
telerik radgrid with external filter control

I want to have the filter controls of a radgrid sit outside the radgrid. can this be done? ...

Source code for SitefInity commuity edition?

Telerik have discontinued Sitefinity community edition...they have taken down the download link..anyone have the source code? Was the source code availble before? I like the way it worked... ...

How to access the DataNavigateUrlFormatString in a gridhyperlinkcolumn on a telerik radgrid programatically

My question is, how do you access the DataNavigateUrlFormatString property in a gridhyperlinkcolumn on a telerik radgrid programatically? At the moment i can access the text displayed through the cells in the master table view like so, string filename = myRadGrid.MasterTableView.Items[e.Item.ItemIndex].Cells[12].Text; but on a gridh...

Grouping not working with ajaxically loaded telerik MVC Grid

Hi, i m using telerik extensions for .net mvc. in grid everything is working fine until i try to group the grid control based on some columns. actually my grid is not server bound (even it loads the grid from a partial view using ajax). in this grid grouping causes problems and i get javascript error at a[this.plugins[e]].initialize(this...

Can I use both DevExpress and Telerik on the same web page

Will there be any problems if I use DevExpress controls and Telerik controls on the same web page. Imagine I am nesting them insider one another. I am wondering if they would conflict each other during AJAX calls. ...

Exporting a filtered Grid data In Telerik RadGrid

When exporting a rad grid data if the user has it filtered in any way the grid should just export the filtered data not the entire dataset - Any idea how to achieve this? Regards - Hemant ...

Need to replace all the <asp:DropDownList> with telerik equivalent

Hi, I need to replace all the <asp:DropDownList> with telerik's equivalent control what is the effective way to achieve this? thanks for your support! ...

Simple C# code freezes itself and all 32-bit applications (incl. VS2008) but only if run under a debugger with a breakpoint set.

Background: As part of a small winforms app I'm developing I have a login screen. Besides the standard username/password fields it also has a third field - "Location" which is a dropdown containing possible geographical locations where a user can log on. The list of possible locations depends on the "distributor" to which the user belong...

Design pattern(s) for a webservice enabled telerik treeview for navigation of a document site

I am currently working on a document management system in ASP.NET 3.5 using the Telerik AJAX toolkit. It consists of masterpage with a title banner across the top and a RadTreeview down the left hand side for navigation through the site. The treeview uses a combination of static nodes and dynamic ones. The dynamic nodes are populated via...

Telerik MVC Combobox AutoComplete error

I am using the Telerik autocomplete option In the header: <script type="text/javascript"> function onAutoCompleteDataBinding(e) { var autocomplete = $('#AutoComplete').data('tAutoComplete'); autocomplete.dataBind(["Product 1", "Product 2", "Product 3"]} </script> In the body of the View: <%=Html.Telerik().AutoComplete() .Name(...

How to make only single row selected in telerik radgrid detailtables?

Hello everyone, currenetly, I am using the telerik Radgrid control to build a grid. my grid have two levels ( mastertableview and detailtables). In detailtables, there is a gridclientselectcolumn to show a checkbox. What i want to do is to make only one row selected at each time. That means, when I select a row in a detail table, the o...

Formatting Telerik Chart and Legend Labels in Silverlight

I am trying to format a column called 'Month' using the 3-character month abbreviation in my data grid which is bound to a bar chart. My grid and chart are based on this demo example: Basically, the grid compiles data and summarizes by Year, Quarter, Month, and then some other ca...

Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'xxx'. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel.

I have a page with Ajax Tab controls, within one of the tabs is a webcontrol that as a Telerik RadGrid, with Edit forms pointing to another web control. That edit form also contains Ajax Tabs and on one of those tabs, there is an Ajax modal popup of yet another webcontrol. The initial webcontrol works fine when used on it's own page, bu...

RadTreeListView : ColumnView issue

Hi, I am very much new to the Silverlight. We have an application using with Silverlight, WCF and Telerik controls. I am using RadTreeListView. in RadTreeListView i have used custom columns as below <radNavigation:RadTreeListView.Columns> <radNavigation:RadColumn CellTemplate="{StaticResource CustomNodeTemplate}" IsSortabl...

Show hyperlink and popup window when Mouseover on image in Ajax Enable Page ?

Hello, I am using this solution for "Show hyperlink and popup window when Mouseover on image". Its working nicely but Its not working when Ajax is Enable on page. How can I do this workable in Ajax enable page? ...

Keyboard navigation in Telerik WPF RadCarousel

I'm struggling a bit with keyboard navigation in the Telerik WPF RadCarousel. If i click outside an item, but within the carousel-control, keyboard naviation works as expected (I can switch between items using the left and right keyboard arrows), but if I click an item within the RadCarousel, keyboard navigation is gone. How can I get th...

Telerik RadAjaxPanel returns 404

Hello, I'm trying to do a RadAjaxPanel ajaxRequest (invoked on the client) to call the server event-handler. I'm getting a 404. I do have a server-side AjaxRequest handler defined but it never gets call because of something with the request. What do I have to do to figure this out? .NET 4.0, IIS 7.5, latest telerik. Thanks. ...

Loading RadGrid NestedView on demand without using SqlDataSource

Hello, I'm looking for an example on how to create a RadGrid NestedView template that loads the data when expanded. All the examples I see use a SqlDataSource, but I would prefer to avoid that since I'm not using it on the parent grid (using the NeedsDataSource event). This can't be that hard... I just can't get the databinding down. ...

Open Radwindow From Radwindow

Hi, I have two pages. Details and orderdetails. In Details page i have radwindow with window manager. I am opening orderdetails page using iframe in details page. See code below. <telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWinManager" runat="server" OnClientDragStart="WindowDragStart" OnClientResize="WindowDragStart" OnClientResizeStart="WindowDr...

Pesky "Invalid character in a Base-64 string." Exception...

Hello, Recently my application has been getting tons of these exceptions. I run 3.5 on a Windows XP machine. The exceptions tend to be random. The application uses the Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2010 SP1. The exception and StackTrace are below. Exception Type: System.FormatException Message: Invalid character...