
Best way of drawing text to the screen

Hi, I am working on a read-along-book app for the iPad which is very similar to this Toy Story book ([url=http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/toy-story-read-along/id364376920?mt=8]Toy Story Read-Along for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store[/url]). So my question is how would be the best way to draw the text to the screen an...

c# sending sms from computer

i have this code: private SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM1", 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); Console.WriteLine("Incoming Data:"); port.WriteTimeout = 5000; port.ReadTimeout = 5000; // Attach a method to be called when there is data waiting in the port'...

symmetrical text scramble

What is the EASIEST way to do this. XOR 0x80 may be too obvious but that COULD work. Whats the easiest way to take a windows filename (/ \ and other chars are illegal) and scrambling them so no one knows the original filename? I would like to undo this as well. I am seriously thinking foreach on the filename and just XORing them ...

add text before the last line in a text file

hi, I need to add text before the last line in a text file in windows using command. Can any one please suggest a method? Thanks in advance. ...

How to set font Bold, Italic, and Underlined in Qt?

I want to make a program that's like a simple text editor using Qt 4.6.2. When the user block any text in a TextEdit and click on a button, the text will be bold/italic/underlined depend on the button.. I'm a beginner in Qt Programming, so if Possible, can you insert the programming code in Qt to do that? Please answer this ASAP,, tha...

SQL function to get count of how many times string appears in column?

Is there a function for MySQL that will count the number of times a string occurs in another string or column? Basically I want: SELECT SUB_COUNT('my word', `my_column`) AS `match_count` FROM `table` Thanks! EDIT: I need to know how many times the string appears in a column for each row in a SELECT. ...

how to display a text in a new view or window

thanks for ur feedback about uitext view,i am able to display text view as u told .. i dont want to allow user to edit text in it and dont want to show key board when my text view gets loaded .. another thing is i should exit or hide text view when home button pressed... thank you ,i am waiting for your valuable answer... ...

Android: Enable selection in webkit

Hello, I'am looking for a way to have a webview content selectable in the very same way as the stock browser does. user long presses the text the whole word is selected two pins appear at the word's boundary allowing the user to stretch/shrink the selection. I should note that Dolphin HD shows exactly the same text select functionali...

HTML tag for identifying text

EDITORIAL NOTE The following is my attempt to summarize the question. I'm not replacing the original content because I'm not 100% sure that I'm right. In many 'scraping' application, the goal is to find the 'payload' text of a web page. Consider a typical, oh, CNN web page. It has a news article. And then it has all sorts of scraps of ...

Cocoa touch: decorating text

I've added a UIAppFont to my plist, and, happily, am able to write a custom font to my display. Now, if I had to display this custom font in a very large size with a yellow outline and purple in the middle- how in the world would I achieve that?? ...

command line tool text output

I have a small command line tool and after running it, I'd like to display the text output in a way that's easy for someone to copy/paste and save it or email it to someone else. Copy/pasting from a command prompt is not done in the standard way, so I don't want people to have to copy/paste from there. Saving the file to disk is possib...

Text not being highlighted on search in UIWebView using javascript.

Hi, I have successfully implemented js code to highlight searched text. But it does not work for my pdf file. Is there any solution please help. regards aamir ...

MySQL Full Text Search Boolean Mode Partial Match

I've found boolean mode of MySQL full text search useful, however there are a couple of things I can't seem to figure out how to achieve. For instance imagine I have a full text column containing the words "Steve's Javascript Tutorial - Part One". I would like to match this for each of the following searches: "tutorials", "javascript t...

Java Swt Text (SWT.MULTI) append text without scroll

I have a Java SWT GUI with a multiline Text control. I want to append lines of text to the Text control without affecting the position of the cursor within the text box. In particular, the user should be able to scroll and select text at the top of the Text control while new text lines are appended to the bottom. Is this possible? ...

text size in label

how can i limit the number of characters in a label ...

Algorithm for Text Wrapping Within a Shape

I am looking for an algorithm to wrap text within a non-rectangular shape, preferably based on the Knuth and Plass algorithm. The hardest part of this is that the lines may have different heights due to differing font sizes in the text. The image below is an example of what the algorithm should be able to generate. Thanks for any hel...

ASP.NET TextBox verses input type="text" behavior

I notice with ASP.NET if the server side control TextBox is used with out autopostback it will not submit (or postback) the form when typed text ends with enter, which is different from the behavior for plain old HTML pages. Fine, I can set autopostback to get the behavior I want after the enter key. However, autopostback will also cause...

Zend remove anchor text in url redirect

I have a form that is using an anchor name as it's action so that when the form is submitted it is it goes straight back to the form (for example 'www.domain.com/page#contact-form). The idea is if there are any errors then it'll go straight to the form (that's near the bottom of the page) so you can see the errors and continue filling in...

Reading Text from Pdf

Hi, This is Srinvas, How to read the content of a uploaded pdf file in asp.net. I tried but i am unable getting the content of a Uploaded File. I stuck with this Problem. If you have any Source code, Please provide me or Please help me.. Thanks & Regards Srinivas K. ...

Algorithm to Render a Horizontal Binary-ish Tree in Text/ASCII form

It's a pretty normal binary tree, except for the fact that one of the nodes may be empty. I'd like to find a way to output it in a horizontal way (that is, the root node is on the left and expands to the right). I've had some experience expanding trees vertically (root node at the top, expanding downwards), but I'm not sure where to st...