
How can I create custom sections in TFS build reports?

I know how to add custom BuildStep task; however, it would be nice to create a new section, similar to the Summary and Build Steps sections. We are selectively deploying the files on a successful build based on the difference between the workspace and destination environment. We do create an HTML and XML log of the files we move and the...

Do I have to use a solution file with a Team Build definition?

Our application uses a combination of ASP.NET and Flex platforms. I am able to successfully use the build service to build and deploy the .NET web site. That works fine. However, we also have our ActionScript files in TFS and I've created a batch file to successfully compile the ActionScript from the command-line. I want to create two ...

Where should I store common targets for team builds?

I am trying to set up a common.targets file with some common msbuild targets I want to use in my team builds and therefore import into my TFSBuild.proj files. I am wondering what is the best way to achieve this? Do I need to store common.targets right next to each TFSBuild.proj file and therefore having duplicates of the targets file for...

How can I deploy an ASP.NET web application using Team Build?

I have managed to install Team Foundation Server 2008 and I created a separate build server (which works because my builds are currently failing). I have created a simple "Hello World" Web application (all is the standard Default.aspx page) and have it in TFS's source control system. Previously, prior to TFS, I'd simply precompile my ...

How-to Keep Projects Structure with TFS Team Build

Hi, I've a Solution structure as below : Solution 1 (Solution1.sln) Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 I created a Team Build definition working with Solution1.sln. My problem is that compiled binaries are stored into a single flat output folder : BuildName\Release But I want to keep my project structure : BuildName\Project 1\Release ...

MSbuild task fails because "Any CPU" solution is built out of order

I have two solutions to build in Teambuild, one is the application itself, the other one is the WiX installer. I want to build the application using "Any CPU" build configuration and the installer using "x86". I've listed the "Any CPU" solution first in my project file, but Teambuild always builds the "x86" solution first. I'm setting B...

MSBuild & TeamBuild - BuildInParallel failing because of MSB3021 file permission violation

Hello. I maintain the build of a fairly large piece of software, consisting of roughly 350 csharp projects. Our build time for a debug built clocks in at about 17 minutes. I have been looking at ways to improve build time, and the BuildInParallel property did look intriguing. Especially since we have a quad-core server doing our buil...

[MSBuild] Where can I get a list of all the properties available in the project file?

I'm looking for a resource to list all the built-in properties defined in an MSBuild project file. Specifically I'm using a Team Build project file, but from what I understand they are one in the same (correct me if I'm wrong). I already know about the reserved properties: But I've ...

Team Build - /temp/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'Mvc'

When using Team Build for Continuous Integration on a web application project the build fails with "/temp/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'MVC'). The csproj file for the project contains an AfterBuild Target in order to report issues with views when they fail after the build (MVC). The solution builds using MSBuil...

Custom Build Summary entries in TFS Team Build

I have succesfully added a custom build step to my TFS Team Build script, however, after my build fails (as intended by my custom build step), I want to add a URL to my custom failure report in the "Summary" section at the top of the build report. This is the section that says... "Build Name:" "Requested by:" "Team project:" etc How can...

Pass a value from TeamBuild to MSBuild

I have a build that is running in TFS TeamBuild. I want to pass a property from that to the MSBuild that is run for each Project built by the TFSBuild.proj. Example: TFSBuild.proj <PropertyGroup> <Version></Version> </PropertyGroup> <Target Name="BuildNumberOverrideTarget" DependsOnTargets="AfterInitializeWorkspac...

Trouble with Properties in SolutionToBuild

I am trying to use the Properties Metadata in the SolutionToBuild item in Team Build. I am adding the version to the Properties metadata inside a target that gets called before the code is even gotten (BuildNumberOverrideTarget), but I guess that is too late. My changed values do not get passed to solutions that are built. When does ...

[Team Build] Build is successful, but binaries are nowhere to be found. Why?

Recently I've changed our team build project file from: <SolutionToBuild Include="$(SolutionRoot)/OurSolution.sln"> to <SolutionToBuild Include="$(SolutionRoot)/**/*.csproj"> This was necessary because we have many projects which are not contained in the solution file, and for our purposes it is not feasible to just add the project...

TeamBuild and Web Deployment Projects

With the new TFS 2008 and the upcoming TFS 2010, are Web Deployment Projects depreciated? We used them in our 2005 projects because we needed the multiple distribution of files across a cluster but now that TeamBuild does that, and we are just now moving out of VSS to TFS 2008, I was wondering if there was an argument to be made on remo...

Can I exclude a file from triggering a CI build in TFS?

I have a assembly version file (SolutionAssemblyVersion.cs) which I keep at the root of my trunk in TFS. I update this file and check it in during the build. When I use the CI build in TFS it basically triggers another build as a result of that check in. Is there any way to exclude certain users from triggering a build? I've seen Mart...

Inital "get" done by Team Build

Does anyone have any links to documents about the initial "get" done Team Build (when the files from the ConfigurationFolderPath (ie TFSBuild.proj) are downloaded). All I could find was this one blog post: I would...

Does MBTI assessment help development teams?

I was just wondering how much (if at all) MBTI type testing helps development teams? ...

Running MSTEST.exe /publish on a TeamBuild server, what are the prerequisites?

Similarly to, I want to run mstest.exe on a TeamBuild server. My context is - i.e., I'm only trying to use mstest.exe /publish to upload the results i...

MSBuild task for combining NUnit or MSTest XML results

I have a set of NUnit XML result files (produced by xUnit.NET via the NUnitXml parameter to the Xunit.Runner.MSBuild.xunit msbuild task pretty much as in and

VSTS Team Build Mail notification should include the "associateChangeSets"

Team Build Guru's I am looking for "Associated ChangeSets" list included in the build mail notifications say, by default we get a build notification like this, Team Project: Content Server Build Number: MerchantPortal_1.0.0707.69 Build Agent: \Content Server\MerchantPortalBuildBox Build Definition: \Content Server\MerchantP...