
Team Foundation Build 2010 - Label builds with shelvesets

How can I label builds with in Team Foundation Build 2010? If I have a shelveset with a new file (added file), applying a label fails with the following error: Unable to apply label (p) LABEL to item $/NEWITEM because this item has not yet been checked in. Check in this item and then try again. ...

TFS 2010 and creating a package

I am running the build with the flags /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true /p:DeployOnBuild=True The agent creates a the folder: C:\Builds\99\MyWebProject\Sources\WebProj\Web\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp that is used when the package is deployed. However, this folder does NOT have the files that are not in source control but are created ...

How can I set up unit tests to run for different environments?

I'm considering running unit tests for my Visual Studio 2010 projects on our build server at build time. The problem is that when I'm working locally, I want to test against DEV, when building for QA, I want the tests to run against QA, when building/promoting for UAT/PROD... you get the picture. I think VS 2010 might have support for...

specify the code analysis rule set file in tfsbuild

I have this property: ..\myRuleSet.ruleset working for me when i build locally(msbuild). what's the equivalent of this if i want write a tfsbuild.proj? Or can we specify a rule set file in team build? Thanks ...

Signing assemblies with pfx files in MSBuild/Team Build/TFS

Hi, I Get this error when trying to build a project using Team Build (MSBuild) on TFS 2010 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets (1970): Cannot import the following key file: CCC.pfx. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate again or manually install th...

Build automation using TFS with InstallShield 2011

We have a TFS build which outputs 2 exe's for 2 different solutions. How do I now integrate my build with InstallShield to use these exe's of both the solutions in my installer. Any points to information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much in advance!! ...

Automatization Build Server TFS 2008 (vs 2008)

I use VS 2008, Team Explorer and TFS. I'm looking to automate your builds by executing TFSBuild.exe command. I follow those steps: Open TeamExplorer, in VS2008, connected to TFS; My Team Project has a Build (named MainBuild) in Builds. Then, I do Query New build option. I fill the properties in window dialog opened: build Definition...

Override Build Number and Revision in TFS 2010 build

I modified my project's AssemblyInfo.cs as following: [assembly:AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] //[assembly:AssemblyFileVersion("")] This updated the dll file version. However, the Build Number and Revision number appear to be some random integers. Is it possible to specify the start point for Build/Revision number or override them w...

Team Foundation Server 2010 Build Question

Does anyone know if its possible to have TFS2010 Build Server run ONLY tests rather than entire project. Here is why, I want to setup a schedule to have my server execute my tests daily, without having to make sure my entire project is fully functional, since I will be working on the code, it may not be buildable, however my tests shoul...