
J2ME TextField Exception

When I instantiate a textField, I have a number in it that I want to be the default text. The problem is, I can't seem to be able to place that value into the textfield without getting an error. The strange thing about it is that the same TextField is what I use to set the value of the variable containing the number. TextField myTF = ...

AS3 Input Textfield get text formated with \n for every new line

I have a textfield where the user can type what ever he want into it. When the user is ready typing he can hit the send button. when he does that i get the text from the multiline textfield and pass it to my backend. there is only 1 problem the text is formated in 1 single line, (html text is no option!) is it possible to set after ever...

how to modify the textfield in jasper report using java

i have created a textfield in jasper reports, Using java how do i modify the textfield properties like width, postion etc ...

AS3: TextField Focus

I'm trying to handle a focus event on a TextField so I can select all the text when focusing (tab or click). Seems like I'm doing something wrong here ? txtTextField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, handleFocusIn); function handleFocusIn() { //select all text here } ...

Making a text field flow like a paragraph in Adobe Livecycle Designer

I intend to create a form using Adobe Livecycle Designer 7.00 in which I want a field to flow as does a paragraph in a text editor. To be more specific, I have a text object before and after the text field which is contained in a subform. As there is some text before the text field, it naturally would not start from extreme left. Now w...

Actionscript: How do I rotate a text field?

How do you rotate a text field in actionscript 3.0? As soon as I change the rotation property of the text field, it does not display. for example: var txtFld:TextField = new TextField(); txtFld.x = 100; txtFld.y = 100; txtFld.width = 300; txtFld.height = 300; txtFld.text = "Test String"; txtFld.rotation = 90; addChild(txtFld); ...

iPhone Text Field

Hello, I have run into an issue that I have yet to be able to solve. Hopefully someone can help. I have an app that I am using to do simple calculations, some of the results are larger than the UItextField. Does anyone know how to limit the output to say 10 characters like say a calculator would using exponents. This is the code I am...

custom UITableViewCell item problems

Hi, I am a newbie. I have a custom UITableViewCell with 3 items: a UILabel a UITextField and a UIButton My question is, how do I know from which cell the button was clicked or textField was edited ? Is there a way to track them? Thanks for any replies. ...

Vertical scroll a textfield by pixels in Actionscript 2

Is there a way to vertical scroll a textfield in actionscript 2 by pixels instead of line by line? ...

Show textfield data and also change value in database

I have this in my database <input type="text" value="<%= account["accountname"] %>"/> this will show the value of accountname in the field that I desire it too. However, if I want the user to change that value to something else it doesn't allow that to occur. If I put this in place of the above code sample <%= text_field_tag :acco...

Flash CS4 Textfield weirdness!

I've been working on a flash project where a designer has included a typewriter effect. The effect was working for the best part of a day, and now with some minor changes to other parts of the fla, it's not working!! Does anyone have any ideas why this doesn't work.... import flash.text.TextField; var phrase_string:String="SALE IS E...

AS3 Rounded Text Field

Does anyone know how to create a dynamic textfield with a visible border and rounded corners in AS3? I think I might have to create a rounded movieclip, resize and place it behind the text. I tried this, but I don't see any changes. var styleRound:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); styleRound.parseCSS("h4{cornerRadius:10;borderStyle: soli...

Dropshadowfilter on textfield disables the html-links inside. Is there a way around this?

When i put a dropshadowfilter on a dynamic textfield with html-content, the links (a href) stop working.The textfields rotate in flash 3D space so they have a transformmatrix applied to them. Could this be the reason? Anybody had problems with html-links and dropshadowfilter applied to the textfield? it makes no difference if you put the...

SharePoint TextField ClientID changes?

I'm trying to use some javascript on a page layout, and I'm encountering a strange issue where the ClientID of a Sharepoint.WebControls.TextField seems to change between OnLoad and the page being displayed. In the OnLoad event, TextField3.ClientID resolves to "ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_TextField3", but if look to see why my js doesn't work,...

How do I insert a value into a textfield of an HTML form using xcode?

I have been playing around with NSURLConnection. Now I'm trying to grab some data from a webpage, but first I need to insert my username and password on the website, in order to get the data. I want to know: How to insert a value into a textfield on the webpage How to press the log in button, once I have supplied the username and pas...

html5.0 canvas textfield

i wanna draw a login interface,so i have to draw the textfield to input and button to submit! if i achieve it by using input and button tag,it will be easy!but i was required to draw them in the canvas using html5.0 . i have searched google for two days,i cannot find a good idea! who has experience? help me! thanks in advance! ...

Struts JSP : set textfield value from session information

Hi, I have a DLPUser object in my session, this DLPUser is basically a container for Strings, ints and some useful info for me. (this is a fragment of code inside my action class in java) Map <String, Object> session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); session.put("logged-in","true"); session.put("user", user); //user is DLPUse...

Why do my text fields and text areas not align when they have the same width?


Blackberry Java: TextField *without* the caret?

I want a non-editable TextField (or a subclass) that doesn't even have the caret displayed. Alternatively, I want a multiline LabelField. Is any of these possible? ...

Invoke a date picker instead of a standard keyboard

Hi all, I need to invoke a UIDatePicker when i tap on a textfield. usually when we tap on a textfield the keyboard pop ups. but i need a date picker instead of that. can anyone help me please...! Thank you in advance. ...