
Texture not loaded to GPU Memory

Hi I am facing a problem with delete and generate textures. I am working on a medical imaging application where texture objects are deleted and regenerated when user reloads image data. When texture objects generated the first time (at application startup) every thing works fine. Problem comes when I delete and generate textures again...

png image blurry when loaded onto texture

I have created a png image in photoshop with transparencies that I have loaded into and OpenGL program. I have binded it to a texture and in the program the picture looks blurry and I'm not sure why. Loading Code // Texture loading object nv::Image title; // Return true on success if(title.loadImageFromFile("test.png")) { glGe...

iPhone app works hundreds of times, then crashes from memory error on startup, then never works until restart - why?

I have a Cocos2d/openGL iPhone game. It's a universal app and I'm dealing with an occasional but nasty error on the iPad. We are loading a lot of textures up front (3 2048x2048 textures). I'm working on reducing this up front load, but what worries me is I really don't understand the root cause of this crash that permanently breaks th...

Android GLSurfaceView glTexImage2D glDrawTexiOES

I'm trying to render a 640x480 RGB565 image using OpenGL ES on Android using GLSurfaceView and Native C code. Initially I had a 0x0501 error with glTexImage2D, which I was able to resolve by changing the image dimensions. But now, in the "drawFrame" call, when I do glDrawTexiOES to resnder the texture, I'm getting the following error o...

What is the correct behavior when both a 1D and a 2D texture are bound in OpenGL?

Say you have something like this: glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, my2dTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, my1dTex); glBegin... What is the correct OpenGL behavior? To draw the 1d texture, the 2d or both? For each active texture are there actually multiple textures that can be bound to it at the same time (i.e. a 1d, 2d, 3d cube map, etc.)...

position for texture in opengl

hello, i have a question concerning how to declare the points for a texture on a cube to be exactly i mean the: glTexCoord2f(x.f, y.f); for the front side, my declaration works: glBegin(GL_POLYGON); //Vorderseite glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);//normale für vorderseite glTexCoord2f(0.0f, -1.f); glVertex3f(-fSeitenL/...

The most efficient method of drawing multiple quads in OpenGL

I'm not very keen with OpenGL and I was wondering if someone could give me some insight on this. I'm a 'seasoned' programmer, I've read the redbook about VBOs and the like, but I was wondering from a more experienced person about the best/most efficient way of achieving this. I've been producing this 2d tile-based game engine to be used...

How to create an animated tiled background from a texture atlas with Cocos2d

I want to create a CCLayer with an animated tiled background from a larger texture atlas with Cocos2d. I know how to drop a background in a CCLayer. I know how to create an animated CCSprite. I even know how to handle tiled world maps. But I can't find a proper way to combine all these elements in the desired form. How would I do this?...

OpenGL, how to set a monochrome texture to a colored shape?

I'm developing on Android with OpenGL ES, I draw some cubes and I change their colors with glColor4f. Now, what I want is to give a more realistic effect on the cubes, so I create a monochromatic 8bit depth, 64x64 pixel size PNG file. I loaded on a texture, and here is my problem, which is the way to combine the color and the texture to ...

iPhone OpenGLES textures - colour banding

I've got a problem with openGL on iPhone which I'm sure must have a simple solution! When I load a texture and display it, I get a lot of what I believe is called 'Colour Banding', whereby the colours, particularly on gradients, seem to get automatically 'optimized'. Just to demonstrate that this wasn't anything wrong with my own code...

PNG Textures not loading on HTC desire

Hi I'm developing a game for android using OpenGL es and have hit a problem: My game loads fine in the emulator (windows xp and vista from eclipse), it also loads fine on a T-Mobile G2 (HTC Hero) however when I load it on my new HTC Desire none of the textures appear to load correctly (or at all). I'm suspecting the BitmapFactory.decode...

Blending transparent textures with depth

I am trying to blend textures which have transparent areas: glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...); glVertexPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, ... ); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4 ); Unless I add glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST), transparent parts of the t...

OpenGL Mipmapping: how does OpenGL decide on map level?

Hi, I am having trouble implementing mipmapping in OpenGL. I am using OpenFrameworks and have modified the ofTexture class to support the creation and rendering of mipmaps. The following code is the original texture creation code from the class (slightly modified for clarity): glEnable(texData.textureTarget); glBindTexture(t...

Trouble shooting openGL text textures not showing up correctly cross platform

I have been tasked with solving a problem that is outside of my domain of knowledge and I was hoping I could get some troubleshooting advice from someone more experienced with openGL (I have very little experience with openGL). We are working on a cross platform application that is implemented in a common lisp implementation called ccl....

how to combine a texture on a cylinder in papervision3d ?

I would like to combine bitmaps to one texture and apply it to a cylindric primitive. The cylinder will be rotating or better: the texture should moving along the cylindric-surface and therefor you should see only one (up to 3 textures at the same time). For better understanding: it's my intention to create somehow a poster-pillow with a...

OpenGL fast texture drawing with vertex buffer objects. Is this the way to do it?

Hello. I am making a 2D game with OpenGL. I would like to speed up my texture drawing by using VBOs. Currently I am using the immediate mode. I am generating my own coordinates when I rotate and scale a texture. I also have the functionality of rounding the corners of a texture, using the polygon primitive to draw those. I was thinking...

OpenGL Vertex Buffer Object code giving bad output.

Hello. My Vertex Buffer Object code is supposed to render textures nicely but instead the textures are being rendered oddly with some triangle shapes. What happens - http://godofgod.co.uk/my_files/wrong.png What is supposed to happen - http://godofgod.co.uk/my_files/right.png This function creates the VBO and sets the vertex and textu...

Applying a 2d mesh to a 3d surface

I have a very complex 3d surface I need to apply a 2d mesh to. What I need is something like the Solidworks Wrap tool : http://www.rickyjordan.com/2009/01/the-solidworks-secret-weapon-the-wrap-tool.html Due to the complexity of the 3d surface normal texture UV unwrapping won't work. For instance, if I want to map a O and the 3d surface ...

Flipping OpenGL texture

When I load textures from images normally, they are upside down because of OpenGL's coordinate system. What would be the best way to flip them? glScalef(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); mapping the y coordinates of the textures in reverse vertically flipping the image files manually (in Photoshop) flipping them programatically after loading them (I...

Special parameters for texture binding?

Do I have to set up my gl context in a certain way to bind textures. I'm following a tutorial. I start by doing: #define checkImageWidth 64 #define checkImageHeight 64 static GLubyte checkImage[checkImageHeight][checkImageWidth][4]; static GLuint texName; void makeCheckImage(void) { int i, j, c; for (i = 0; i < checkImageHeig...