
Fast character detection

I don't want to know what it says, and it will not be dealing with any distortion like a CAPTCHA, I just want to know if a bunch of images contain any text. This is something that will be running on a couple of idle Linux servers, and a cron job will process a large batch of images multiple times a day. One of the things I want to do i...

Best compression algorithm for XML?

Hello, I barely know a thing about compression, so bear with me (this is probably a stupid and painfully obvious question). So lets say I have an XML file with a few tags. <verylongtagnumberone> <verylongtagnumbertwo> text </verylongtagnumbertwo> </verylongtagnumberone> Now lets say I have a bunch of these very long tags with...

What do Google think about links without text, with only background?

Like this one: <a href="/" id="logo"></a> Or should I do like this instead and change the font-size to zero: <a href="/" id="logo">Home</a> Edit: No one here seems to understand my question. So I'll post some CSS too: #logo { display: block; width: 326px; height: 69px; background-image: url(images/logo.gif); ba...

off-the-shelf control for text entry/commenting in asp classic and asp.net

I've got an application that allows multiple teachers to comment on a single student's writing and would like a rich web control that allows those comments to work like Word. That is, I'd like for teachers to be able to enter comments on particular passages and have those comments show, with the teacher name, when the student reads the e...

How do I save/display line breaks properly in a UIWebView for the iPhone?

I have a UIWebView-based iPhone application that reads in HTML from a SQLite database. The user can save new information, entered via a UITextView that accepts carriage returns. How do I display these carriage returns (line breaks) properly in the UIWebView? I have tried using something like this: NSString *HTMLData = [mySQLiteDataObjec...

Text rendering with openGL: Can't rotate text, positioning not working properly

Hey, This is my scenario: Using visual studio 2008. Project is in c# Using Tao framework along with ISE.FreeType to render text. The font is already loaded and converted to texture bitmap: //Creamos la fuente fuenteActual = new FTFont(fuentes.FontMap[fuente], out ultimoError); //Convierte la fuente a...

IllegalArgumentException in JFormattedTextField

I need to make custom text field which will format numeric values according to local way of formatting. So I've made a clas: public class NumberTextField extends JFormattedTextField {... constructor looks this like: public NumberTextField() { formater=new NumberFormatter(); formater.setAllowsInvalid( false ); nf=Nu...

Smart quotes without "breaking" copy and paste?

I really dislike "smart quotes" for one simple reason - when I copy text containing them, it no longer has the original "" as was typed, instead I end up with Unicode symbols. The smart quotes are a visual improvement, so shouldn't really be "baked into" the text, so.. I was wondering, it is possible to display the smart quotes using CS...

Struts2: reading an array of input into an action

I'm trying to get an array of input into my action class but it always returns null; Here's the HTML for the input <input class="activityInput" type="text" name="sentdate[" + i + "]" value="1" /> <input class="activityInput" type="text" name="sentdate[" + i + "]" value="2" /> and here's the class for the action public class Activity...

AS3 Input Textfield get text formated with \n for every new line

I have a textfield where the user can type what ever he want into it. When the user is ready typing he can hit the send button. when he does that i get the text from the multiline textfield and pass it to my backend. there is only 1 problem the text is formated in 1 single line, (html text is no option!) is it possible to set after ever...

Tools for managing Text Templates / Boilerplate Code or Snippets ?

I am looking for freely available tools to help manage text templates (e.g. for writing emails or other letters), boilerplate code and other snippets. Preferably something open source or at least freeware. Ideally, it would not be specific to managing source code, but would generally help manage all sorts of ASCII chunks (or maybe ev...

Algorithm for multiple word matching in text

I have a large set of words (about 10,000) and I need to find if any of those words appear in a given block of text. Is there a faster algorithm than doing a simple text search for each of the words in the block of text? ...

Generate low-order non-printable characters from XLST

I'm trying to use XSLT text output to generate a file (in a file format that I'm not in control of), and while it is mostly text, it includes low-order non-printable characters as flags, including characters that are not valid within an XLST file (according to the XSLT specification). I'd like for something like the below to work, but i...

RTF Library - PHPrtf Has anyone used it?

For some reason, my line breaks in my test.txt file are not being preserved. $sect->writeText(file_get_contents("test.txt"), $times12, $null); Has anyone played around with this library? http://sourceforge.net/projects/phprtf/ My question is: How can I preserve my line breaks from my test.txt file? What is happening is the docum...

Is there a standard way to list expected command line arguments?

I don't mean a man page or equivalent. You know how, when you start command line applications with insufficient or invalid command line arguments, they often output a one-liner showing the command line arguments they expected, then quit. Is there a standard way to write this one-liner? (i.e. Which command line arguments are required, w...

Flex: Does anyone know a good HTML editor?

Hi, I am looking for a flex component that could allow me to edit rich text with images. Something like the RichTextEditor from flex except it allows you to add and preview images too, and which can generate the HTML code too. ...

adding text to a jpeg

How can you (in C/C++) add text to a jpeg-file using libjpeg? I do not mean by editing pixels, but by adding text to the meta-data (like the png_set_text() libpng library for png files). ...

Programmatically empty out large text file when in use by another process

Hey everyone, I am running a batch job that has been going for many many hours, and the log file it is generating is increasing in size very fast and I am worried about disk space. Is there any way through the command line, or otherwise, that I could hollow out that text file (set its contents back to nothing) with the utility still ha...

How to get E Text Editor to upload local copy of project files to server?

Hi, I'm new to E Text Editor. I have a project saved locally on my computer, that replicates a folder saved on my server. When I use my php IDE (PhpEd) and save a change to the locally saved file, it automatically updates the respective file on my server. Can I customize E Text Editor to do this also? It would save lots of time! Than...

Convert Memo to Text

Hi, I've got an msaccess database which have been created in Access 2002. I only have access 2003 and 2008 in my computer. so I've converted the database into access 2003 format. The problem I have is that I have a table named 'tblItms_F001' in the database with a column named 'stemtext' which is in memo datatype. I just want to be a...