
vc++ forms designer

im using vc++ forms. i created a textbox, im trying to get the value in it i used textBox1->Text. all im trying to do is this create a file name text.txt than write in side the file what is inside the textBox1. here the code private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { Help::ShowPopu...

Cross-browser CSS for right align label position of textfield

Hi. I'm using rightToLeft language for my UI, so I need to have label of textfield on right side. I tried using div with float:right for label and div with float:left for textfield. but it still doesn't align correctly in my form. This is code sample: <s:form action="processRegister" cssClass="form"> <div style="float:right;text-a...

textbox = php variable?

I want to get value from php variable to review it in textbox what I have to write in "value": <input type="text" name="name3" size="25" maxlength="50" value=""> name: ...

Get title from textfield then use to display function

Hi. I asked this question previously although I don't think I did a great job of explaining it and the answers didn't seem to work so this is my second attempt. FYI, I'm using Wordpress. I wish to create an image slideshow plugin. The idea is that the user can enter the name of the slideshow into a text field then submit it which will u...

TextBox.TextChanged event firing twice on Windows Phone 7 emulator

I have a very simple test app just to play around with Windows Phone 7. I've just added a TextBox and a TextBlock to the standard UI template. The only custom code is the following: public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); } private int counter = 0; p...

how do i set disabled attribute on html textbox in asp.net-mvc ?

i am trying to dynamically set the disabled attribute on the html textbox and having issues i tried this in my view: string disabledString = ""; if (SomeLogic) { disabledString = "disabled"; } Html.Textbox()...new Dictionary<string, object> { { "maxlength", 50 }, { "disabled", readOnlyState } })%> so as you can see i am s...

Highlighting text while typing in a text box in asp.net

Hi All, Can anyone help me out with this problem. I want to highlight the text while typing in a TextBox. How can I do this? ...

MVC2: what is the easiest way to postback from TextBox

I need to update an element on the page based on what the user is typing, while the user is typing (i.e. without having the user to click submit buttons). Similar to how StackOverflow does the preview of the question, but I need data from the server to update the element, hence the postback requirement. What is the best way to get this...

HtmlTextBoxFor Loop in MVC 2 C#

I am trying to do something that I think is relatively simple but can't get it to work and would be greatful for some pointers. I've got a form with a list of text boxes in it... Lets say, I want to find out "Your Favourite Pirates", and get you to list all ten on the page with comments as to why they are your favourite. So in my view...

Drag and Drop Element Into Textbox

In the latest project I'm undertaking, I need to be able to drag a div element from a list and drop it into a textbox. The project itself has a strong messaging component and I'd like to have the functionality to drag contacts from a contact list and place them in a "recipient" textbox containing one or more recipients, comma delimited. ...

DropdownList: SelectIndex = 0 based upon a user clearing a text box/the text changing. Javascript.

Hello all. I have a scenario whereby I have a textbox with an autocomplete extender attached and two drop down lists; this enables a user to search for product info. Ideally I'd like to create something that effectivley, 'resets' the drop downs so that when a user clicks on the textbox (maybe I'll do it 'onenter'/'ondelete' if there is...

textbox - textbinding in WPF

Hi Let's say that I have a custom WPF control and couple of textboxes on it. In code behind of my custom control I have couple of properties which are references to objects in other control. For example I have a sth like this public MyClass myObject { get { return MyObject } } MyClass have ...

How can I calculate the VerticalOffset at which an index would be vertically centered in the viewing area of a textbox?

I am working on adding find and replace functionality to a text editor that I am building and I would like to be able to scroll the textbox so that the selected match is vertically centered on the screen. ...

textbox - text centering

Hi Is there any simple way to center a text in textbox?? I was looking for some build in functions but I found nothing. ...

How to apply CSS to a textbox?

I have this code, and it renders this HTML. How can I apply CSS to my control if they are named ctrctrctr-00000 or something else like that that is only useful to the VIEWSTATE? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/199...

jQuery adding multiple text boxes

Hi all, I wonder if anyone could help me. I have a web page where there are some text boxes (dynamic amount, could be 3, could be 30) and each one a user can enter a number and I have a total count at the bottom. At present I have this: $('input.qty').change(function() { // Get the current total value var total = $('#total'); // Upda...

Allignment of Dynamically Textboxes in Panel

am using c#, vs-2005 am confuse how to dynamically add control like textboes in panel as below. textbox1 textbox2 in the same row. with selection shadow and increament the same as per panel1.autoscrollposition.y guide me and suggest proper code please. ...

AnimateWindow API transparency problem with RichTextBox

I'm using the AnimateWindow API to show or hide a Form with a slide animation. The problem is that if the Form contains a RichTextBox control, it doesn't display this control correctly. It's transparent and doesn't show any text. After the animation is complete, double clicking somewhere in the control will reveal lines of text. I've c...

How can I change the selection in an unfocused textbox?

I have seen this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642498/how-to-keep-wpf-textbox-selection-when-not-focused And have implemented the solution there, so that my textbox shows the selection, even when it does not have focus. However, when I change the selection start or length, nothing changes visually in the textbox. Also, ...

Runtime Control Indexing Problems

am using C#, VS-2005 am generate runtime controls like textBox and works it fine but the Indexing problems on it. my code below as follows. //tbpoint Declare in GlobalArea. int i=0; TextBox tb= new TextBox(); tb.Location=tbpoint; tb.Size=new size(970,60); tb.Name="Tbox"+i.tostring(); tb.Keypress+=new Keypre...