
Actionscript 3 TextField scrollH property gets set to 0 on click

I am populating a textfield programmatically and scrolling to the maxScrollH as the new text is added so the user can see the progression of text. This works fine, until I click the TextField, which sets scrollH back to 0 and places the caret in the text at the equivalent position. textField.setSelection( text.length, text.length ); //s...

build numeric filter with arithematic symbols in blackberry

text field which allowing only numeric values and arithematic symbols in blackberry ...

keeping past value of a field

i'm using a php page and it gets refreshed(on submit) . i need to keep the value of a textfield from a previous submission. how to make it ...

TextField autoSize+italics cuts of last character

In actionscript 3, my TextField has : CSS styling embedded fonts textAlign : CENTER autoSize : CENTER ... when italics are used the very right character gets slightly cut off (specially caps). It basically seems that it fails detecting the right size. I've had this problem before but just wondered is there a nice workaround (instea...

Access Text in Textfield on Sprite

I'm adding an array of sprites, each with an associated textfield. When the sprite is clicked (or the textfield -- either one, though I want the cursor to be a hand) all I want to do is to grab the text. (e.g. "One" in the example below). It ought to be possible to do it with dot notation, using the sprite's name, but that doesn't work...

Access of undefined property for timeline addChild code :(

I'm trying to do a simple test to figure out another bug, but I'm getting Access of undefined property tsLogo for addChild(tsLogo); I don't get it because this is simple timeline code on the first frame: var tsFont = new TextFormat(); tsFont.font = FranklinGothic; tsFont.size = 8; tsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF; tsFont.align =...

Problem viewing textfields in java applet

Hello all, Extremely new to Java an just playing around with it. I'm trying to add text fields to below a table and for some reason I can't see them. Code is below: import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class danTeamProject extends JApplet implements ActionListener { danTable a...

Multiline textfield in iphone

Hi all, I need to enter multiline text in the iphone text area. but the default textfiled is of single line. is there any way to make it multilined. Thanks in advance, Shibin. ...

How to extend a Textfield that is allready on the stage in Flash (AS3) ?

I'm looking for a way to extend a TextField that's allready on the stage in Flash (AS3) something like this: public class ChildTextField extends TextField { //code for childTextField comes here } I've placed a TextField with instance name 'thetextfield' on the stage. Now I would like to tell flash this textfield is of type Child...

TextFields not loading in subclass of NSWindowController

I am working on a second preferences style panel (but preferences related to a specific document.) My myDocument file is getting a little large so I decided to try using a separate subclass WindowController for the implementation. I have subclassed NSWindowController. The nib file has myController as the owner. It implements both window...

Flash AS3: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property ...

Hi, I am writing something in Flash/ AS3, and I came across this problem: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property txtInput on package.name.DocumentClasss Basically I have a document class, and I can create instances of movieclips clips and compile without issues. But when I put a input text field ("T" icon in the palette) ...

Trying to pass TextFormat into other Classes, getting error

Happy Tuesday everyone :) I noticed I was using the same fonts over again in several of my Sub Classes, so I figured I'd just make a Fonts Class to handle all those. Anyways I'm scratching my head around how to get those TextFormats created in my Fonts class into my other Classes cleanly. I don't believe I'm doing this the correct wa...

Textfield and Go Button

I would like to place search textfield and the Go button side by side. It looks aligned equally in Moz, Opera, IE8, Safari but not in IE7. IE7 shows 1px gap in height. How it can be done for IE7? ...

Flash Dynamic Text Width

Hey! I try to find out the text size of a textfield in the following example field.text = 'aaaaaaa'; trace(field.textWidth); setTimeput(function(){ field.text = 'aa'; trace(field.textWidth); },2000) The number is always the same. Why? I need the text width so I can adjust size for a background movieclip. Thx! ...

Select only first four lines, from Sql text field

Sql Server 2008 Express >> Visual Web Developer >> C# I'm pulling records out of the table like this: SELECT Name, Category, Review FROM ReviewTable This works fine but the Review field Type in SQL Server is text and is very long (think a magazine article). I only want to pull the first four lines from the Review field for each ro...

Static text within text field?

How can i keep static text within a <input type="text" name="site"> text field, just like the tumblr account ***.tumblr.com here > http://www.tumblr.com/ ...

TextField in UITableView

I m new to iphone world .. help me out of this. -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSString *MYIdentifier =@"MyIdentifier"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:MYIdentifier]; if(cell==nil) { cell=[[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWith...

flash cs4 , dynamic text field

Usually i am pretty good at working my way round as3 but this one is really giving me a headache I have this code below and everything works fine i can trace the output but still the text is not showing up on stage any clues?? import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.display.MovieClip; var xmlLoader:URLLoa...

django admin TinyMCE integration

This is weird: I have installed and configured django-tinymce, but it doesn't seem to work with django admin. this works fine with Safari: class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): formfield_overrides = { models.TextField: {'widget': TinyMCE(attrs={'cols': 80, 'rows': 20}, )}, } but i does not work within firefox. Just ...

TextField Caret Does Not Display in Actionscript 3

Hello all, I am trying to display a text field that has text inside it, and display the flashing Caret at the end of the text. I have tried the following: Code: // ti_title is my textField stage.focus = ti_title; ti_title.setSelection( ti_title.length, ti_title.length ); I have also tried: // ti_title is my textField ti_title.st...