
WPF textbox that only updates binding when enter is pressed

Hi, all. I have a usercontrol "NumericTextBox" that only allows numeric entries. I need to exhibit another specialized behaviour, that is, I need it to be able to bind it to a VM value OneWayToSource and only have the VM value update when I press enter while focusing the textbox. I already have the an EnterPressed event that fires whe...

C# | How Do I Select a Word in a TextBox by Cursor Location?

In a Windows Form, using C#, how do I select (as in, actually highlight the text, making it accessible to the .SelectedText property) a word based on the cursor location? Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a textbox that users can currently select a word by highlighting it. They can then perform various actions to the word, but I want...

asp.net validate textbox - at least one text box must have data in

I have three textboxes and I want to validate them. At least one textbox must contain data. How can I do this? (The textboxes are Home Phone No., Work Phone No., Mobile No. and I need to check at least one method of contact is specified) ...

New Line textbox

I have a comment box that users can fill and saving the text in a MySQL database: When a users fills text in my textbox with a backslash (\n) it shows in the text box without the new line. For example, the user enters: Hi everyone! Me The Textbox displays: Hi Everyone!Me What am I doing wrong? ...

how to disappear the keyword while cancelling(Coss button)in the textfield?

I have a textfield for searching data. Now i can see my keyboard appear when editing the textfield. But while i am pressing the (cross)/cancel at the of the textfield the keyboard still shows. I want to hide my keyboard while i'm cancelling the textfield. If any body has any solution or any code snippet or any useful link it would be a...

Relation between length and font-size of a string and width of a textbox.

Hi to all. I've a field in a database, this field has a maximum length, and I want to set a textbox to the appropriate width. I'm creating the textboxes in runtime. How can I calculate the value of width property? For example, if I have a field nvarchar(5) named IDClient, and the font-Size is 13, I want to create a texbox with a width ...

WPF: OnKeyDown() not being called for space key in control derived from WPF TextBox.

In a WPF application, I have a control that I have derived from TextBox like this: public class SelectableTextBlock : TextBox { protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyDown(e); e.Handled = false; } } The OnKeyDown method is not called when entering a space into the TextBox, nor when hi...

Why can't I make a binding inside asp:Textbox's Text property?

I have the following DataList: <asp:DataList ID="values" Visible="false" runat="server" DataKeyField="Id"> <ItemTemplate> <div id="row" style="height: 25px; vertical-align: top"> <div id="left" style="visibility: hidden; width: 25px"> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Id") %> </div> <div id="middle" style...

asp:textbox array

Hey! how does one do something like this with asp.net <asp:textbox> and c #? (Thus creating an array of text boxes) HTML: <input name="Search[]" value="google" /> <input name="Search[]" value="yahoo" /> <input name="Search[]" value="alltheweb" /> PHP: $array = $_GET['Search']; // or $_POST['Search']; /* $array is now an array like:...

Can i use text box names as values in a list?

im creating a list to update a MySql db with values form text boxes, how can i make somthing like this work? if i use the verdierX[0] = (int)decimal.Parse(box1.Text); it works just fine but when i try to use it in a loop like this is blowes up. Anyone got a suggestion on how to solve this? int[] dbNavnX = new int[8]; ...

Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed

I want to detect whenever a textbox's content has changed. I can use the keyup method, but that will also detect keystrokes which do not generate letters, like the arrow keys. I thought of two methods of doing this using the keyup event: Check explictly if the ascii code of the pressed key is a letter\backspace\delete Use closures to r...

Asp.Net - UpdatePanel - Add many textbox

My problem is each time I hit the "Test" button, only one textbox is created. If I click two times, I would like two textbox to appear. I try this solution, and it's seems to work fine except for only one thing. Each text the textbox are (re)created so I loose the value the user have entered... Aspx: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upTest" runat...

Initial text is not populating in textbox

I have put an initial text in the text box of a asp.net web page. In the text property box. I want to load the text in the load time of the webpage. While i debug and run text box is not populating with that text. Please help me. <td class="textFieldColumn" style="height:16px!important;"> ...

My Text box is not rendering the text inside it

I have a text box where there is a initial text has been set in the text box of asp.net website. But after rendering the web page the text box is not showing initial text in the text box. Code for text box <td class="textFieldColumn" style="height:16px!important;"> <asp:TextBox ID="txtUserID" text="Enter User id.." runat="server" ...

VB.NET - using textfile as source for menus and textboxes

Hi, this is probably a bit tense and I'm not sure if this is possible at all. But basically, I'm trying to create a small application which contains alot of PowerShell-code which I want to run in an easy matter. I've managed to create everything myself and it does work. But all of the PowerShell code is manually hardcoded and this giv...

Javascript: Adjust date in textbox using keypress event

I have a standard <input> textbox where users enter a date. I'd like to add some functionality where users can enter + or - to add/subtract a day from the value. I added an onkeypress event that calls this function: function adjustDate( element ) { var e = event || window.event; var code = e.charCode || e.keyCode; switch( ...

C# Binding multiple textboxes to database

I'm trying to Bind 3 textboxes to a Class that retrieves any previously stored records for each of the 3 textboxes. I don't know how to retrieve 3 different values from a class in a Object Orientated perspective. I know how to return single strings, bool, etc vars but not more than 1 at a time. example of a simple bool returning method ...

prevent typing non ascii characters in a textbox

Since I think people have encounter it lots of time before I did and there may be some standart solution.. Can anybody give any hint direction how to prevent a user from typing non ascii characters in a textbox. ...

Making Textbox type into a textbox?

Hi, I'm a noob to VB.NET and I was wondering how to make something you type into a textbox on the application type that text into a website textbox and submit whats in the textbox by pressing a button? I am using visual studio 2008. ...

AutoComplete TextBox with Features of Like Clause example %hello% C# Windows

I am using TextBoxes's AutoComplete Suggest mode property to make it AutoComplete, What I want to achieve with it is a user can type any word which can pe part of the whole string and based on that It should show me the lookup. With TextBox AutoSuggest Source set to Custom Source and AutoSuggest mode set to Suggest Mode I can only get l...