
Latex and Vim usage

How can I use Latex effectively in VIM? Is there a way to configure compile errors by highlighting the line in vim? I have syntax highlight. What are other recommended add-ons? Is a makefile the recommended way to compile a latex file to pdf? TexWorks lets you open and replace the opened pdf everytime it's recompiled. Is there a plug...

latex enumerate custom numerical order

are there any simple: almost a single liner latex commands to make enumerate count in a weird order for instance that of a homework assignment? Ex. 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16 ...

Unicode characters in XeLatex

This is my LaTex script: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{xltxtra} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Jenson Classico} \begin{document} ąęśćłó \end{document} I compile this using xelatex through eclipse plugin. As Jenson Classico has no polish characters I have edited this font to a...

insert images with no vertical distance in (la-)tex

I'm trying this, but I get a little distance. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[a3paper,landscape]{geometry} \begin{document} \includegraphics[width=5cm, height=5cm]{1.png}\includegraphics[width=5cm, height=5cm]{1.png}\includegraphics[width=5cm, height=5cm]{1.png}\includegraphics[width=5cm, height=5cm]{1.png} ...

how to create parser for TEX?

I am looking to develop a TEX parser, now problem is there is no Context Free Grammar and there can not be one, because its not context free language, I heard that it is some sort of macro language and that builds on its own. So now I need direction of what kind of grammar this macro language has and how to build anything upon in c#. I...

removing prefix from figure captions in LaTeX

I'd like to make my own caption inside \caption{} in figures of LaTeX, how can I turn off the "Figure " prefix from the captions that appear? thanks. ...

breaking up TeX references in two

I have one Bibtex file that I'd like to appear as two references. For example, if I have a set of 20 references, I want one Main References section that shows 1 through 10 and another Supplementary References section that shows references 11-20 (I want them to be numbered consecutively, not like this.) any ideas? thanks. ...

Override tex macro which throws PackageError

Hi, I am using special usepackage to write my thesis in tex and I need to adjust one of the provided macros. Usually there would be the way to use \renewcommand but in this case it doesn't work. Either the command is not changed or I get the error message that the overridden macro is not set, although I set it. The defined macro I'd lik...

Tool for writing articles

I need a tool to write my thesis. It should work with TeX, support multiple languages (want to publish this work in several languages), bibliographic references, create table of contents, and be able to export the result to pdf format. What toolkit do you use to create your articles? ...

Can Visual Studio Code Editor be used for TeX editor (for example)?

I like Visual Studio Code Editor such as, #region, collapsing, etc. Is it possible to use it to edit and compile TeX? Thank you. ...

How to use TeX for user manuals.

We are in the final preparations for releasing a product and we have to touch up the user guide. The current one we have is an amalgamation of some MS Word and some OpenOffice.org documents. While it's sufficient, we going to massively re-do it after the release in readiness for the following release. We haven't really been happy with ...

TeX: Nesting hboxes in a vbox doesn't display as expected

With the following plain TeX: \hbox to \hsize { \vbox to 2 true in { aaa aaaaa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa. aaa aaaaa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaa aaaaa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa. aaa aaaaa aaaaa aaa aaaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa. } \vbox to 2 true in { bbb bbbbb bbbbb bbb bbbbb bbbb bbb bbbb bbb. bbb bbbbb bbbb...

adding prefix to figure caption in LaTeX?

How can I change the caption of all figures in LaTeX to include a prefix? For example, make all figures appear as "Supplementary Figure 1", "Supplementary Figure 2", ... rather than "Figure 1", "Figure 2"? thanks. ...

Make an unbreakable block in TeX

I want to do something like the following in TeX: \begin{nobreak} Text here will not split over pages, it will remain as one continuous chunk. If there isn't enough room for it on the current page a pagebreak will happen before it and the whole chunk will start on the next page. \end{nobreak} Is this possible? ...