
Android layout for ListView followed by non-scrolling bar of text at bottom of screen

Hi, I'm having trouble setting up an Android Layout. What I would like is a scrollable ListView followed by a small bar of text (TextView) that doesn't scroll and always stays at the bottom of the screen. it would look like this: ListViewItem1 ListViewItem2 ListViewItem3 … Bar of Text Here (always displayed irrespective of scroll...

Scrolling a TextView to a specific line

I have a TextView inside a ScrollView. Let's say the ScrollView is named s and the TextView is named t. I have many lines to be displayed in the TextView and at the same time I want to scroll the view to a specific line. So I did this: t.setText(aVeryLongString); int y = t.getLayout().getLineTop(40); // e.g. I want to scroll to line ...

Can't get different views in Tabs

I have an app with 2 tabs, the first is a listview, and the second I'm trying to make a TextView. The problem is I have no idea on how to get the TextView to show up. The listview is working, but I can't get anything on the TextView at all. I tried using the Hello, World to try to work with the text into the tab, but I can't figure it ou...

Android (Milestone/Droid): View.OnKeyListener not working correctly?

I am using a simple EditText and register an View.OnKeyListener. Some GUI changes should happen (fading in/out of views) when certain conditions for the EditView text apply. In the emulator, this works as expected. On the Motorola Droid/Milestone, the listener does not work, only after pressing DEL, the listener is called the first ti...

Maximum line length on Android TextView

I'm putting a formatted single line text (no \n's) to a noneditable TextView. In the navigation of the program, the text can be changed. On some text, the TextView shrinks to 0x0 pixel and I can see nothing! I added some menus to truncate the text 10 characters each time and I found that if the number of characters are larger than 4470, ...

Android: textView doesn't show cursor

I have a textView which is configured as an EditText. But the problem is that the cursor doesn't appear when i'm pressing keys (text is written correctly). Thanks ...

Getting the default font size of a multiline TextView in Android

I want to have a font-size preference in percentage relative to the default font-size, so I need to get the default font-size for a TextView. How do I get the default font-size of a TextView? ...

pygtk: invert colors of a textview Widget

I finally managed to change the background of a textview widget in pygtk. Turns out I needed to use the widget.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) That results in the desired black background. Now, the rest of the problem... Now I want to change the text color to white. I have tried everything including widget.modi...

Text Entry on an Android Custom View

I'm dealing with a phone that has no physical keyboard and I'm using my own custom view for rendering. The device I'm working with, by default, seems to be in a T9 type entry mode where it suggests blocks of text. However, it never sends me the actual key events. How do I tell whatever soft-keyboard that pops up to enter 'dumb' key ...

android ellipsize multiline textview

I need to ellipsize multiligne textview. My component is large enough to display at least 4 lines with the ellipse, but only 2 lines are displayed. I tried to change the minimum and maximum number of rows in the component but it changes nothing ...

Ordered lists inside an Android TextView

I want to display an ordered list inside a TextView, for example: 1) item 1 2) item 2 Using the following layout: <TextView android:text="<ol><li>item 1\n</li><li>item 2\n</li></ol> /> I get: item 1 item 2 How can I change the bullets to numbers? Thanks. ...

Android: Internal Linkify does not work properly, and text, images flicker inside ListView

I enabled the Linkify property of a textview as follows: txtbox.setAutoLinkMask(Linkify.WEB_URLS); But, when there are URLs like bit.ly are present (which is very common nowadays in messages like tweets), it doesn't display them properly. The problem is "sometimes" it succeeds and sometimes it fails... The other problem is, if this Te...

Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

Can any one tell me whats going wrong with the text, text exceeds then one line not getting wrap to next line going beyond the screen. Following is the code <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation=...

Which control is used as editor in mac mail - message body??

Hi all, I have a simple question: can anyone suggest me - what is the control which is used as editor to compose messages in mac mail?? My guess is- TextView but I cannot get - 1. How will I show icon in message body when some document is dragged and dropped in it, as in mac mail. Right now it only shows path of document! 2. How will...

Creating a view like iTunes's lyrics view in Cocoa

How do I create a scrolling text view like iTunes's lyrics view in Interface Builder for Cocoa? ...

How can I send an email from app of the screen or text portions of the screen

Hi I’m kind of New to iPhone development and I want use MFMailComposeViewController, to take the text/notes which are in two text views one editable the other is not, that are on the screen and have them automatically applied to the subject portion of an email, is this possible and if so how would I implement it. Thank for any and all h...

iPhone app copy and highlighting

After realizing that my question was somewhat vague and to business like. I am reposting with further detail as to what my app does and what I am using. I have an app which is how to draw a comic book /manual. I’m using a webview to load an Html page into the main view. On top of the main view I have a UIBar with 2 buttons, one for t...

Android Textview Italic and wrap_contents

I am using 3 italic textviews with different colors <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@+id/submittedBy" android:paddingTop="10dip"> <ImageView a...

[pygtk] change tab-label in gtk.NoteBook

Hi to all. I have notebook on my form and on each notebook's tab i have gtk.TextView. textview adding automaticaly when new notebook's tab add. Let's say I want to open a file in 3 textview into 3 tabs and when i open file i want that in tab-label will be file path. Tab add: def new_tab(self): scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow(...

Scaling textSize in a TextView

Say I have a TextView of a particular size (doesn't really matter what... fill_parent, 20dip, whatever). Is it possible to tell the text to shrink/grow in size to fit the available space without doing a lot of math? ...