
Characters per line and lines per textarea limit

I'm trying to create a multiline textarea in a php page, and I want to validate so that if the user can't insert more than 50 characters per line, or more than 50 lines. The idea is that the user can paste something from a spreadsheet, but if one line has more than 50 characters, the rest will be discarded, and not inserted in the next l...

rich web text-editor with autocomplete

Is there a web (i.e. html) text editor with autocomplete? Let's say I want to do a web based mini IDE. I want to add it an autocomplete feature, so if you write Str and hit a key combination a javascript method would be invoked that returned possible completions, such as String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder, StreamParser, etc ...

Is 'width' applicable to a textarea?

Is the CSS 'width' property applicable to a <textarea>? In practice, people say that they use it successfully, for example using a rule like this: textarea { width:100%; } What's confusing me is that the CSS 2.1 specification for width says, This property specifies the content width of boxes generated by block-level and r...

Why do my text fields and text areas not align when they have the same width?


Set max char (as visibility allows) on multiline textbox

Hi, Is it possible to have a multi-line textbox (im using asp.net c#) where the maximum characters inputted cannot exceed the visible textbox size? I have taken scrollbars off vertically (overflow: hidden). Now I want it so that say if the multi-line textbox shows say 100px height (or say 5 rows), the user cannot type more than the he...

HTML/CSS - Very tall <textarea> disappears off A4 page when printing.

I have a problem where a very tall <textarea></textarea> control doesn't fit on an A4 page when the web page is printed. On the web page inside a browser, the textarea displays just fine, but when I go to print it the bottom of the textarea gets chopped off the bottom of the page, it doesn't continue to print onto the next page. I have t...

Converting content of text area into an array

I have a form with a text area in html. I want to get the content of this text area in php so that each line can be stored in an array. I tried using implode with'/n'. but its not working. how can i do that. Here is my code $notes = explode('/n',$_POST['notes']); ...

Insert text into flex 3 textarea

I have a textArea and a list. When a user double clicks a list item, the label of the selected item should be inserted into the textarea. When a text is selected in the textArea, it should be replaced, otherwise the text just needs to be inserted into the existing text at the caret point. I've managed to get the text and everything, I j...

I'm having trouble trying to select a <textarea>

HI, Any ideas why I can't highlight the text in the "blurbedit" or "headlineblack" divs? I think I did a bit of sloppy coding to get the footer divs to line up horizontally, but that then meant that the top divs can't be selected, which isn't great when one of them is an input field! check out this example to see what I mean: www.ghe...

Why single textarea mess all following xhtml?

I encounter a problem in my web program. I got a textarea in my form, sometimes there is nothing in textarea, so genshi template engine just output it as <textarea xxxx /> and here comes the problem, all following tags are in the textarea. Why all browser can't handle single textarea correctly? If I write it as <textarea xxxx></tex...

Get updated value from a textarea and insert it into a div with jQuery?

Hey there... here's an easy one (that I'm struggling with)! I have a textarea, a button, and an empty div. All I want to do is insert the updated contents of the textarea into the div onClick of the button. Here's what I've got so far: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascr...

HTMl text area

If we type something in the text area and press submit button, the values should be displayed on the same page under that. How to do that? And make stay permanently on the page ...

Adding an RTE to salesforce text areas

Does anyone know if there's a way to add an RTE to textarea fields within salesforce? I'm fairly new to the platform but i haven't been able to find any useful documentation on this. ...

about html textarea's post value

text file in window, each line end with \r\n, in unix, each line end with \n. Does textarea's post value follow this rule? ...

textarea cols property when using CSS

It seems that to be XHTML compliant an HTML textarea needs to have the cols property set. I want to use CSS instead so I can just expand the textarea to 100% style="width: 100%;" How should I be doing this in a standards compliant way? ...

How to show newlines from textarea in a table?

hi there in a form I have a textarea where obviously text is entered. When the input is finished the content gets submitted to the server and is being stored in a database... When i display the input the user made within a table, the newlines are not visible. When I inspect the source the newlines are there, but within a table the newlin...

AcceptsReturn equivalent for WebBrowser .NET control

Hello, I have a Windows .NET application and one of the forms has a WebBrowser control, an OK button and a Cancel button. The WebBrowser control hosts a TextArea html element, so I can write inside. If the OK button is the form's AcceptButton (form.AcceptButton = btnOk) then when I press Enter the event is captured by the form, and no...

textarea with syntax / code highlighting

Is there some sort of textarea control equivalent that will properly color syntax as its entered on a webpage, similar to Visual Studio or Eclipse? I'm not looking for an editor like fckedit, i only need it for presentation purposes (coloring on the fly). I'd like for this to highlight/color HTML, javascript, and vbscript ...

JavaScript: Quickly insert text into long textarea

I am playing around with creating an HTML-textarea based plain text editor to edit my scripts (using e.g. Mozilla Prism + a localhost install/ webserver). It works fine so far, but when I want to insert something at the cursor position, it gets slow in Firefox when there is a lot of text in the textarea (Chrome works fine). E.g. with 133...

Displaying HTML and other code in a Textarea in ASP.NET

I've got an application where users can store snippets of HTML and ASP code in a database. The trouble is, when i dynamically populate the textarea control, all the various characters that can be in an HTML snippet will cause the page to not render properly. Can someone point me to a guideline/how-to on stripping out / replacing variou...