
Android SDK: Multiple text fields from App saved to external file

Hello all, I may be going over my head but I am trying to make a couple of apps for my own work usage as a photographer that will save me time and negate the need for paper. I need some help! But first, what I have at my disposal: Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers, Helios Service Release 1 Android SDK (Latest with all APIs downloaded...

How can I improve the alignment of my TextView?

Right-most textview is causing some alignment issues. I'm not sure how I can alleviate this? ...

does textview not like to be placed to left of another widget

This is more out of curiosity than anything else, as I have solved my original problem. I wanted a button the horizontal centre of the screen, with a text box to the left of it, using a Relative Layout. I am curious to know why if I have the following layout: <Button android:id="@+id/pickTime" android:layout_width="wrap_content"...

Marquee TextView on App Widget

I am developing an AppWidget where I need a TextView to display text as a marquee. I have tried using the following code (as one would do in a regular Activity), but the text does not scroll. <TextView android:layout_width="150dip" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/marquee_forever" android:singl...

Horizontal scrolling text in Android

I've been looking around for quite some time now, and I can't get a straight answer for my question. It's quite simple: How can I get a nice scrolling text just like the long app names in the Market when you select an application? ...

TextView Scrolling Issue..

Hii I was coding for an application that shows the list of running process and i was using TextView to display the running process in screen. I was trying 2 different method for displaying the TextView. In one method i was declearing the TextView in the code itself TextView tv = new TextView(this); this.setContentView(tv); In the sec...

TextView getting highlighted after using linkify or autolink

I have a long text message followed by a link and have put this inside a TextView. It's simply like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ScrollView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <LinearLayout android:orientation="verti...

Scrollable TextView in Android Widget

Hi, I would like to create an android widget with a scrollable textview. The solutions given to this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1748977/making-textview-scrollable-in-android cannot be applied because it is a widget: 1. This findViewById(R.id.textview).setMovementMethod(new MovementMethod()); does not work, since ...

Is there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget?

Hi! I was wondering if there is an easy way to strike text within an app widget in Android. In a normal activity, it is pretty easy, using textview flags: textView.setPaintFlags(textView.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); But since in an app widget, I can use only remoteviews... I do not know if this is possible Anyone ...

Clone textview to append it to a ViewGroup

I have a ViewGroup defined in XML with a view inside, at onCreate time I'd like to have a variable of those. I don't want to go through the hassle of using a listview+adapter cause its clearly overkill as I know the list won't change since onCreate() This is more or less the code I'd like to have. TextView mytextview = myViewGroup.find...

Having a view wrap around another view

Is there a way to make my textview wrap around other views? For example in the picture, is there a way to get it to wrap to the edge once it gets below the imageview? This is my xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" ...

LinearLayout Gravity Bottom in Java

Hello, I am trying to accomplish something like a vertical bar chart. This is done dynamically in Java. For some reason the TextViews (bars) are not aligned at the total bottom of the LinearLayout but ~20px above. When the height is set I can see by different and growing sizes that it first stretches to the bottom and then the to the top...

Navigating an Array (Android String Array)

Hi. I'm new to android developing but right now I'm working on an application that displays Random Facts. Since I don't want it to be in a random order, I would like to have them in a list. I would like to order through them one by one and show them using TextView. Resources res = getResources(); myString = res.getStringArray(R.array.Fa...

switching a TextView to an EditText

Hi, The need is to make a title (TextView) tappable to edit it(EditText)... I'm using the trick to have 1 TextView and 1 EditText next to each other in my xml layout, and then I play with .setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE/VISIBLE) to visually switch them. Since TextView and EditText are pretty close, is that possible to effectively switch...

Converting TextView to String (kind of) Android

I have an object on my main.xml layout file called thefact that is TextView. I also have a string called sharefact. I want to save what text is in the TextView into the sharefact string. I can't do: sharefact = thefact Or anything similar to that because it would want me to convert sharefact into a textview. Thanks! ...

how to save an image with text on another image?

Hi All, I any one have idea about taking snapshot from iphone application through coding. means. I am developing an iphone application where there will be two images dynamically comes. There will be a text view with clear color on those particular images. users will be able to write any text on the images and click save button. Then t...

Two independent ListViews on the same screen + TextView header

I have two ListViews, each of them containing a String[] that I created locally. I wanted to show both of them on the same screen, but still maintaining their properties (List 1 having its background color, while List 2 has its). Can this be accomplished? Also, I'm trying to add a locally created TextView to the screen; I've tried addHe...

Android - fix TextView width by string

Hi, I think the answer to this question is probably so simple, but I'm struggling.... I have a TableLayout with multiple columns. I want the last column to be of a fixed width, but I want to define that width to just be able to hold the widest possible string from my program. i.e. it is always wide enough to contain "THIS STRING" witho...

Integer value in TextView

How can I display an Integer value in TextView? ...

Sizing an Android multi-line TextView

I have an Activity where I want to display a heading that takes up the top quarter of the app and displays a dynamic set of text. In some cases it'll all fit on one line and I'd like the font size to get sized up so it's large and easy to read. In some cases it'll be on multiple lines (usually less than 4) and need to be smaller. The co...