
Integrating Team Foundation Server with external quality/configuration mamanegement systems

I'm evaluating Team Foundation Server and am interested to know as much as possible about integrating it to external systems in particular the (custom) ones we use for source control and issue management. Has anyone got any experience/insight/links to share on this topic? ...

How is the Test Points calculated in 'Test PLan Progress' report of tfs 2010

How is the Test Points calculated in 'Test PLan Progress' report of tfs 2010 ...

how to merge two changesets only (TFS)

You see 162489 and 162990, How can I merge them ? ...

Handling bugs raised by customers in TFS

I'm part of a team developing ASP.Net applications using Scrum. We currently use TFS for almost all aspects of our project management, source control, testing, and bug tracking. However, there's a gap when it comes to customer-raised bugs. Bugs found internally are easy to add to TFS allowing us to link changesets to actual bugs. Whe...

Unable to create new Team project over the internet getting SQl Reporting service resolve error

Hi I have installed a Team Foundation Server 2010, and it works perfectly over my Lan, but I need it to work over the internet too. My problem is that when Im connected to my team server over the internet, I get the following error, when I try to create a new Team project. TF218027: The following reporting folder could not be created o...

What permissions are needed to add/edit work items in TFS

I would like to grant my Q/A team permissions to create an edit bugs in TFS. I could just throw them into the Contributors group, but I would rather create a Q/A group and assign it permissions specific to creating work items. What permissions do I need to grant them. (TFS 2008) ...

View entire check in history TFS

Have been searching all over the internet but struggling to find my answer to this simple question. I'm using TFS with VS 2010 and all I want to do is view the check in history NOT just for a single file. That's helpful when I need to use it, but I want a bigger history so I can just see EACH check in and what comments I put next to ...

TFS 2010: Copy Devel.Config to Web.Config

We are using TFS 2010 with visual studio 2008 so config transformations are not an option. Our solution builds four sites. In each Web site project there is a web.config we use locally and a config/devel.config and a config/live.config. Our current TFS 2008 build development build copies devel.config over top of web.config while it is c...

Is it possible to change the length of a string Work Item field in TFS 2010?

Hi all, I'm trying to add 3 fields to some Work Item templates in my TFS 2010 project so we can do simple release notes documents generated via reporting services. Using the Process Editor (in TFS Power Tools Sep 2010) I have added 3 fields, all String types - "Version", "Title" and "Description". Each has had the Reportable attribute ...

Do I need a seperate SQL Server license for Team Foundation Server 2010

I am installing TFS 2010, and it does not install SQL and sharepoint automatically. I am assuming I need to manually install this. Do I need a serpeate license ontop of the TFS license? ...

TFS 2010 and creating a package

I am running the build with the flags /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true /p:DeployOnBuild=True The agent creates a the folder: C:\Builds\99\MyWebProject\Sources\WebProj\Web\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp that is used when the package is deployed. However, this folder does NOT have the files that are not in source control but are created ...

Is there a way to programatically retrieve files from TFS using Java?

Basically I would like a TFS SDK that I can uses to retrieve files from source control. Does something like this exist for Java? My searching only returned results from 2007 about rumors that Teamprise was working on a SDK. ...

Deploying Custom Policy on TFS2010 using VSIX and PKGDEF

I'm having a hell of a time trying to get a custom policy to install on TFS2010 using VSIX. I have the policy up and running and working fine on my development PC, I have written a value to the registry manually, and the policy is enforced. The trouble is setting up a VSIX project and deployment to our other development machines. I fo...

Open list in Microsoft Excel disabled in Code Metrics VS2008

Why is the 'Open list in Microsoft Excel' button disabled on my Code Metrics Results window and how do I enable it? I have Office 2007 (and Excel 2007) installed in my Windows XP sp3, and I use VSTS 2008 Team Suite. ...

An error ocurred while calculating Code Metrics in VS2008

I have Office 2007 (and Excel 2007) installed in my Windows XP sp3, and I use VSTS 2008 Team Suite. I execute option Code Metrics about a csproj in my solution, and I get the error: An error ocurred while calculating Code Metrics How can I debug it ?? what happened ? ...

How to have indented build steps in MSBuild/TFS

I understand how to do build steps using the BuildStep task in MSBuild and TFS as shown here: What I would like to have is indented build steps like the default MSBuild/TFS build steps display: I reviewed the MSDN documentation, ...

How to assign hotkey to certain command in Visual Studio?

Hi, I would like to assign hotkeys to certain TFS client commands in visual studio. For instance, hotkey1 for checkin, hotkey2 for undo checkout. Please advice. ...

TFS with VS 2005 and VS 2008

I was instructed by System IT to start using TFS for source control. I have both VS 2005 and VS 2008 on my machine. I have NO idea how to go by setting my environment to use TFS. Can someone please enlighten me as to what all I need to do in order use TFS? (No they did not supply me with any instructions.) ...

tfs, the real location of team project.

Hi, I have a project on server call "MyApp". I connect the tfs server, retrieve and save project my desktop. Then change project name "MyApp" to "MyAppTemp" on server.. Call project again from server, i expect a problem but no problem. So I understood that the project also has got a different location on the server. Where is real l...

Mixed Mode Authentication (SQLMembershipProvider )in TFS 2010

Hi everybody. I'm new to TFS 2010 (Team Foundation Server 2010) and I'm looking forward to authenticate users in TFS using Mixed Mode Authentication. I mean using Windows Mode Authentication and SQL Authentication with SQLMembershipProvider and SQLRoleProvider. Is this possible? Thanks in advance! Gonzalo ...