
IE Hover effect not firing when Dragging and Dropping

Hi, I'm using a Telerik JQuery activated drag and drop. The form is set up with two basic containers, one is a Radlistview with the elements that get dragged, and the other is a target repeater container with words. The whole thing is a type of matching exercise. The problem that I'm having is that the hover effect doesn't activate w...

GridBoundColumn with multiple DataFields

I have a GridBoundColumn that I would like to be bound to 2 fields so that I can display the two fields in one column. I would like to do something like the following: <GridBoundColumn DataField1="LastName" DataField2="FirstName" DataFormatString="{0},{1}"> Is this possible? If so how can it be accomplished? This is used in a Teler...

Free third party ASP.NET control collections?

Hi, Having used DevExpress and the like for several projects for clients, I am wondering if there is a community maintained collection of controls comparable to the DevExpress, Telerik et al collections for ASP.NET? Any thoughts? Regards Moo ...

Telerik RadAjaxManager still postbacks

I've the following code in my page: <telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="ajax_manager" runat="server" DefaultLoadingPanelID="ajax_panel"> <AjaxSettings> <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="mygrid"> <UpdatedControls> <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="mygrid" /> </UpdatedControls> ...

Error calling View.Refresh on a CollectionViewSource in Silverlight

I am trying to refresh the sorting on a CollectionViewSource using Silverlight 3: var MyView = Resources["SortedCart"] as CollectionViewSource; MyView.View.Refresh(); XAML CollectionViewSource config: <CollectionViewSource x:Key="SortedCart" Source="{Binding Path=Model.CurrentCart, Source={StaticResource ViewMod...

How to bind a telerik grid column to a child data object that is a list?

I have a grid that binds a number of child data objects to columns with no issue, using the syntax defined at What I cannot figure out, however, is how to aggregate a child object that is a list or collection. For example, if I have a Customer object and I want to get ...

RadGrid doesn't update immediately with LINQ query in CustomValidator

Hi, I have a RadGrid that was working fine. I then added a CustomValidator which contains a LINQ. Now when you update the updates aren't shown immediately, the old data is there. You have to do a Refresh for the updated data to come through. I narrowed the problem down to a LINQ query in the CustomValidator. It goes something like this: ...

Selected item in RadTreeView

How can i retreive "Header" of selected item in RadTreeView(SilverLight) control? ...

RadAsyncUpload not appearing in RadGrid edit

Hi, I have a RadAsyncUpload in a RadGrid EditItemTemplate. When I go Add New it appears fine. However when I attempt to Edit a current item it doesn't appear. The problem is only apparent when the RadGrid is ajaxified. Has anybody else experienced this, know how to fix it? ... js script with jquery problem

Hello! At my project I use telerik ajax controls set. so at my masterpage I have. <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server"/> Also I would like use some jquery functions: <asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent"> <div class="pnlFind" style="display...

Getting ClientID of control in RadGrid edit form

I have Telerik RadGrid with a custom edit form. In my edit form there is a RadDatePicker to which I have added a custom footer template containing a 'Today' button. In the OnClick event of the button I call a Javascript function which takes the control ID to set the selected date. However, because the control is inside the edit form th...

Add new row(s) dynamically in emtpy table using telerik grid in ASP.NET MVC

Hello, I'm just starting to use the ASP.NET MVC. i am thinking of adding an "Add New Row" button to the top to add a new data row to the table/grid in a form. Initially, I want the grid/table to be empty, with only headers of table to be displayed. however, if there are no data rows, the whole grid doesn't appear. Is there any why by...

How do you change the color of a Telerik GridGroupByExpression arrow?

Does anybody know how to change the color of GridGroupByExpression arrow shown at the link below? I haven't figured out how to change the color from the default black. I'd like to change the several I have in my project to white (in the above demo it'...

ASP.NET with Telerik Controls Performance Tuning?

I am using Telerik controls in an ASP.NET Website. It takes time while sending an Ajax request. Is it advisable to use Telerik controls? Do Telerik controls affect the performance of the ASP.NET website? Please let me know tricks to identify the memory leak in an ASP.NET application, specifically in aspx.cs pages. ...

Telerik Grid Paging Count and Item Count Incorrect

Hi, We're using a RadGrid in DotnetNuke module to show a list of stores. The user can filter the list of stores by choosing a country and province from drop down lists that are separate from the grid. The page count and item count figures are incorrect all the time. We've tried using DataBind and Rebind on the Grid object, but it mak...

Telerik. RadScriptManager issue at RadWindow.

Hello, i show RadWindow from parent form: <telerik:RadTreeView ID="tvFile" runat="server"> OnClientContextMenuItemClicking="onClientContextMenuItemClicking"> <ContextMenus> <telerik:RadTreeViewContextMenu ID="MainContextMenu" runat="server"> <Items> <telerik:RadMenuItem Value="Rights" Text="Rights"/> ...

Telerik menu Item issue in Chrome

I am using Telerik Menu Item for navigation and my page displays an embedded PDF. The page works perfectly fine on IE but on Google Chrome, the menu just hides behind the pdf. I tried using z-index but it does not seem to help. Can someone please help me with this? Here is the code snippet: ...

Telerik TreeView ajax refresh issue

I have a Telerik Treeview on an aspx page housed inside of a Master Page. There is also an ascx user control on the page as well. Both controls are embedded in Ajax proxies for refresh. When the ascx is modified, it fires the TreeView Ajax proxy in order to refresh the TreeView. The web site works great for most users (including test...

Help with my WPF Layout

Hello, I have a WPF Line of business application. Most of it is hosted in user controls in tabs. I'm having an issue finding out how to layout this so it would fit any resolution (with scrolling if necessary). Here's the issue described in code because i really can't figure out how to put this to text, if it's not clear please let me kno...

Telerik RadGrid's paging section not refreshing

Hello All I have a problem with a telerik RadGrid where the paging section is not refreshing. If, for example, the first search returns 15 records and the second search only 5 records, I see '... page 1 of 2...' in the second search which is incorrect info caused by the paging section of the grid not refreshing. My page count is set to ...