
How to add Editext and Button to Efficent Adapter which has a Icon and text

Hi, I want to create a layout in such a way that on top edittext and button should be there in one row. The search text I enter in editext and click on search button. Then I want to display a custom list view where each row contains image and text.(As per the API demos example list14 I have tried). But when I run the application, butto...

android scroll down

I have text area and and down to that "ok" and "cancel" button. when i click on text area keyboard appear and focus on the text area and buttons get hide behind the keyboard. i want when text area get focus scroll a little bit and also display the bottom buttons while text area id selected. ...

android: two issues using Tablerow+TextView in Tablelayout

I am using Tablerow+TextView to make a simple view for blog posts and their replies. In each TableRow I put a TextView in. Now I have two issues: The text which is longer than the screen won't automatically wrap up to be multi-line. Is it by design of TableRow? I've already set tr_content.setSingleLine(false); [update] This has been ad...

GTK TextView automatically resizing

I'm messing around with GTK and glade for the first time, and I've run across a really annoying issue. When I enter text into a TextView, the TextView automatically resizes larger, pushing other widgets away. This is a really annoying behavior. I do not want my TextView changing size depending on the amount of text within it. Does anyo...

Highlighting Text Color using Html.fromHtml() in Android?

Hi, I am developing an application in which there will be a search screen where user can search for specific keywords and that keyword should be highlighted. I have found Html.fromHtml method. But I will like to know whether its the proper way of doing it or not. Please let me know your views on this. Regards Sunil ...

Android TextView's Background Not Moving When TextView.Padding Changes

I have a TextView that I created in the main.xml. In my app.java I am dynamically positioning that TextView based on where the user taps the screen. The problem I am having is that when I call myTextView.setPadding(100,100,0,0), it moves the actual Text of the TextView, but does not move the Colored Background of the TextView. Ideas? ...

How can I disable editting for GtkTextView in c?

I tried this one and it generates a textview window: http://zetcode.com/tutorials/gtktutorial/gtktextview/ But I don't want it to be editable. BTW,how can I show the scroll bar when the text overflows? ...

How do You Center a TextView in Layout?

I have a complex layout, part of which features a value centered over a label, with + and - buttons on either side of the value. I want the value to center between the buttons, whether it is "1" or "99". It looks fine when it's a 2-digit number like "99", but when it's a single digit the number is left-justified. How do I properly cen...

android: customized text selector

I wanted to design a customized text selector that changed the text color when user clicks the TextView. But got the following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #55: Error inflating class here is what I have: drawable/text_selector.xml ...

Marquee in various TextView at the same time?

Hi, I have a dynamic layout wich has one to six TextViews. All the TextViews are created in the Activity (programatically) and all are created equally. I want to marquee the text in the TextViews, but I don't know how to do it. Apparently, the TextView needs to be focused for the marquee works fine, but how i focus six TextViews at the...

Android - Overlay ImageButton by TextView on xml layout

Hi! I'm looking for how to overlay an ImageButton by a TextView in android xml layout. For the moment when I reduce the the TextView margin top, the TextView is going under the ImageButton. I want the contrary. ...

How do I add a newline to a TextView in Android?

When I define in XML a TextView, how do I add new line to it? \n seams to not work. <TextView android:text="Line1: \n-Line2\n-Line3" android:id="@+id/txtTitlevalue" android:layout_width="54dip" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:textSize="11px" ></TextView> ...

Android Layout: Why don't the TextView and a ToggleButton align

I'm trying to put a TextView and a ToggleButton in a table row, however, they don't seem to align (The top of the button starts about 10px below the top of the textview even though the height each element is the same. Can anyone tell me why? <TableLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_con...

TextView defined in main.xml - how to "name" it to be able to use - setText() method?

Hi, I am exploring android and developement and I found one problem. My app UI is defined in main.xml I have 2 texts and 2 buttons defined - easy app. I read that I may be able to change TEXT in the ACTIVITY using the setText() method. And thats the problem - how do I POINT the setText() Method? How do I tell it to change a specifie...

Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView?

Given the following HTML: <p>This is text and this is an image <img src="http://www.example.com/image.jpg" />.</p> Is it possible to make the image render? When using this snippet: mContentText.setText(Html.fromHtml(text));, I get a cyan box with black borders, leading me to believe that a TextView has some idea of what an img tag is. ...

how to change the font on the text view in android?

how to change the font in textview? as default its shown up as Arial. how to change it to helvetica? ...

Is it possible to write vertically in a textview in android?

LEts say you have a normal textview, with "Stackoverflow" written in it, I would like to know if it it possible to rotate the textview about -90°, to have the S at the bottom and the W at the top of the screen? of course, i could write my text in an image, rotate it and use it that way, but im interested in text right now. thank you ...

Connecting Android XML and Code

I'm new to android and have gotten used to doing all my previous UI in code. I can understand the simple examples, but I'm trying something more complex and have no idea how to do it in code and XML. I'm trying to use the google map api and draw text on the map at a specified spot. I have succeeded in doing so by extending overlay and...

android does not display "" inside TextView?

dear friends, i am trying to display STRING my car name is "abc" in textview. it displays abc after running application. i have tried decoding into " and then assigning it to TextView but it always convert " to can any one guide me how to solve this issue? any help would be appriciated. ...

Android Autolink to launch WebView

Hi, I'm using autoLink="web" attribute in TextView to launch Browser. However, I want to launch the myActivity with WebView, when I click the links in TextView. Is is possible that catch the click event and invoke startActivity? Thanks in advance, Jason ...