
Whats happening when switching themes in Sugar CRM or similar kind of application

Can anyone tell me what's happening when i click on a different color / Them icon in sugar CRM or new ORKUT. I am trying to develop a similar kind of application(in ASP.NET) where i need to switch to different themes. I dont want to use the ASP.NET SKINS.It seems that there is no page post backs happening when we change the skins in suga...

CSS layout theme like Molio, Pilu’s web-app-theme or Yui App Theme?

Hi, I am looking for css layout theme similar to Molio, Pilu’s web-app-theme or Yui App Theme. Anyone got any other recommendations? ...

Custom comment form in CCK template

Pre-abmle: I am using MakeMeeting module to create/display meeting polls. This module has its own Content Type and I can't get comments to show on the screen (whether I choose to show comments or on same page or not in Comment Settings for this node type). The MakeMeeting module has it's own theme functions, but perhaps they're not guilt...

Using aero theme in Winforms like we do in WPF

Hi. I know how to use the Aero theme in my wpf applications when running in Windows XP.Link Is there any way to do the same in a Winforms application? Thanks. ...

ASP.NET x.x themes (removing duplication)

I have been using themes for a while, and off late when I was trying to refactor my code, a thought came to mind. My theme is always split into two pieces, one that guides the basic layout issues, and the other that guides the colors, images, etc. Everytime, we have to design for a new client, we switch the themes, and we are done. Howev...

Change size of user/password login box

I don't know how to change the size of the login username/password boxes on the drupal site that I'm trying to build. I'm stumbling through the theming, and don't know where to find the file that needs to be changed in order to have boxes that fits the aesthetic (so a file path would be very helpful). I'm hoping it's a css solution. Y...

Is it possible to use theme colors in Windows Forms apps?

I normally make use of System Colors whenever possible when designing Windows Forms applications just so that it'll fit in with the user's preferences. But is it possible to use Theme Colors? I realize that this limits you in several ways (must be running Windows that supports it and has the Themes service running), so I would certainl...

XP alternative to "TEXTSTLYE" Aero theme class

I'm using the "TEXTSTYLE" class with OpenThemeData in Vista/Win 7 to render text elements with the appropriate emphasis (all values found on the Parts and States documentation): TEXT_MAININSTRUCTION for my header text TEXT_SECONDARYTEXT for subtitles TEXT_HYPERLINKTEXT for links TEXT_INSTRUCTION for standard text This looks great ...

Delphi: Proper time to subclass, and restore, a control?

What is the correct place/time to start subclassing a control? What is the proper time to restore the original window proc? Right now i subclass during form creation: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FOldPanel1WindowProc := Panel1.WindowProc; Panel1.WindowProc := Panel1WindowProc; end; and i restore the subc...

Subdomain not reading modules or themes folder under sites/all/

I have a site set up with drupal, everything going fine. I then added a subdomain, and that too was fine until I went to enable a custom theme that was under the sites/all/themes folder. The theme does not show properly in the admin panel (no thumbnail), and when activated, the site appears to have no structure at all. The theme I am ...

How would you share a theme between a Django app and a Wordpress blog?

Trying to keep a consistent look & feel between a django site and a wordpress blog is turning into somewhat of a pain and I'm wondering if there's a way to set it up so that stuff only needs to be changed in one place. Most of the appearance stuff that changes is in the header and footer which for Wordpress is in header.php and footer.p...

Android theme customization

Hi, I am working on theme-ing my android app. After I went through 'Styles and Themes' in Android SDK and this article, I am still left with one question. Simply put, how can I use android:textSize to be 14 dip for one TextView, while 18 dip for another TextView, inside a Theme? I know how to do this with styles. I can define two dif...

Fix Size of Login Box in Drupal Theme

I've asked this question previously here, and thought it was fixed, however, it is only fixed in firefox. In Safari the login box is now very wide, jutting out over the page contents. Here is what it looks like in Safari, and here is what it looks like in Firefox. I originally went about fixing it by creating a drupal module which chan...

WPF XAML Style Gallery

WPFThemes is a good resource for WPF themes and styles. As of now they do not cover many controls like Window Popup Datagrid etc.. Is there any other resource to help developer in styling a WPF application? ...

WPF Override Standard Theme in App.xaml

Hi all, I am using the standard WPF theme Aero.NormalColor.xaml. And it works very well. However for the whole application, I would like to override the Foreground color of textboxes to red. My first try is that <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictio...

Open source theme/plugin directory engine

Most open source wiki and CMS engines host user-contributed themes/plugins in directories whose code, strikingly, is not itself released as open source software. Possibly the best example is WordPress' own plugin/theme directory, offering support for one-click plugin installation as well as plugin metadata, screenshots, changelogs, syste...

Vibrant Ink theme for IntelliJ IDEA

I've been trying unsuccessfully for about the last hour to find a ported version of the Vibrant Ink theme for IntelliJ IDEA. Can't find a working link to it anywhere! Does anyone else use this theme for IDEA and if so do you know where to get a ported version of it? ...

Why getApplicationContext().setTheme() in a Activity does not work??

hi all,i am currently have a hard time for calling to getApplicationContext().setTheme() in a activity,i just want to apply a theme resource in a application scope instead of activity scope in code style,but the trouble is that this does not work at all,can anybody explain to this,thanks a lot! He is the code skeleton: public class Sta...

Silverlight: Overriding a theme with a custom ItemTemplate

I have a test project I created to get my feet wet with Silverlight 3. In order to get my AutoCompleteBox to display the correct property in the dropdown, I created a custom item template, like so: <navigation:Page.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="ItemDataTemplate"> <Grid Height="12"> <TextBlock x:Name="TextBlock"...

Is there a way to change android theme at runtime?

I am now working on changing android theme style at runtime,when the user select a theme resource,not only the current application,but also all the applications installed on the phone should be changed.For example,just like you change the system language in setting activity,then all the applications' language changed.I just can not figur...