
how does Google implement online PDF reader?

hello I am somewhat ignorant about modern web technology, last have played with them way back in CGI days. I am curious as to how Google implements their PDF reader online, can you please explain it briefly? from what I can tell it is not a simple webpage/image Thanks ...

historically, what made relational databases popular?

EDIT I've just started skimming Codd's famous 1970 paper that started it all, that Oracle was based on (A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks [pdf]), and was amazed to find that it seems it will answer this SO question. It talks about databases in the market at that time ("hierarchical" and "network" - like NoSQL?), the...

Will VC++ MFC become obsolete in near future?

Normally people say MFC is little clumsy. It makes UI development slightly difficult to maintain since it has lot of auto generated code. It has good architecture (doc/view) but is not transparent like Win32 programming to understand how window program works in the background. So with this situation, is it good to extend the exposure on ...

How does the "Unlimited Detail" graphics technology work?

So I stumbled upon this "new" graphics engine/technology called Unlimited Detail. This seems to be pretty interesting granted it's real and not a fake. They have some videos explaining the technology but they only scratch the surface. What do you think about it? Is it programmatically possible? Or is it just a scam for investors? U...

Why Can't Businesses Upgrade their Browsers from IE6/IE7?

I have read lots these past few weeks on IE6, seeing if it was really that bad to make it look right. I have just learned HTML and CSS this past year so I've been spoiled to start with basically CSS3 and HTML5, and I can do some really cool stuff super fast. I'm no IE6 master and I don't have years of experience with IE. So I thought ...

What technology should I use to write my game?

I have a great idea for a 3D network game, and I've concluded that it is possible to write it in Java as an applet which will live under the web browser, just like a full software in C++. And it will look and feel the same. The main advantage of Java on C++ is that with Java you can play without downloading any software. I have already ...

Where do I get a list of all known viruses signatures?

I have written some antivirus software in Python, but am unable to find virus signatures. The software works by dumping each file on the hard disk to hex, thus getting the hex signature. Where do i get signatures for all the known viruses? ...

How do I create a type of compression that my software can read / write? My software only.

I am working on a project that requires programmatically distributing a compressed file that in a format that is associated with my software. I am writing the software in Python. I would use .zip, but I don't want to overwrite any previouse filetype associations. ( with zip utilities ) ...

What is the problem with ODBC as a technology?

Recently Zed Shaw (a programmer who blogs) mentioned that ODBC references should be removed from the popular python book Dive into Python. I have never worked with ODBC and I just wanted to understand why ODBC is so "bad". What are the pros and cons of the technology? What alternatives are there? ...

Help with filetype association!

I have the actual association part down, but when I open the file that is associated with my Python program, how do I get the filepath of the file opened? I think it is something like sys.argv? But that just returns the path to the python program, not the associated file. ...

Is learning WinForms worthwhile? Is it outdated?

I just completed two WinForm applications as part of an intensive course. Just wondering about the technology overall... should I move onto something new, or is WinForms still viable for the future? ...

Which is the best Technology in .net? For web development.

I am new in .net; I would like to learn any new technology in .net. Prefer me any good technology to develop web application effectively and easily. ...

Spiceworks technology

Which technology was used to develop "spiceworks"? Somewhere I found that it was developed on RoR. But what is the back-end technology they use to store data? ...

How to make software which will work like torrent?

Hey guys How to make software work like torrent work? Bcz always when i see that torrent software then i am really amazed by their sizes and what they do in that sizes? How they managed the download by parts and then all together as soon as u downloaded full part? and as soon as you had great speed then your download speed automatically ...

How would I create a technology standards document for my company?

I'm a Director of Product Engineering for my company. My CEO has asked me to create a technology standards document, explaining things like the technology we use, our policy on adapting to new technology, and design standards like percent of code covered by unit tests. I've never had to do something like this, and I've spent a significan...

When is the right time to switch to a new technology?

I am a beginner at software development and web site development. I love using Microsoft .NET stuff but it seems like they are always coming out with new technologies that requre users to download new tools to use them. For example, many Windows Apps that I write require users to download the .NET platform 3.5. If I switch over to VS201...

Whats the difference between CS and IT?

Whats the difference between Computer Science Engineering(CSE) and Information Technology(IT)? ...

Technology Question

Ok this is not a programming question but this thing has been bugging me for some time and I don't know where else to ask. I will delete the question if people object to it. Similar question can be found on Yahoo! Answers. I saw this car advertisement in the newspaper which shows a black and white hazy picture (heres a sample) and they a...

What are some places to find out about bleeding edge web tech and trends?

Hey guys, As a web developer it's always nice to be knowledgeable about upcoming web trends and tech, but currently I am very limited to what I hear about through friends and at work. Where are some places you go to find out about bleeding edge web stuff? Examples might be things like: Non-Relational Databasing Augmented Reality ...

Software Development Legends: The Movers and Shakers

Possible Duplicate: Who in the software world do you admire the most? As a software engineer, I am pretty interested in the history of computers, programming languages and technology in general. Most of all, I like to read about the advent of algorithms and languages and the reasons behind their creation. I found the story of...