps or windows are displayed in the TaskBar. I've yet to find any info on this at all, I'd appreciate any help at all. Thank you :) ...

Winforms - what's a cool taskbar/system tray notifier approach?

Hi What's a cool taskbar/system tray notifier approach? To get that latest cool looking sliding windows type notifications can I stay WinForms, or do I need to go WFP? Which control/class/framework should I look at? Basically after a more fresher:modern looking UI than the old winforms popular bubbles etc ...

How to Detect Right Click on the Taskbar

I've got a Windows Forms application in C# that starts off with a loading dialog. As expected, a button for the app shows up in the Windows taskbar. I would like to detect right-clicks that might be done to that button. Ultimately, I hope to disable the right-click or simply have the loading dialog regain focus. I've seen that some p...