
Why is Telerik JustCode so confused?

I have been using JustCode(latest ver) for about 2 months now, and have started just turning it off most of the time. The final straw was today when I wasted about an hour trying to find out why I was getting an error(along the lines of no overload with those parameters) when I was sure the code was correct. Finally I turned JC off and t...

Show hyperlink and popup window when Mouseover on image !

Hello , I am developing a web application using, telerik RadAjax control. I have to need to develop when mouseover the image then show a hyperlink and when click the clink then open a new window(like facebook profile picture change). Please Help me... ...

Double clicking allowed in web apps?

I am taking over the code of another person. This person is allowing double clicks to occur on RadGrids (Telerik Control).. I personally hate the idea of allowing double clicks in a web application. I tihnk it is not natural. Is there any good argument against double clicks in web apps? Or am I wrong and double clicks in web apps are go...

How to know if a RadToolBarButton is checked or not with JS

Hello, I'd like to know if there is a way to tell if the RadToolBarButton "Filter" is checked or not using JS. <telerik:RadToolBar ID="SelectionToolBar" runat="server" OnButtonClick="SelectionToolBar_Click" OnClientButtonClicking="clientButtonClicking"> <Items> <telerik:RadToolBarButton Value="Flagged" ...

how can i check and change the Text Of the DataBound column of My telerik RadGrid?

hi my dear friends: in my rad grid i have a boundColumn(system.string) that i want to change it's null value to another customize text... how can i check and change the Text Of the DataBound column of My telerik RadGrid? thanks for your future answer ...

Telerik ASP.NET MVC's Combobox page-loading

Does Telerik has a plan to make ASP.NET MVC's combobox have a feature of only fetching the data brought into view(as scrolled by user). The current ASP.NET MVC combobox fetch all rows even though they are not brought into view by the user. If they don't have that feature yet, I'm worried that ASP.NET MVC combobox would not scale in real...

jQuery UI vs Telerik vs ...?

I'm in the process of building a web cms platform. And I've come to a point where I have to choose what actually goes in the pages (I've been building the "core" for now). What do you think is the best option and could you give me your reasons for choosing that? Currently I'm looking at jQuery UI, Telerik, and I'm also juggling with t...

How do you pass an argument in Telerik's RadListBox OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event?

How do you pass an argument in Telerik's RadListBox OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event? It seems the method you call with this event is <script type="text/javascript"> someMethod(sender, eventArgs) { var ajaxManager = $find("<%= RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page).ClientID %>"); if (ajaxManager != null) ajaxManager.ajaxRequest("Lis...

Telerik radlistbox fires both OnClientItemChecked and OnClientSelectedIndexChanged when an item is checked

Telerik radlistbox fires both OnClientItemChecked and OnClientSelectedIndexChanged when an item is checked in Firefox and IE but not in Chrome. Chrome seems to have the proper behavior. Is there a reason for this? Can I make IE and Firefox behave accordingly as well? Some more context; This radlistbox gets loaded in an ascx panel. ...

Copying the entire telerik docklayout from one page to another page

Hello I'm trying to copy the docklayout from one page and try to recreate it in another page. Here is my code- Default.aspx <div> <telerik:RadDockLayout ID="dockLayout" runat="server" OnSaveDockLayout="dockLayout_SaveDockLayout"> <telerik:RadDockZone ID="dockZone" runat="server"> <telerik:RadDock ID="dock" runat="server" UniqueName="d...

Telerik RadGrid with MVP Pattern

Does anyone know a solid way of implementing Telerik GridView (or any other grid view for that matter) using the Model-View-Presenter pattern. I have managed to implement some functionality but others just seem almost impossible to implement. This is so especially when working with detail tables because they logic is so tightly integrate...

How to insert Dropdown list box in Telerik grid

Hello Friends, I have a telerik Grid, with two columns I need to keep Second column as Dropdown list box with in the grid, I am using mvc Control Can any body tell me how to do this? thanks ...

Telerik RadTreeView visual cue

Hello. We're building this visual cue control to use with a RadTreeView control. The idea is that the visual cue should indicate the currently selected item, when clicking the VisualCue, it should bring up and show the selected item when the items parents are collapsed, or when the items get scrolled out of view. Basically, clicking it w...

Deferred loading of RadGrid and strange error in firefox

Hi all, I have some strange issues with loading of RadGrid. What I'm trying to accomplish is deferred loading user control from web service. This technique is explained on this link: In explorer and chrome works fine except, styling of a grid is not a...

RadGrid select rows problem

Hi all: I have RadGrid from telerik with GridClientSelectColumn column ,when the user check records and click action button the SelectedItems is empty. Is there any way to retrive SelectedItems? ...

Delete row in nested Telerik MVC grid

I face a problem - the controller method gets a NULL argument (key field value) from the nested (detail) view. What did I miss? <% Html.Telerik().Grid<mCustomer>() .Name("CustomerGrid") .Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(c => c.CustomerId).Title("CustomerId").Visible(false); columns.Bound(c => c.CustomerNam...

how to find html anchor control in telerik:radgrid ?

how to find html anchor control in telerik:radgrid ? ...

Telerik RadGrid bound to web service without Linq

I want to bind a Telerik RadGrid to a web service without using Linq. In all examples I can find, the web service has to return a List(Of MyObject); I've tried this, and it works great. However, the table I'm binding to may at runtime have additional columns, or columns may have different data type, so I can't use a static MyObject class...

Telerik RadControl(ASP.NET AJAX): Can't find control using suggested method

We are using Telerik radcontrols in our web form and I am trying to solve an annoying problem for a while. According to Telerik, I should be able to find my control from client-side using the following method, var element = $find('<%= dateSampleDate.RadDatePicker_ClientId %>'); [A little clarification about the statement above: This R...

How to force 24 hour time in Telerik's RadDateTimePicker and keep the date formatting as "d"?

I'm using Telerik's RadDateTimePicker to select the time of the event in my web-app (ASP.NET, .NET 3.5). The application is targeting multiple countries, my date formatting is taken care of based on users' CultureInfo. There's one problem, I need the time part of the date/time to ALWAYS show in 24 hour format, no matter what Culture...