
Testdriven.Net And NUnit Exception

Recently something happened to my TD.Net environment. When running tests with TD.Net, its looking for nunit 2.4.6. This happens with any project that uses NUnit as my testing framework. No references to that version in any of my projects. Have un-installed / re-installed both the latest NUnit and TD.Net several times. TD.Net works fine ...

How do I change test stub framework?

When I stub out a test with CodeRush, it is automatically inserting a using statement for NUnit when I already have a using statement for MBUnit. Is there a way to change the default test framework used when using the templates? I was unable to find it if so. ...

Getting Console output to display from Gallio & xunit.net

Previously when executing unit tests with xunit.net / testdriven.net I could see output written to the console (via Console.WriteLine) displayed in the output window. I'm now using the Gallio TestDriven.Net runner to execute xunit.net tests (Gallio TestDriven.Net Runner - Version 3.0.6 build 787) - and I'm finding it no longer captures ...

Gallio Icarus vs. Testdriven.net

What are the differences between using a VS integrated tool like Testdriven.net or using a GUI test runner like Icarus or NUnit GUI? What do you prefer and why? So far i've found that reports are better in Icarus than in td.net, which only features a commandline output. However td.net is faster to use, i can execute single tests more e...

How do I specify test method parameters with TestDriven.NET ?

Hi, I'm writing unit tests with NUnit and the TestDriven.NET plugin. I'd like to provide parameters to a test method like this : [TestFixture] public class MyTests { [Test] public void TestLogin(string userName, string password) { // ... } ... } As you can see, these parameters are private data, so I don'...

ServiceLocator Kills NCover

I'm about 2 weeks into a project using ASP.NET MVC/Ninject2 and have a heap of unit tests using Moq and some integration tests using Cassini. Up until yesterday, everything passed in Studio 2008 using TestDriven.NET. "Test with Coverage" worked like a champ. After some new code was added, I now simply get an empty Coverage.xml files ONL...

How to run and debug nunit tests in Visual Studio 2008 on 64-bit Windows 7?

Hello, I've exchanged my dev machine (WinXP/32bit) to a new one (Windows 7/64bit). Now I have trouble running NUnit test from inside Visual Studio 2008. I'm using latest build of TestDrivenNet. What I am looking for is either: a) how to make TestDrivenNet work on Win7/64 b) looking for suggestion for alternative test runner. Free one...

TestDriven.Net nunit.framework error

I am running TestDriven.Net version 2.23, NBehave version, and nunit version Unit I am also running the latest version of Resharper. Here is a snipet of test code: var address = new Address { ActiveYN = true, Address...

Run an NUnit test without using the mouse?

When I want to run 1 test, I always have to right-click the method declaration and click "Run Test". Is there a way to do this without using the mouse? ...

proliferation of rocket tray icons

Each time I run a test using TestDriven, it creates another "rocket" icon on my system tray. I have to manually do right-click Quit to get rid of them. How can I avoid this? ...

Can a Gallio/MbUnit Test be Ran without Installing Gallio?

Hi all, I've installed TestDriven.Net in Visual Studio 2008 and when I run a mbunit test from TD.Net I get this message: It looks like you're trying to execute a Gallio/MbUnit unit test. For Gallio v3.0.6 build 787 / Gallio v3.1 build 313 or above (recommended): Please ensure that the directory containing your 'MbUnit.dll' re...

Problems redirecting NUnit assembly version (what is [AssemblyName].temp.config?)

I am using some of the testing libraries from Sharp Architecture which make use of NUnit 2.5.0 while the rest of my project uses NUnit 2.5.1 so I placed an assembly redirect in my test project app config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <runtime> <assemblyBinding> <dependentAssembly> ...

Integration test failing through NUnit Gui/Console, but passes through TestDriven in IDE

I am using NHibernate against an Oracle database with the NHibernate.Driver.OracleDataClientDriver driver class. I have an integration test that pulls back expected data properly when executed through the IDE using TestDriven.net. However, when I run the unit test through the NUnit GUI or Console, NHibernate throws an exception saying ...

Testdriven.net not available in the right-click context menu

Testdriven.net not available in the right-click context menu?? ...

Tests under TestDriven.NET not picking up updated fuslogvw settings

If there's a dup of this, I'll be upvoting it but until someone finds it for me.... This is a Things I've Learned Today [that nobody seems to have blogged about] entry... With TestDriven.NET, I was continually getting the following output from an Assembly.Load : WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly b...

NUnit, TestDriven.Net: Duplicate test results with partial test classes

I just discovered that I was getting twice the number of tests run that I should've been getting. Discovered it when a test broke and I got two identical test failures. Same test, same everything. Got me quite confused, but managed to narrow it down to a certain test class that was a partial class. The reason it was a partial class was ...

Visual Studio 2008 Built In Tests vs TestDriven.net Speed

Can anyone describe what the IDE is doing when you run a single test that has been defined? When I start a single test for the first time, the IDE just sits there, taking a few minutes before it starts compiling. When it complies, I can see what it is doing in the output window. Once I see that, I get my desired results. This slowdow...

Why is NUnit hanging from the command line, but not under TestDriven.NET?

If I start my unit tests from TestDriven.NET under VS2008, they run pretty much immediately. If I start my unit tests using nunit-console.exe, the NUnit console hangs for five minutes before actually running my tests. If I attach a debugger, it seems to be spending its time in System.IO.MemoryStream.Read, called from System.Runtime.Ser...

TestDriven.net NCover problem

I cannot run NCover. I get the error: NCover couldn't create a coverage report I'm running it via TestDriven.net. I am using MSTest and also have resharper 4.2 installed. There isnt a problem with the tests, as it works on collegues machines. Any ideas what the problem is? ...

Gallio TestDriven.Net testing problem

Hello , I have a tdd system , where I use Gallio 3.1 with TestDriven.Net . I've downloaded the patches for them. 1) I'm getting this stack and the test wouldn't stop - SRCSRV: cmd /c svn.exe cat "http://mb-unit.googlecode.com/svn/branches/v3.1/src/Gallio/Gallio/Framework/Pattern/PatternTestInstanceState.cs@2360" --non-interactive > "C...