
Setting textAlign to centered on a textArea, trailing spaces aren't used to determine centering

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I have a textarea where I've specified textAlign = center and if I type in text with several trailing spaces, it doesn't count the spaces towards centering the text. If I add another character to the text (after all the spaces) it then all of a sudden centers the line, is this a bug, can anybody think...

Java Text Area not posting

The text area value I am trying to submit is around 400 chars and the value the servlet gets is null. When I limit this down to less that 75 chars the servlet will get the proper value. Has anyone seen this happen before? JSP <form action="/admin/homepageupdates"> <div class="body"> <textarea name="txtcontent" rows="7" cols="...

JavaScript: Find vertical pixel position of particular string in textarea

I have an HTML textarea as a basis for a small text editor running inside Chrome, which includes search functionality (as I need search features beyond what the browser offers). For longer texts, this means I need the JavaScript to scroll to the correct position after selecting the found text. This works fine by calculating the font's li...

WYSIWYG editor and loaded content trouble

Hello, I have a wysiwyg editor ckeditor. It has a textarea. Okay, everything works fine, but until I'm trying to load content which already has inputs elements (textarea). So, we have: <textarea id="ckeditor"> ... Loadable content ... <textarea id="some_other"></textarea> </textarea> As you see loadable textarea is closing ckedit...

Textarea contenteditable

I am trying to make a textarea content editable and I am failing. I am using this code: <textarea id='' class='' name='notes' rows='12' cols='67' contenteditable='true' ></textarea> I am expecting a result like http://html5demos.com/contenteditable Does anyone have an idea why it's not working? Edit: I am doing this because I am t...

multiple word Predictive/autocomplete textarea?

Hi there I'm lookin for a javascript plugin (for js/any framework) I want to create a textarea that while I type will using a supplied data array, check for predictive matches to the current word im typing and try to suggest a solution. All solutions I've found so far (for jquery) only match one word, then end... I want to write like...

jQuery Autocomplete - Error when user enters text in a textarea in new line

The Autocomplete doesn't seem to work with multiple values if the user presses the return key in a textarea and enters text in a new line. In such case, though the values are shown, pressing TAB or return key doesn't enter them in the textarea. The options set are as follows: $("#search").autocomplete(colls, { multiple: true, a...

How to load html using jquery into a TinyMCE textarea

Hi, I've a textarea that uses TinyMCE as a WYSIWYG. Once that this textarea is loaded I want that, clicking a button "Edit" some html code that I bring with AJAX jquery is loaded in that textarea. I want to insert this html code <p>hello</p> Original textarea source <textarea name="corpo" id="input_corpo">Text Here</textarea> JQUER...

Wrap Text inside fixed Div with css or javascript ?

Hi, I have tinymce editor(textarea) and one div. Whenever i type inside the text editor, it shows at the preview div which is (200px) in real time which is looks alike stackoverflow preview. What I want to achieve is, if we type one words without space and if exceed 200px, I want to wrap it to the next line. I tried to find it and I...

How to limit the size of an HTML textarea with JavaScript?

Anyone have code to limit the characters in a text field and display the character count? I need something like twitter status input and I can't find anything online. If there isn't anything out there, I'll probably make a jQuery plugin or at least open source this thing. Thanks! ...

Greasemonkey (JavaScript) textarea question

I have written a basic Greasemonkey script which passes an output out to a textarea, like this: var obj = document.getElementById("comment").innerHTML = "\n" + "Note:" + "\n" + "\n" + output_string; It works like a charm, if you change the value from the source, it will update the textarea. However, as soon as you write anything yours...

Large text in TextArea freezes computer

When I try to set the value of a textarea with a large text (for example a string length of 600000), the browser (Firefox 3.5.3) freezes. The text is in 1 line so text wrapping needs to happen by the textarea itself. I think this causes the problem. Does anyone know a fix for this problem? ...

UploadRequest.Item method doesnt work into textareas using TinyMCE

Hi, that's all in the title. I've got a Curriculum Vitae form which has a textarea using TinyMCE and a file upload input, and the script is in classic ASP. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "simple" }); </script> <textarea name="messaggio" id="messaggio"></text...

how to add a simple button that will inject a tag into a textarea?

I want to create a simple button that will inject a [b][/b] into a textarea. How can I do this? ...

Copying plain text from a WYSIWYG to a normal text area

Hi ol, am having a WYSIWYG textarea which i would like to copy the text (as-plane) and insert it to another textarea on the same form as plane text using javascript..............HELP! :-) ...

ActionScript 3 TextArea htmlText styling using <span> tag

According to this webpage, the htmlText property in TextArea can handle CSS text style if using span tag. I want to format multiple tags in my code. Something like: var tags:TextArea = new TextArea(); tags.htmlText = "<span style='color: rgb(165, 150, -90); font-size: 0.955882610016677em'>street</span>, <span style='color: rgb(168...

WYSIWYG Rich Text Replacement

Hi, I have tried TinyMCE and FC/CKEditor and they both don't really do the job... I wanted to get a wordpress like style... Thanks! ...

Creating a text area that fills the available space

I want to be able to create a text area that fills an available space. However because of the different monitor resolutions I don't think I can simple specify a character width. Is there anyway of getting around this without having too much logic to specify different character widths for each set of monitor resolutions. ...

content from divs into textarea


Prevent copying style from one flex textArea to another

If you have two text areas with different styles (fontFamily, weight, color etc) and you copy text from one to the other it also copies the style from the originating text area. Is there any slick way to prevent that? Here is a sample of code that will illustrate the problem. Type some text in the top box and some text in the bottom, ...