
Is it possible to serialize wpf telerik controls

Hi, I have hashtable that contain wpf and telerik controls, and I need to serialize it to xml file. I found this code for wpf controls: string savedButton = XamlWriter.Save(origianlButton); File.WriteAllText(@"C:\test.xml", savedButton); but it doesn't work for telerik controls, it stuck and I get this error: An unhandled exception ...

Controller side column binding for Telerik MVC Grid

I have a partial view that uses a Telerik MVC Grid, and it has column binding code as follows (very partial view): .Columns(column => { column.Bound(model => model.PlannedFinishDate).Title("Planned Date").Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}").Width(83); column.Bound(model => model.Province).Width(70); if (Roles.IsUserInRole("Controller")...

What is the code for selecting a Telerik radiobutton?

What code should I write to select a Telerik radiobutton? It doesn't have a .checked property. ...

how do I let a user upload .zip files in telerik radeditor

Hi, I'm not sure how to allow my RadEditor to accept .zip files it has all of the default content managers (image, flash, template, media, document) and none of these will allow my users to upload a .zip file and I cannot find where I can change this manually. I am using Visual Studio 2010 with Telerik and the RadEditor control. Thank...

Customizing the RadGrid EditItemTemplate Telerik

I created a RadGrid and added in the default edit stuff so that I can edit the data in my table. However, there is no validation for the controls that were generated and it is not very user friendly. I want to add some validation to the controls and also style them with css. What would be the best way to go about doing this? Is it possi...

Telerik RadGrid will not maintain spacing on editgrid setting

Telerik RadGrid will not maintain spacing on editgrid setting, it collapses on a null value. All null columns do not appear and cause the entire grid to not line up properly. Any suggestions on how to correct this issue? Thanks! ...

dialogs must be user-initiated - RadUpload control of telerik for silverlight 4

Hi I am upgrading my application from silverlight 3 to silverlight 4 and using latest telerik binaries which is for silverlight 4, I have one issue in RadUpload. When RadUpload.ShowFileDialog(); method called it will through the error as follows System.Security.SecurityException: Dialogs must be user-initiated. Can anyone help me ...

Custom 404 page on Sitefinity 3.5

How do I implement a custom 404 page on Sitefinity 3.5 using ASP.NET? ...

How to implement undo/redo in a MVVM application?

I'm working on a Silverlight LoB app which the designers want to have a tabbed-interface, similar to the interface of Visual Studio (we'll probably use the Telerik Rad controls for docking tabs). Having done a prototype, the interface is working well so far, but I'm having problems thinking of how to implement undo/redo functionality in ...

How to read xml child nodes, bind to GridTableView

For the below xml, Is there some way that I can read the nodelist Products, which comes in dynamically with many number of Childnodes, with its child nodes and having multiple number of Attributes in it? The motive being: Binding the xml to Radgrid with a hierarchial representation just like this <Results> <Products ID="1" B_Id="12" ......

Adding a RadDatePicker to a custom RadGrid Form Template

I have a RadGrid, with the EditFormSettings set to Template. Within my <FormTemplate> I have a RadDatePicker that I need to databind. My code: <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="rdpStartDate" runat="server" SelectedDate='<%# Bind("StartDate") %>'> </telerik:RadDatePicker> "StartDate" references the column name in my DB. I have attempt...

How can I make Telerik TabStrip tabs persist between page requests?

Hi, in Telerik ASP.NET MVC TabStrip, I want the page to remember which tab was selected last and persist the selection through multiple page requests. What I have is a partial view that shows in multiple pages and it contains the TabStrip. With SelectedIndex the set tab always get selected, which nullifies user's selection. ...

Default.aspx not firing events

We have recently put up a new server with IIS7, where we now have published a .NET4 site. Locally everything works fine, but on this server the Default.aspx is not working. No events are firing at all for this page. Every other page works as should. We've tried deleting the Default.aspx and adding a new blank one with just a button eve...

disable right click in file explorer telerik

Greetings everyone, i just wanna ask.. how do i disable the right click property in a telerik file explorer... what i want to achieve particularly is to restrict the user from deleting a file or folder.. i managed to hide the delete in toolbar but not in the right click.. kindly help me out... thanks... Below is the code i did for hidin...

Microsoft Windows Azure Web Host has stoped working !!!

Hello, I am developing a web application with Azure Cloude Service and using ASP.NET 3.5, Telerik ASP.NET Ajax control and MSSQL-SERVER 2008 R2. I fetching problem while debugging. my problem is bellow : Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: WaWebHost.exe Application Version: 6.0.6002.18005 Applica...

RadComboBox CSS and IE6 problems

Hi This page has 2 RadComboBoxes on it, which are connected in a subcategory way.. with LINQ datasources. I'm getting a strange rendering bug in IE6, whereby it is the RadComboBoxes (which I've got on other pages as well, with the same issue) which seem to affect the IE6 specific CSS (shown below) and cause it problems. Basically the...

Telerik and lightBox

Hi, In my master page I have RadScriptManager and AjaxControlToolKit which work fine together. However on one of my pages I had LightBoxScriptManager. I tried to remove LightBoxScriptManager and in my master page added lightbox script references and at the top reference to the stylesheet. As below: <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="Script...

multi select problem with telerik radgrid

Hi All I Have radgrid with GridClientSelectColumn column , when the user select all records then unselect one record the select all records checkbox still selected. Is There any workaround. ...

Change RadWindow style

Hello, How I make to modify style or color of RadWindow? Im using SL4 and telerik latest binaries which is compatible with SL4. Thanks in advances Bhushan Deshmukh ...

RadEditor and document.ready

document.ready is not working in RadEditor, when i use the following jquery code <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#accordion").accordion(); }); </script> It shows as error in RadEditor ...