
Teamcity and Rake: Where are the tc system properties?

I'm converting some of my NAnt build scripts over to rake. Does anyone know how to access the system properties (e.g. build.number) inside my rake scripts? Is the Teamcity rake plugin even injecting them? I can't seem to find the doco. ...

TeamCity StarTeam Updating Issue

We configured TeamCity to do nightly builds based on a time trigger at 8pm on a standalone VCS root. The root is configured to pull the tip. It is also set to do a clean checkout every time. Has anyone else encountered an issue where not all modified files up to the point in time that the configuration is triggered on will be include...

TeamCity & MSBuild integration

Is there any way to get TeamCity's build numbering to match the publish version (ApplicationRevision) number generated by MSBuild's publish task? ...

Deployment after CI builds

Hi Guys, Im pretty new to CI so bear with me here. I have just setup an instance of Team City in on a local machine, and I can clearly see the benefits. The one thing we do want understand is how we can managed the deployment aspect of CI. What we really want to achieve are two builds: 1) We check in to our source repository and the...

Building ONLY Labelled Versions with or TeamCity

We're currently using CruiseControl.NET as a continuous integration server for a number of ASP.NET web projects, but we're also evaluating TeamCity. This is working great for our build server. What we'd like to setup is a customer facing test server. I'm thinking that when we are happy for our latest development version to be released...

Python question regarding a server listener

I wrote a plug-in for the jetbrains tool teamcity. It is pretty much just a server listener that listens for a build being triggered and outputs some text files with information about different builds like what triggered it, how many changes there where ect ect. After I finished that I wrote a python script that could input info into tea...

Subversion, best practice for small team of 5 developers?

Hello, we have svn setup through Assembla with CI Team City. I understand source control, my team is new to it? How should we proceed with work? Right now our environment, is not organized as it should be. I am also trying to get Trac working for our group. What should we do each person work on there own branch? Merge the changes back to...

TeamCity and PHP

We are considering TeamCity for continuous integration but have projects in both Rails (Rake tests) and PHP (PHPUnit tests). I'm a bit new to CI - Has anyone setup TeamCity for PHP projects? If so, is it straight-forward? Thanks, Chad ...

How can I change the working directory for NUnit tests in Team City?

Hi, I am using Team City as the build server, and I have a msbuild build script to build and run integration tests for my project. However, Team City when running my tests decides to ignore the WorkingDirectory attribute on the NUnit task, and as a result my tests fail to initialize: [17:46:54]: [Project "MyProject.msbuild.xml.teamcity...

How can I include my database in the continuous integration process?

Please excuse me, today is my first day trying to setup a CI environment using TeamCity. I'm developing an ASP.NET/Sql Server app and so far so good. MSBuild is my provider. I'd like to know what the options are when it comes to automatically making sure changes to my local database are uploaded to the test server as part of the integr...

Put current build number of 'release' configuration to 'nightly build' configuration?

We've just started to use TeamCity as a continuous integration server. There's a problem we're trying to solve now: We have a 'release' configuration, it has build versions set like this: 1.0.0.{0} We also have a 'nightly build' configuration, which build number is:{build.vcs.number.1} So the first 2 digits are OK, Major+Minor...

TeamCity 4.5 not recognizing trycatch element in nant script

Our team recently upgraded to TeamCity 4.5.4 but we're having trouble with TeamCity running our nant build scripts. We now get an error message saying: Invalid element <trycatch>. Unknown task or datatype. We haven't changed our build script during or after the upgrade so I'm wondering what, if any, change do we need to make to get thi...

Stop IIS 7 Application Pool from build script

How can I stop and then restart an IIS 7 application pool from an MSBuild script running inside TeamCity. I want to deploy our nightly builds to an IIS server for out testers to view. I have tried using appcmd like so: appcmd stop apppool / ... but I have run into elevation issues in Windows 2008 that so far h...

Hudson or Teamcity for continuous integration?

We are a Java shop looking for a CI tool to use. Both Hudson and Teamcity seem to be free but Teamcity seems slicker and with more support. I was wondering why one would still use Hudson and if anyone could provide any argument for/against either? ...

How to diagnose "TestFixtureSetUp Failed"

We use TeamCity as our CI server, and I've just started seeing "TestFixtureSetUp Failed" in the test failure window. Any idea how I go about debugging this problem? The tests run fine on my workstation (R# test runner in VS2008). ...

TeamCity: Scripting elements jsp:declaration, jsp:expression, jsp:scriptlet are disallowed here.

I am not sure where to begin with this error message. I have tried googling, but I was never able to nail down a solid reason why I am getting this message. I have looked at various jsp tutorials and they all seem relatively simple so I don't see the problem. I am writing another plugin for JetBrains TeamCity and have been passing va...

Notifications template bug in TeamCity (BUILD_NUMBER)?

I've set up TeamCity to notify the whole team when a new internal release is ready. The email contains links to server folders where the distributive has been placed. The link pattern is quite simple, the only thing that's 'dynamic' is the lowest-level folder - it's name matches the version number. The folder is generated by MsBuild usi...

How to call the a unit test target in a project from a 'solution' project

I'm trying to get Team City to build my .NET solution and run my nUnit tests. I know I can modify the individual projects and tell them always run the unit tests. I don't want the unit tests to run when I click "build" in visual studio, but I do want the unit tests to run when Team City kicks off a msbuild task. I tried "msbuild soluti...

Is it OK to delete subversion checkout in TeamCity manually?

I have accidentally checked out the root, instead of project directory using TeamCity. This file is massive (40gb+). I would like to remove this from the disk but I am unsure how in TeamCity to do this OR alternatively if TeamCity will allow me to do a good ole manual delete? The last thing I need is TeamCity dropping exceptions because ...

How to set a Mercurial VCS build trigger for TeamCity that ignores label operations

I am trying to setup a build trigger for TeamCity using Mercurial as the VCS. Right now the trigger looks like: +:/** This trigger get fired when changesets are committed. However, I have TeamCity setup to tag each build in the VCS. The tagging process is firing the above build trigger so the build gets caught in a loop. Can anyone s...