
Magento: Disecting the Default Theme

I'm looking for information about the default Magento theme including: Explanation of all directories. Explanation of files per directory. List & Definition of PHP snippets per file. For example, the PHP snippets used to place the buy button, review starts, product images, etc Does anybody know if/where I can find this? ...

Mono: MONO_THEME has no effect under Ubuntu?

I am not entirely sure whether MONO_THEME is supposed to do anything for WinForms applications running under Ubuntu, but I got the impression that I should be able to enable GNOME-like looks by using it. I can't get it to do that though. Here's what I tried: export MONO_THEME=visualstyles mono MyApp.exe export MONO_THEME=clearlooks mo...

Does overriding default style/controltemplates break theming?

When I override the default style/controltemplate of a standard WPF control in blend using "Edit a Copy" without modifying it (just creating a local copy of if), will this already break theming in some scenarios? In other words, do different themes provide differnt controltemplate- and/or styledefinitions for the standard controls? How c...

master skin file in ASP.NET

My project has multiple themes with different colors. I need to skin certain textboxes with a specific font/size/etc.[no color difference] Currently, I add <asp:TextBox SkinID="skinned" runat="server".../> to all .skin files under each theme. Is there a way to put this textbox skin in one place, like a master skin? ...

Android: change TextView textColor when parent is focused

I have a TextView inside a LinearLayout. The LinearLayout is able to receive focus, and I want the textColor of the TextView to change when it does. I thought using a ColorStateList would work, but it would seem that the TextView does not receive focus when the LinearLayout does. I know that, because I have tried this code:

Code Expressions in ASP.NET Themes

Binding expressions (e.g. <%# %>) are only permitted in ASP.NET skins in a very limited manner. It appears that only Eval(“”) statements with literal arguments are accepted. No formatting functions or composite expressions are allowed. Two part question: How does one support Text='<%# Eval(MyEnum.FirstName) %>' inside a skin How ...

Dynamically setting themes in ASP.NET

Ive got an application that different domains are connected to, instead of copying and modifying each application i use same physical location on hard drive but separate application pools and websites on IIS. Basically i want to change a theme based on hostname. ie. user comes to "" gets "websome" theme and user comes to "jam...

Flash Cs4 components skinning / themes ?

is there a way to apply custom skin / theme on components in flash Cs4. I remembeer I could edit them in flash 8 as2, but in flash cs4 they just an objects. without option to edit "content" of them. ...

Wordpress: Accessing A Plugin's Function From A Theme

Hi all, I'm trying to add some functionality from a plugin I have made into a Wordpress theme but I am having little joy. The documentation doesn't really help me solve the problem so perhaps someone here can help. I have a plugin in Wordpress that is activated and working fine. The class for this plugin has a function called generat...

Keep website theme the same.. cookies?

I think I will need to use javascript to do this so I put it here on stack overflow. So, I have two themes for my website, the only difference is that one is a solid colour (background), the other a repeated image, so I didn't make separate css files for them. I have two links in the navigation bar that change it (with javascript). In th...

Why would a TextBlock with DropShadowEffect show a solid black background on one XP machine?

We have a WPF application in which we have the following XAML: <TextBlock x:Name="HeaderRightSubtitle" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="top" FontSize="10" Foreground="#FFFFFF"> <TextBlock.Effect> <DropShadowEffect Color="#FFCACACA" ShadowDepth="1" Opac...

Drupal 6: Theming a field in views

Basically I want to create a php code in my template (views-view-field--body.tpl.php) that would say the following... if [body] print [node_view] endif ...

how to create themes and skin in mvc?

Anyone point me to any article that describes how to use themes and skins in an mvc application? ...

custom-theme-set-faces compatible with tty

I have created an emacs-23 custom theme using customize-create-theme. It works fine under X (Linux gnome desktop). However, when running under a tty (within gnome-terminal) some of the colors are wrong. It is not the accuracy of the colors which are a problem (although it would be nice to match them under both situations) but the fact t...

How to specify WPF Theme in c#?

Hi ! I found out that I can use a different theme in an C# WPF Application by adding the theme .xaml-file to the project and add to App.xaml as a Resource. see for a more detailed description. Can I do this as well at runtime in C#? Is it possible to specify a different theme for d...

Themed WPF ListBox-Object looks different than ListboxItem?

Hi ! When I use a Theme like link text in my WPF App, I notice a difference between the Items of ListBoxes and ComboBoxes: When I add a an object of my own class to their Items Collection, the created item looks themed. If I make my own class inherit from ListBoxItem/ComboBoxItem, the resulting Visualization looks unthemed. How can I d...

Color Themes For Eclipse Python Development

I am looking for Eclipse themes that are similar to the following and support Python/xhtml/css/js by default. ...

Starting with Liferay and a bit overwhelmed with how to begin

Hello I would like to start developing a lifeRay theme and am a little bit lost! I am a Mac user and i have installed liferay and also Xcode but i am not clear how to begin. I have downloaded the SDK for liferay but i do not understand how to install it or use it for that matter, so questions: Is Xcode an appropriate development envir...

DllGetVersion not giving expected results under Windows 7

Hi, I have some code that attempts to test whether my application is running with the themes set. Here's the C# code: internal class NativeMethods { [DllImport("comctl32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] internal static extern uint DllGetVersion(ref DLLVERSIONINFO pdvi); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] ...

Drupal6: Linebreaks from fckeditor aren't reflected on page - solved

I think this might be a problem with the theme I'm using (Nitobe). I'm also using the WYSIWYG rich text editor fckeditor. When I make formatting changes to a post using fckeditor, such as bolding, italicizing, or more substantial changes, like adding a numbered list, it works fine. However, when I try to add line breaks, the changes ar...