I'd like to make a textbox with a button inside, something like a date picker, but not exactly. Or it can be a combobox inside the textbox, so you can switch the text box "mode".
Can you help me?
Is it possible to show/hide the scroll bar in a text box only when the line count in the text box is more than the number of lines displayed?
How do you find the location of the little blinking cursor where the user can type, column and row? I couldn't find this anywhere.
How i can add the multiple values from a datagrid to textbox in C#?
In my project, it includes a datagrid, a textbox and a button.
when the datagrid is populated from the database, the add button will be enable.
after that when i click the one entry followed by hitting the add button the selected value will be populated in textbox by se...
I am trying to concatenate the output of various functions into a textbox, but it all comes up in one biiig line. How can I insert break lines in between the variables? I have something like this:
Me.TextBox.text = output1 + output2
And I would like to have something like this:
Me.TextBox.text = output1 + ENTER + output2
I want a function to be run when a keypress occurs on a text box, so I have this code:
$("input[x]").keypress(function() {
This is working fine, but in my function I want to do something based on the text value in the textbox
var textValue = ("input[x]").val();
Now the problem here is that it lags behind by a ...
I have set the MaxLength property of a textbox in my windows forms application to 10
I am populating the textbox by reading from a file. However if a read string which is more than 10 characters the textbox still gets populated. But when I manually try to enter a string it works fine (that is, it does not allow more than 10 charact...
In a WPF application, I want to build a "Find in Files" output pane, in which I can stream large quantity of text, without re-allocating memory at each line, like the TextBox would do.
The WPF TextBox has a single Text property which stores a contiguous string. Each time, I want to add content, I need to do textBox.Text += "New Text", ...
How to paste text in textbox current cursor in window form ? not textbox1 += string
I am creating an iPhone webapp with a textbox. I would like that textbox to display a "clear button" on the right side of the box... aka the round grey button with the X in it.
Is it possible to set a css or html property so safari handles this, or do i need to develop this ability on my own using an image and some code.
I know you can...
How do I allow select all in my multi-lined TextBox?
It seems weird to me that there would not be a way to do this; there should be something in the framework out of the box.
I have written a function that positions a tooltip just above a textbox.
The function takes two arguments:
textBoxId - The ID of the textbox above which the tooltip will appear.
Example: "#textBoxA"
toolTipId - The ID of the tooltip which will appear above the textbox.
Example: "#toolTipA"
function positionTooltip(tex...
I tried to do this:
dojo.mixin(endDate.constraints, {min: new Date(2009,09,14)});
But as a result I got this:
min Wed Oct 14 2009 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET)
??? It always adds one month! Is this a bug?
But what I actually want to do is something like this:
dojo.mixin(endDate.constraints, {min: dijit.byId("beginDate").date});
I'm making a simple log viewer which is composed of a big TextBox which shows the file, and a DispatchTimer that updates the TextBox from time to time by setting its Text property.
Whenever the focus is set to the TextBox, it keeps automatically scrolling to the place where the cursor is, even when I'm explicitly issue ScrollToEnd() on ...
Is it possible to force a textbox in a windows forms application to work in "overwrite mode", i.e. have characters replaced when the user types instead of added?
Otherwise, is there a standard way to get this behavior?
When clicked, I want the button to search the the database for the text that has been entered into the text box, then I want it to display the record in other labels. Also if there are multiple records that match, i would like the button to go to the next record.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have the following code to display a clients age.
<TextBox x:Name="txtClientAge" Text="{Binding Path=ClientAge}" />
However, instead of just displaying just the number, I want to prefix it with the text "Age " and suffix it with the text " yrs" so it is effectively becomes "Age 36 yrs"
I can achieve this with a horizontal StackPane...
When using the following code, I'm getting inconsistent and wrong results from the GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex method.
var dt = new DispatcherTimer();
dt.Tick += new EventHandler(delegate(object obj,EventArgs e) {
tb.Text = tb.Text + "a\r\nb\r\nc\r\nd\r\ne\r\nf\r\ng\r\nh\r\ni\r\nj\r\nk\r\n";
I have a masked textbox on my winforms application where if a user clicks inside of the masked textbox, the cursor will start out in that location. For example, if they click in the middle of the masked textbox there will be a blinking cursor in the middle. How can I get the cursor behavior to be such that it will default at the left-mos...
This seems to be a problem I struggle with on a recurring basis. I've got a control that has a hierarchy like:
The problem is that when a bunch of text is bound to the textbox, it just expands off into infinity. The behavior I want of course is for the textbox to fill ...