
What text format can I use to present data originally in an Excel spreadsheet?

I have an Excel spreadsheet that has many people's estimates of another person's height and weight. In addition, some people have left comments on both estimate cells like "This estimate takes into account such and such". I want to take the data from the spreadsheet (I've already figured out how to parse it), and represent it in a plain...

Is there an option "go to line" in TextReader/StreamReader?

Hello, I have a huge text file with 25k lines.Inside that text file each line starts with "1 \t (linenumber)" Example: 1 1 ITEM_ETC_GOLD_01 골드(소) xxx xxx xxx_TT_DESC 0 0 3 3 5 0 180000 3 0 1 0 0 255 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 xxx item\etc\drop_ch_money_small.bsr xxx xxx xxx 0 2 0 0 1 0 0.0...

How do I save xml in a webbrowser control?

I have a webbrowser control that displays some xml, when I access the document propertie I get the HTML that the control generated and not the xml. How do I save the "source" of the document? (can't use the webclient) ...

What is the SQL used to do a search similar to "Related Questions" on Stackoverflow

I am trying to implement a feature similar to the "Related Questions" on Stackoverflow. How do I go about writing the SQL statement that will search the Title and Summary field of my database for similar questions? If my questions is: "What is the SQL used to do a search similar to "Related Questions" on Stackoverflow". Steps that I c...

byte[] to string conversion doesn't seem to work the way I want

Hello, I'm trying to display the content of a byte array in a text file. This is my code: var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + @"\B323.txt"); writer.Write(data.ToString()); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); data is a byte[] array. The output is "System.Byte[]",why? I'm t...

Check if a pdf file is valid using PdfBox by Apache

I am using PdfBox in Java to extract text from PDF files. Some of the input files provided are not valid and PDFTextStripper halts on these files. Is there a clean way to check if the provided file is indeed a valid PDF? ...

Extract floating point numbers from a string in PHP

I would like to convert a string into floating numbers. For example 152.15 x 12.34 x 11mm into 152.15, 12.34 and 11 and store in an array such that $dim[0]=152.15, $dim[1]=12.34, $dim[2]=11. I would also need to handle things like 152.15x12.34x11 mm 152.15mmx12.34mm x 11mm Thank you. ...

Undoing diff put when copying lines between vimdiff windows

If, at a command prompt, I run vimdiff file1 file2 I get a vim instance that has two files open side-by-side. Let's suppose that the text in the files looks like this (file1 is on the left, file2 on the right): ╔═══════╤═══════╗ ║foo │-------║ ║bar │bar ║ ║grue │-------║ ║~ │~ ║ ║~ │~ ║ ╚═══════╧═══════...

Good text foreground color for a given background color

I'm drawing a color selection button and I'm looking for a nice and simple formula to get a good text color (foreground) for a given background color in RGB. A simple try would be to just take the complement color but this will produce an odd looking button for colors like pure blue or pure red. Is there something well known that does...

ActionScript 3: Set the text of an animated Dynamic text instance

I have a dynamic text field (textLabel) inside a Movie Clip (textMC). I am tring to set the text attribute like this: textMC.textLabel.text = "this is my text"; This works fine, until I add key frames to textLabel. I need to animate textLabel. But when it hits a keyframe, it changes back to the text I created on the stage. How can ...

OpenGL text position under Windows

Hello all, I am developing an OpenGL application that has two working modes: windowed mode and full screen. The app displays several graphic objects using OpenGL and writes some text strings using that same API. The program displays the texts strings in its intended positions when running as a windowed application, but when running full...

Printing data from dynamically added combo boxes?

Hi there, I have gotten the code to work so that when I press the button, "Add More", it adds more combo boxes to the form with the names dayBox1, dayBox2, and so on. This is the code for that: private void addMoreBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Keep track of how many dayBoxes we have howMany++; ...

Show new lines from text area in ASP.NET MVC

Hi, I'm currently creating an application using ASP.NET MVC. I got some user input inside a textarea and I want to show this text with <br />s instead of newlines. In PHP there's a function called nl2br, that does exactly this. I searched the web for equivalents in ASP.NET/C#, but didn't find a solution that works for me. The fist one ...

Trimming blank spaces from a char array in C

My char array would be looking something like below, Org_arr[1first line text------2second line text----3third line-------4--------------------5fith line text------]; where '-' equal to blank spaces The above array contains the control code(0, 1, 2, 3..) after every 20 characters starting from 0-th place. I would like to convert th...

Rails rename_column migration issue

Hi there, I am trying to run a migration on an existing database to change the column name on a table. When I run the migration, I get an error stating that Blob/Text fields cannot have a default value. The column in question is a text column, with a non-null attribute, but no default value. The migration that Rails attempts is: ALTE...

sicp section 4.1.6

I need some help in understanding the material in SICP's section 4.1.6 on Internal definitions. I understand the problem raised when mutually recursive functions are defined. But i dont understand how it is solved by transforming the following lambda expression (lambda <vars > (define u <e1 >) (define v <e2 >) <e3 >) into: (...

WPF/Silverlight XAML Stretch Text Size to Fit container?

Hi I've just started to play with WPF. Is it possible to have the size of the text of a Label or TextBlock size itself to fill it's parent container? Thanks, Mark ...

Signed Java Applet writing to a text file

I want to make an Applet write to a text file. I think have overcome the security problem with my own certificate, but the text file isn't receiving the output. My Applet can be seen at tomrenn.com/fallball, and should ask if you trust the certificate. I'm not sure an Applet can write to a text file within the web hosted contents, so I...

Partially load large text file with different encodings

I am writing a Java text component, and is trying to partially load some large text file in the middle (for speed reasons). My question is if the text is in some multi-bytes encoding format, like UTF8, Big5, GBK, etc. How can I align the bytes so that I can correctly decode the text? ...

Perl script to search pattern and concat lines in a file

I have a text file (basically an error log with date, timestamp and some data) in the following pattern: mm/dd/yy 12:00:00:0001 This is line 1 This is line 2 mm/dd/yy 12:00:00:0004 This is line 3 This is line 4 This is line 5 mm/dd/yy 12:00:00:0004 This is line 6 This is line 7 I'm new at Perl and need to write a script that se...