
JMockit Troubles (just starting)

SO I have a kinda convoluted problem I will describe it with similar examples instead of copying TONS of code in. The problem comes in that I don't really know how to use JMockit well, dare I say properly. I have an interface: public interface IRsrcResolver { RsrcSet getForQuery(Query, RsrcContext, int); } There is a real implement...

Unit Testing Mock/Stub definitions in Moq

Any reading or advice I've been given on Unit Testing has always suggested a distinct difference between the definition of a Mock and a Stub. My current understanding of these definitions are as follows Mock: A fake which will be used in your test to make a final assertion Stub: A fake which will be used in your test to isol...

Objective test: ASP.NET vs Google Web Toolkit

Hi, I was wondering if there were any tests out there that compared page loading times for identical websites constructed in either asp.net or gwt. Have had a look but nothing as objective as this seems to be about... ...

what is the test project used for?

I know a test project is used to test a existing project.But I don't know the detail.Can anyone give me some examples to explain the use of test project ...

Side By Side ClickOnce Installations

I would like to deploy a TEST version of my internal application to my testing group and I need it to install side by side with the current LIVE version. I changed everything in the Publish Options but it STILL overwrites my LIVE install. What else do I need to do? Do I have to change the Assembly Name on the Application Tab? Is tha...

phing and phpunit + bootstrap

How to run PHPUnit test suite with bootstrap file with phing? My app structure: application/ library/ tests/ application/ library/ bootstrap.php phpunit.xml build.xml phpunit.xml: <phpunit bootstrap="./bootstrap.php" colors="true"> <testsuite name="Application Test Suite"> <directory>./</directory> </testsuit...

An RSpec2 error by the biggest newb in New Jersey :( | factory_girl, authlogic, rails3

I'm writing an rspec scenario thats failing with: (#<User:0x1056904f0>).update_attributes(#<RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgMatcher:0x105623648>) expected: 1 time received: 0 times users_controller_spec.rb: describe "Authenticated examples" do before(:each) do activate_authlogic @user = Factory.create(:vali...

Can't get Cucumber script to pass when trying to follow a link in a table

I am using Rails 3 with Cucumber, Capybara and Factory_Girl. I am trying to test following the "Show" link for just one of the rows on an HTML table. I am using the syntax: And I follow "Show" within "Net 30" I gives me the following error: unexpected '30' after 'DESCENDANT_SELECTOR' (Nokogiri::CSS::SyntaxError) /System/Library/Fra...

How to move from .NET-style TDD to Ruby?

I've been struggling to adapt my standard approach for test-driving .NET code to Ruby. As an example, I am writing a class that will: grab all *.markdown files from a directory foreach file: extract code samples from file save code to file.cs in output directory Normally for .NET I'd end up with something like: class Examp...

How should I reset a JPA-controlled database before every test?

Is there a best-practice pattern for completely resetting a database to a freshly-paved schema with JPA before a unit test? I have been using a testing persistence unit with hbml2ddl.auto=create-or-drop and recreating EMFs before each test, but I wonder if there's a cleaner way to do it. ...

How to find why my application becomes unresponsive at unaccessible customer sites

My application is deployed at customer sites, that I can not access, and has no internet connection. There are complains that in serveral sites, once in a week or so, the application become unresponsive, so that the operators need to kill and restart it. We were unable to observe it in our site. Is there something I can do that may he...

Iphone Ipad QA testing process

I'm curious about how people test their apps In general. I recently uploaded an app and wanted to reach as many iOS' as possible so i targeted it to 3.0. I did test on iphone 3, iphone 4 and 3GS but found out that there was an obscure sizing of a button image on a specific ios version. In general how do you guys test for different ver...

.NET unit test framework that can handle tests with more than one thread

Hi, I'm trying to find a unit test framework, for the .NET platform, that can handle tests with more than one thread. NUnit does not supports tests that spanws threads, since, for example, exceptions in those threads are not taked into consideration. There is an extension by Roy Osherove, but it is quite dated 1. MBUnit allows a test ...

Run cucumber tests on heroku

I am thinking of running my cucumber tests on my rails app when it is running on heroku. Is this a sane way to check for differences between development environment and deployment environment? Does anybody have any experience of this kind of scenario? Rake -T tells me "cucumber rake task not available (cucumber not installed)" even thou...

Which Perl test module should I use?

There's Test::Simple, Test::More, Test::Builder (all part of the Test::Simple distribution), Test::Class, Test::Unit, Test::Moose... I'm starting a new project using Moose—which module should I use for writing my tests? ...

What Exception is thrown on timeout ?

What Exception is thrown on connection timeout in HTMLUnit ? ...

why i can't install mobione on my pc .

this is the mobione,iPhone Emulator for Windows the error is : !SESSION 2010-09-11 17:19:34.359 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.6.0_21 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=zh_CN Framework arguments: F:\MobiOne_1.0M9_Installer.exe...

How do you use a type outside of its own namespace in clojure?

I have a project set up with leiningen called techne. I created a module called scrub with a type in it called Scrub and a function called foo. techne/scrub.clj: (ns techne.scrub) (deftype Scrub [state] Object (toString [this] (str "SCRUB: " state))) (defn foo [item] (Scrub. "foo") "bar") techne/scrub_test.clj...

Maven Chronos JMeter plugin

Has any one used Chronos for JMeter + Maven plug-in. I am having tough time trying Maven JMeter plug-in and thought of giving it a try I have following pom set up for chronos but when I execute "mvn verify " I encounter following exception - # Maven cannot calculate your build plan, given the following information: Tasks: - verify C...

Spring 3+ How to create a TestSuite when JUnit is not recognizing it

I'm using Spring 3.0.4 and JUnit 4.5. My test classes currently uses Spring's annotation test support with the following syntax: @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration (locations = { "classpath:configTest.xml" }) @TransactionConfiguration (transactionManager = "txManager", defaultRollback = true) @Transactional pu...