
TFS 2008: How do I sync build names with version numbers?

Currently my TFS build agent using the current date as the build name. For example, "Intranet_20100707.1" would be today's first build. Currently I use "1.2.*" as my assembly version number where 1 and 2 are manually incremented. How can I sync the build names with my application's version number? ...

TFS 2010: Is MSBuild going to be dead because of Windows Workflow?

MSBuild in TFS 2010 has been replaced by Windows Workflow 4.0. It means when you are creating a Build Definition, you won't have a TFSBuild.proj to edit instead you must edit a workflow to customize your build. BTW am I correct if I say Microsoft is not supporting MSBuild in TFS 2010 and learning MSBuild as a TFS 2010 Team Build adminis...

How to enable Automatic obfuscation in Team Build using dotfuscator and TFS 2008?

Hi all, I am trying to accomplish Build Automation (Continuous Integration) using TFS 2008 and VS 2008. We have a Web based (.Net) product which contains a number of small and large projects (Some C# and Some Vb.Net based). A source control server is already in place that is being used for version Management(later referred as Data Ti...

Need TSBuild.proj Script for Separate x86 and x64 builds using Team Build in TFS 2008?

Hi all, I want to build x86 and x64 builds using a single script in TFS 2008. Later on i need to move them to different output dirs and zip them. Here is my script. I need a bit of guidance of the build script. Please help. <Target Name="BeforeBuild"> <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64' "> ...

When building a web application project, TFS 2008 builds two separate projects in _PublishedFolder. Why?

I am trying to perform build automation on one of my web application projects built using VS 2008. The _PublishedWebSites contains two folders: Web and Deploy. I want TFS 2008 to generate only the deploy folder and not the web folder. Here is my TFSBuild.proj file: <Project ToolsVersion="3.5" DefaultTargets="Compile" xmlns="http://sc...

TFS2008 to TFS2010 migration upgrade

All, I'm currently in the process of attempting to create a repeatable process for the upgrade of a TFS 2008 installation to new hardware in what Microsoft call a migration upgrade, but am experiencing issues when building the VS 2008 projects on the new hardware. Our TFS 2008 installation consists of two machines; one which houses the...

Conditional PropertyGroup in TFSBuild.proj

I am trying to set a PropertyGroup depending on the value of another PropertyGroup: <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BuildDefinitionName)'=='Dev1'"> <DeploymentServer>DEVSERVER</DeploymentServer> </PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BuildDefinitionName)'=='Main'"> <DeploymentServer>MAINSERVER</DeploymentServer> </PropertyG...

problems in a specific automated build scenario in TFS

Hi all, I have an automated build scenario in TFS but I can figure out how should I do it: Solution s1 have 3 projecs a1, a2 and a3. projects a1 and a2 are class library and builds into two dlss a1.dll and a2.dll. Project a3 needs 2 dll's. In TFS I'm forced to create a bin folder in source control and add a1.dll and a2.dll to it. So wi...

errors during dotfuscator 4.5 task with TFS Build (Team Build with TFS 2008)

Hi all, I am invoking dotfuscator task via TFS Build a.k.a Team Build , taken from -=Dotfuscator Task with Team Build =-and receiving the following error: Build FAILED. (AfterCompile target) -> error MSB4061: The "Dotfuscate" task could not be instantiated from the assembly "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\PreEmptive\Dotfuscator\4.0\PreEm...

How to create an sql script file in TFS 2008 at designated directory automatically for developers to add sql script?

Hi all, I have just revised my question. Actually i wan to create an empty txt/.sql file in TFS 2008 Source Control server at designated directory/folder where developers can add sql script for their part of development. I need this file to be created automatically each time our nightly build script runs. I have created directories or...

Is there a way to format the warning and error messages that MSBuild logs?

I am using TFS Build to build my .net project. The TFS build produces an output file that lists all the errors and warnings that were generated. Is there a way (without implmenting a custom logger) to format the data that is output to this file (e.g. include full file path)? Thanks. ...

TFS2010 gated checkins compiling against wrong changeset

I'm fairly new to TFS (let alone 2010) and have been playing around with getting a TFS server up and running with automated builds. So far this has gone fairly well, I've got a gated check-in build definition and it all appeared to be working correctly...until I tried out using the symbol/source server, for some reason the MD5 of the so...

How to read existing assembly version from AssemblInfo.cs files, increment and update the new version using Team Build via TFS 2008?

Hi all, I need to implement auto-increment for each nightly builds. For this, i need to read existing version, increment only the build number and save the incremented build number to assemblyinfo.cs files as well as some custom xml files having the following syntax. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MyProduct> <Version>v.3.0...

Tfsbuild MakDir to the output directory

I have a TFSBuild.proj which I want to edit slightly at the end - I want to make a bunch of directories and dump a few things in them. The problem I'm having is that the straightforward method dumps the new folder into the specified drop folder for all builds rather than the folder created for the current build. For example I had someth...

Team Foundation Build drops in flat directory structure

I'm trying to "fix" a build on our TF Server that drops everything into the drop folder in one big flat drop (rather than in seperate project dumps like a local build would do), and I'm getting a little frustrated - I'm going to be honest and say this is the first time I've ever worked with MSBuild and this has kind of been droppped on m...

Can assembly version been automatically updated with each TFS 2010 Build?

Hi, I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and TFS 2010. Is there a way that dll version be automatically incremented with each TFS build? Thanks ...

In TFS Build (MSBuild), how can I only have a specifc project in my drop folder

"Out of the box" the build in TFS will compile a complete solution and put all the "deliverables" from all its project into the drop folder. How can I have only the deliverables from a single "main" project end up in the drop folder, why still having all other projects (which it depends upon) compiled? ...

Tools to make TFS 2010 Build customization easy

Are there any visual tools for the TFS2010 Build engine? I just don't need to know WorkFlowright right now. It would be nice to just pickup a tool and make my custom builds rather than digging into WorkFlow, then into TFS 2010's way of using WorkFlow. ...

WriteBuildMessage not displayed

Consider this simple msbuild script (xaml): <Activity xmlns=[....]> <Sequence> <mtbwa:WriteBuildMessage Message="Test message"/> <mtbwa:WriteBuildWarning Message="Test warning"/> </Sequence> </Activity> I have a tfs build definition based on this script. When I queue a new build in tfs, the warning is displayed under "view...

Team Foundation Server Build Failure "the semaphore timeout period has expired"

I have serveral build tasks set up in TFS 2008. Intermittently (and constantly at present) the builds fail with the message: TF209011: Could not create drop location \server\share\BuildName_20100729.6: The semaphore timeout period has expired. Both the TFS and drop location server are VMs, not sure if this is likely to be part of the i...