
What macros are defined in a Web2c format file?

Web2c defines its format style using Pascal strings, so there are no separator characters between csnames. Is there a straightforward way of listing all csnames bound in a .fmt file? ...

How to locally change encoding?

I'm using LyX, but I guess a solution would be some TeX code. I'm writing a document in English and I want to insert some Hebrew text, but the document encoding doesn't let me. Using Hebrew encoding for the entire document doesn't work as it ruins the TOC, etc. Is there a way to locally change the text's encoding? ...

Heading \subsection at start of framed environment in LaTeX without leading padding

I've got a framed environment of the memoir class with content like this: \begin{framed} \subsection{Article 1} Content of Article 1 \subsection{Article 2} Content: Article 2 \end{framed} This renders in the following way: ._________________. | | <-- superfluous whitespace | Article 1 | | Content of Art- | | i...

(La)TeX Base 10 fixed point arithmetic

I'm trying to implement decimal arithmetic in (La)TeX. I'm trying to use dimens to store the values. I want the arithmetic to be exact to some (fixed) number of decimal places. If I use 1pt as my base unit, then this fails, because \divide rounds down, so 1pt / 10 gives 0.09999pt. If I use something like 1000sp as my base unit, then ...

XeTeX - Detect when re-run is needed

Hello everyone. I'm trying to determine when a re-run of Xe(La)TeX is required because of undefined references. I've posted a related question on the SCons mailing list, and the problem is as follows: Page counts and other references that require multiple runs of XeLaTeX are sometimes not at present detected by SCons and other build s...

LaTeX listings package: different style for constants/classes/variables

I'm using the listings package for syntax highlighting, set up with the following arguments: \lstset{ language=Java, captionpos=b, tabsize=3, frame=lines, numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, numbersep=5pt, breaklines=true, showstringspaces=false, basicstyle=\footnotesize, identifierstyle=\color{magenta}, keywordstyl...

Match Aquamacs' settings in emacs

How can I match Aquamacs' settings in Mac OS X emacs' AucTeX? Because of some reason I tried to install AucTeX to emacs for Mac OS X. For Aquamacs that has pre-installed AucTeX, everything is pretty cool. It runs SKIM pdf viewer for viewing the result. It can use pdfsync for reverse/forward link between Aquamacs and SKIM. ...

Define linespacing using a Point-Value

Hello Guys, i have to write a paper where the chair claims a font size of 12pt AND a line-spacing of 15pt (which seems not to be \onehalfspacing). Can anyone tell me how to define the spacing using the value 15pt? Best regards and thanks! Philipp ...

PlasTeX doesn't manage to generate images

Hey, I'm trying to use PlasTeX to convert some .tex files into html pages. Here is my testing.tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mypackage} \begin{document} Hello \begin{equation} 23+40+29+29+10+60+33)/7=32 \end{equation} \end{document} but it seems there is an issue when it tries to convert the equation in a ...

LaTeX - left align a table (ie not centred) from the preamble?

I'm making a document in LaTeX, but I can only change the preamble of the document. Inside this document I have tables, made with the longtable environment. By default LaTeX centres each table in the middle of the page. Is there anyway to make the tables be left aligned, given that I can only change the preamble? ...

LaTeX - Automatically scale down an area so that it will be inside a page if it's too big?

I'm making a document in LaTeX. It includes a set of images in a row. A small percentage are quite wide and will stretch and push off the page. If I shrink all the image sequences then most of them will look too small. However it's not easy to figure out what sets are going to be too large. I'd like some automatic way to resize these set...

Is it possible to attach a passive url to a hyperlink such that the passive url is regarded as a refferar url by the target tracker?

Hi all, I want to create a link in my pdf book or my site. When the user click the link, it will visit to a target site using a traffic tracker. I am interested to take advantage of this tracker by manipulating my link so that the tracker will see the incoming request comes from a certain url which actually does not initiate the reques...

LaTeX - Description list - Split the item across multiple lines

I have the following LaTeX file. Notice how the item on the description is very long ...foo.... \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{description} \item[foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo] bar \item[baz] bang \end{description} \end{document...

LaTeX - Lots of sections (with no content) running of the edge of the page?

I have a LaTeX document like this: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \section{1} \section{2} \section{3} \section{4} \section{5} \section{6} \section{7} \section{8} \section{9} \section{10} \section{11} \section{12} \section{13} \section{14} \section{15} \section{16} \section{17} \section{18} \section{19} \section{20} \section{2...

Renumbering figure in LaTeX?

How can I make figures be renumbered in a TeX document? I want the main figures to be 1, 2, 3, ...etc. But then I want a section to have supplementary figures, S1, S2, S3, S4. The "S" does not have to appear in the figure name, but I do want to reset the counter. ...

making TeX documents ragged left justified?

Hi, How can I make my entire LaTeX document (using TeXShop in Mac OS X) left justified, in a "ragged left" mode? I don't want to use blocks of \begin{flushleft} everywhere, I just want to declare somewhere in the document header that the whole document should be this way. Right now everything is fully justified (like newspapers) by de...

Includegraphics problems with a PNG

Hi, I have problems to insert a figure into my .tex file. This is the code: \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{Blockdiagram} \caption{Diagram} \label{figure:BlockDiagram} \end{figure} It says that it cannot find the file! The same with Blockdiagram.png. The figure is in the same folder. The main .tex is outside ...

how to insert pipe symbol in TeX?

How to insert pipe symbol | in TeX (LaTeX)? ...

TeX: Add blank page after every content page

I'm currently writing my bachelor thesis and my university wants a one sided print. The printing and binding will be done by a professional print company. They only accept two sided manuscripts. Because of that I need to add a blank page after every page of content. I don't want to do this manually using \newpage or \clearpage because t...

How to define a global constant in postscript statement?

I want to define a constant globally within my pspicture environment as follows: Not working example: \begin{pspicture}(10,10) \psgrid \SpecialCoor \def\length{1.2} \pnode(!80 sin 2 exp \length mul 40 sin div 70 sin div 0){C}\uput[-45](C){$C$} % other codes truncated here for simplicity. \end{pspicture} The above example does not wor...