
Looking for a free task panel component

I am looking for a free task panel component similar to the Microsoft Office 2000/XP/2003/2007 task panel with customization options (Ribbons, Customizable Toolbars, Menus...) for a free/libre open source project (FLOSS). I have found two commercial components: Codejock. Component Source. Here the images. I have been looking at Dock...

Customizing/Replacing the Windows CE 5.0 Taskbar?

Hey All: I'm currently getting my feet wet with Win CE 5.0 to update some code on an existing platform. We're interested in deploying a custom shell/home screen/application launcher as well and I had a couple questions: 1) We're running the standard CE shell and I'm assuming it can be customized because the source code is made availabl...

Placing toolbar into Windows taskbar (ala language bar)

Hi all, I'm currently in the process of writing a Windows MFC app to quickly search our corporate DMS. The idea is to have a button placed at the right hand edge of the windows taskbar much like the language bar, that when clicked, would popup the search interface. I can't seem to find much regarding how placing items in the taskbar li...

Replace WinXP taskbar Tooltip for another program

Hi. I need to replace the common Tooltip from WinXP taskbar for another application. So, I need to run an application when the mouse hover a task button. Is this possible, programatically? If so, how? Thank you ...

[WinAPI] How to change the order of buttons on the taskbar?

There are a few freeware tools out there (e.g., Taskbar Shuffle, XNeat, etc.) which have the ability to change the order of the buttons on the taskbar, without actually closing or opening any windows. Unfortunately, none of them appears to be open-source. What are the API calls required to change the order of buttons in the taskbar? ...

Reserve screen area in Windows 7

Is it possible to reserve a screen area near an edge of the screen for your app in Windows 7? It would behave similar to the Windows taskbar (i.e. maximized windows would not overlap with it). I'm writing a taskbar app with proper support for multiple monitors. The primary purpose is to show a taskbar on each screen containing only the ...

How to force GDI+ rendering of a ComboBox in C# on a DeskBand Taskbar Toolbar? (transparency issue)

I've implemented a DeskBand Taskbar Toolbar using the BandObjectLib (Extending Explorer with Band Objects using .NET and Windows Forms) from Codeproject, modified with support for the IDeskBand2 interface which allows the Start Menu in Windows Vista to retain transparency when my DeskBand taskbar toolbar is enabled. However, the text di...

What is the proper way to create a Form unobscured by the Windows taskbar?

I dock the taskbar to the left, which causes many windows to open underneath the taskbar. None of the System.Windows.Form.FormStartPosition values take into account the taskbar except for Manual. Is this by design? It's frustrating. I want to respect the default monitor and window position values that the OS should enforce. ...

IE bandobject appearing in desktop taskbar

Hi, i have created an IE bandobject (toolbar) that sits in IE and works well, however it also appears in the XP taskbar menu under toolbars. does anyone know how to prevent this behaivour? Thanks! ...

Create a Program that Sits in The Windows Taskbar and, When Activated, Stops the Screensaver From Starting

I don't really know where to begin. Let's start with the stupid questions: What language should I use for this? What is suited for the task at hand? Next, the real ones: Is there a way to stop the screensaver from starting, short of changing the cursor position? If not, will changing the cursor position even work? ...

How to hide a taskbar balloon at will?

It's very easy to force a taskbar icon to display a balloon tooltip: all I need to do is set the NIF_INFO flag when calling Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_MODIFY, ... ), and the balloon appears, no problem. Now, I want to be able to hide the balloon when I no longer need it, as well, but I can't find a way to do that. I tried clearing the NIF_IN...

Remove/100% Hide WinXP TaskBar

When AutoHide isn't enough, how can I code to gaurentee the taskbar can't be used/displayed while my application is running? It's a full (touch)screen application (with no keyboard), that is being used in kiosk mode. When the application exits it's ok to restore the taskbar. Thank you! ...

Using wndproc in C# to minimize form on leftclick of taskbar.

I have a C# application that is using wndproc to get a message for a right click to the taskbar, but I also need to use a left click to the taskbar so that I can minimize my form. The message value for right click on taskbar icon is WMTaskbarRClick = 0x0313. Does anyone know what the message value is for left click on taskbar icon? ...

Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7)

I wan't to customize the icon displayed within the windows 7 taskbar. When my app is running, I can do it by changing main window icon but, when the app is pinned, the exe's icon is displayed. How can I set the taskbar icon for my app to an icon different from the one embedded within the exe ? Not tried, this solution may work but look...

.Net Maximized Screen Ignores Taskbar

I have a form I set to Maximize, but for some reason it's ignoring the taskbar and maximizing to the entire screen. Is that typical? Is there a work around? I'm running windows XP with a dual monitor setup (taskbar in the first/primary window). ...

when visual studio is in full screen mode, how to bring taskbar "always on top"?

How to bring the taskbar on top of Visual Studio 2008 when in "Full Screen" mode? I often go full screen, but the task bar will become hidden. How can I keep the task bar from hiding? The rationale behind this is: - We use google talk, for our quick communication in our office. So, when I go full screen, I am not able to see the IM no...

How to tell if Windows Taskbar's "autohide" is enabled?

How can I tell via a Delphi program if the Windows Explorer Taskbar is set to Autohide? ...

MSN Messenger like notification - Do you know any examples in .NET VB .NET or C#?

I'm looking to write a notification application where I'd like to provide popup notifications from the taskbar similiar to the ones in MSN Messenger or most other chat programs. Are there any good examples using VB .NET or C#, ideally without using Win32 calls? Thanks. ...

Form.ShowInTaskBar / Process.MainWindowHandle

When an application's main Form - the one passed to Application.Run() - has this.ShowInTaskBar = false; then, an instance of Process representing that application has a MainWindowHandle of 0, meaning that Process.CloseMainWindow() does not work. How can I get around this? I need to cleanly close down the Form via the Process instance...

How to explicitly set taskbar icon?

In Visual Studio I generated a plain old Win32 application and stripped all the resources and generated code so that my application consists of this: #include "stdafx.h" #include "IcoTest.h" int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int ...