
New lines in tab delimited or comma delimtted output

I am looking for some best practices as far as handling csv and tab delimited files. For CSV files I am already doing some formatting if a value contains a comma or double quote but what if the value contains a new line character? Should I leave the new line intact and encase the value in double quotes + escape any double quotes within ...

how do I specify a system font that handles wide characters on the iphone?

This is sort of a generic question due to my lack of experience with fonts, so a little patience and/or pointing in the right direction to get more info would be appreciated. I have an iphone app and am noticing that when I print some text on my labels, I end up with garbage when the string contains non-ascii, like Korean for example. ...

Jquery find all elements with text

What would be the best way to scan trough all the DOM, find any element that have text and wrap it in a span class? Thanx ...

How can I read a UTF-8 text file from a jar using the Java method Class.getResourceAsStream()?

I have a UTF-8 file stored inside a java jar file. I am trying to read it using the method getResourceAsStream(), but the input stream reader that is returned by the function uses the default encoding, which is the ANSI one under Windows. How can I read a UTF-8 text file from inside a jar? ...

Translate XSL files with PHP and gettext

Is it possible to translate XSL files using PHP and gettext? I'm building a web application where most of the user interface code is in XSL files. I'm using PHP gettext to translate PHP pages and an app called Poedit to translate the texts. All this works very well! I would need a way to translate the XSL files too, preferably so that P...

Flext text link event doesn't fire until you've clicked it twice

Hi, I've got a canvas within which I have a list. The renderer for this list calls upon a "Text" field, with the "link" element of this field set to a function. The "htmlText" of the field is set dynamically to a mixture of words and links. Basically the function checks to see which tag within the htmlText has been clicked and perfor...

use vbscript to modify a text file

Every day we get a flat text file. Some days there are lines in the file that need to be deleted before it can be processed. These lines can appear in different places, but always start with the characters 6999 or 7999. We would like to run a script that will delete these particular lines. However, and this is way beyond me, any wher...

How do I configure Poedit to read XSL files

This is one line in my code: <xsl:value-of select="php:function('gettext','Hello world')" /> How do I get Poedit to automatically find the text string from the .xsl file? ...

Internet Explorer text display api

What windows api function does internet explorer use to display text in the browser window? What functions does the WM_PAINT or WM_NPAINT event call in internet explorer to display any text? For example if a google search returns some results, what windows api is being called to show the result in the browser window? ...

how to remove duplicate words (same words but different case) in text

Hi I have a text file which contains a long list of words. Some of them are overlapped by means of case such as: Honesty honesty I want to remove upper case and leave the lower one counted as one word. How can I do that? Thank you. ...

django upload text file not working

I am trying to upload text files to a specified location, but the file is uploading empty, in the root(not in the location i specified). in models: course = models.FileField(help_text=('Upload a course (max %s kilobytes)' %settings.MAX_COURSE_UPLOAD_SIZE),upload_to='cfolder/',blank=True) in forms: def handle_uploaded_file(f): d...

Parse text file and assign parts to columns

I receive a tab-delimited text file that must be parsed. Once parsed, the parts must be assigned to specific columns. Here is an example of the code I'm using to do this: string path = "C:\\Users\\Robert\\Desktop\\Test.txt"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); using (StreamReader streamReader = fileInfo.OpenText()) ...

Find Longest Line in a .txt File and fill all Lines to that Length with 'blank Spaces'?

How can I find the longest line in a .txt file and then fill all other lines at their end to that length with blank spaces? My guess is this is easy to answer. I know very little about using the awk, paste command and such. Maybe someone can help me out. Thanks! A little more specific... so far I can do the following. This would get th...

Decision Trees For Document Classification

Hi I wanted to know that is it possible to use decision trees for document classification and if yes then how should be the data representation be? I know the use of R package party for Decision Trees. ...

Using Google's transliteration on blocks of text?

Would it be possible to transliterate text blocks (say, after being copied and pasted in to a control) using the Google Transliteration API? Instead of having the transliteration work on text as it is being typed as it would with say: http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/documentation/#TransliterationHelloWorld If so, how would I g...

when TEXT isn't enough for a record entry?

My site allows users to submit After Action Reports and yesterday someone set the new record with a ~48,000 character beast of a report. While that's still only 74% of the TEXT maximum character count, it made me wonder what should be done when someone wants to submit something that exceeds the 65k limit...? It's bound to happen eventual...

how to create a text stepper control in flex?

I need a control in Flex 3 that is like NumericStepper, but that can display arbitrary strings. Does this control exist? If not, what are your suggestions for creating it, or references you would recommend? For convenience, I'm calling this a TextStepper. I want this as a compact way to display a list of string choices that a user ca...

Using SED to append a string to an existing line of text?

Hi, I'm trying to use the linux sed command to append a path element to the RewriteBase in a .htaccess file. I have tried it with this arguments: #current RewriteBase is "RewriteBase /mypath" sed -ie 's/RewriteBase\(.*\)/RewriteBase \1\/add/g' .htaccess with this result: addriteBase /mypath So sed overwrites the the beginning of ...

How do I do a levenstein similarity algorithm in MYSQL?

Sure, I can write a function for it in Python or something...but how can I do it in MYSQL? WHERE title = "heart of darkness" more or less 3 characters... ...

How to find similarity in texts

Hello, I have a database where users upload articles. I would like to make an algorithm where my web app will suggest similar texts according to the one the user reads. I saw some examples like Levenshtein distance. But those algorithms measures distance for strings and not for whole articles. Is there a way to extract most significant ...