
Date and time input

How can I show a date popup box that formats the date so it will fit in the mySQL date field? Also, how can I check or format time to fit in the mySQL time field? ...

Time performance in Release mode: a grotesque difference in VC++ 2008 and VC++ 2005 Express Edition

I ran the same project (with the same configuration properties) in VC++ 2008 and in VC++ 2005 Express Edition. I was surprised by the difference in time performance between them: VC++ 2008 took much more time (approximately 30% additional time) than VC++ 2005 Express Edition. Why did this happen? Is it due to Express Edition being lighte...

How can I calculate a time span in Java and format the output?

I want to take two times (in seconds since epoch) and show the difference between the two in formats like: 2 minutes 1 hour, 15 minutes 3 hours, 9 minutes 1 minute ago 1 hour, 2 minutes ago How can I accomplish this?? ...

How can I format date -u so that the results include timezone offset in a Mac OSX terminal session?

In a terminal session I can use date -u to get Mon Mar 16 03:34:39 2009 UTC However, I'd like to include the offset. I'm modifying a TextMate tab trigger so that I can insert the full date including the local offset, in standard UTC format. I believe that would be in the following form: Mon Mar 16 03:34:39 2009 UTC -0500 So, as you c...

How to manage time in Extreme Programming?

I am monitoring a competition where each sprint is scheduled to one hour interval. Each team member should have a count down c'lock on the screen, preferrably on terminal. The c'locks should lauch alarm after 45 minutes, 55 minutes and and 60 minutes. The enviroment should create a feeling of extreme programming. Is there some ready te...

[Wordpress] date issue with PHP 4.4.8

Hello folks. Last week a released a 2.0 beta version of my Events Manager plugin, which produces a list of events. Among the many bugs floating around, there is one I cannot fix. The bug seems to manifest itself only on a tester's server with PHP 4.4.8; works allright on PHP 5. When I try to use the H:i php time format, I always get midn...

What are the approaches for writing a simple clock application?

I am writing a small program to display current time on iPhone (learning :D). I came across this confusion. Is calling currentSystemTime ( eg: stringFromDate: ) on every second, parse it and print the time on screen is good? Would it be more effective to call the above routine once and manually update the parsed second every tick of yo...

calculate time difference in cocoa

I have got two timevalues in the format: %H%M%S (E.G.161500) These values are text-based integers. Is there a simple function in Cocoa that calculates the difference between these two integers using a 60 seconds and minutes scale? So if time 1 = 161500 time 2 = 171500 timedifference = 003000 ...

What are equivalent C# datatypes for the new "date", "time" and "datetimeoffset" types?

What are the most suitable equivalent C# datatypes for the new "date", "time" and "datetimeoffset" datatypes in Sql Server 2008? ...

PHP Set time to Pacific daylight saving time

In a PHP site, I have the current time setting: D j M Y, G:ia How do I change that to reflect current pacific time with the daylight saving time? ...

Is there a better way to determine elapsed time in Perl?

my $start_time = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]; my $diff = Time::HiRes::tv_interval($start_time); print "\n\n$diff\n"; ...

How do I find the time complexity T(n) and show that it is tightly bounded (Big Theta)?

I'm trying to figure out how to give a worst case time complexity. I'm not sure about my analysis. I have read nested for loops big O is n^2; is this correct for a for loop with a while loop inside? // A is an array of real numbers. // The size of A is n. i,j are of type int, key is // of type real. Procedure IS(A) for j = 2 to l...

How to parse days/hours/minutes/seconds in ruby?

Is there a gem or something to parse strings like "4h 30m" "1d 4h" -- sort of like the estimates in JIRA or task planners, maybe, with internationalization? ...

Is there an easy way to Calculate and format time/date intervals in java?

I'm familiar with the the date and time classes in the JDK and their associated formatting methods. I may be blind, but I cannot find an equivalent set of classes for processing time intervals. For example, I would like to display the number of days for a given long value of milliseconds. I realize that the method to do these conversions...

How can I obtain the local time in jQuery?

I am using jQuery and I need to get the local time for Germany. Anyone coming to my website from any country should be able to know what time it is in Germany. If the time is between 0:00 and 12:00 I need to make an alert reading: "Good Morning". If the time is between 12:00 and 17:00 I need to make an alert reading: "Good Afternoon"....

What is the range of times that Ruby's Time class can represent?

Times farthest in the past and farthest in the future that can be represented? Is it absolute moments in time, or distance in time from the present moment? I couldn't find it in the docs for the Time class. Does it depend on the system? If so, how can I access it in my code? UPDATE After some experimentation, I found that it's from ...

How to measure execution time of command in windows command line?

Can this be done with standard means? ...

How to convert 1400-1500 to 2pm - 3pm?

I am receiving data representing a time slot from a service as a string in the form of: 1500-1600 This meaning 3pm to 4pm. I will have a list of these e.g. 1200-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 and I have to represent this in the UI as 12pm - 1pm 1pm - 2pm 2pm - 3pm Unfortunately this list could be in a ran...

How possible is it to estimate time for programming projects?

It seems like it is nearly impossible to get close because you could run into any number of issues and things not first anticipated. How close can we be expected to reasonably estimate? Our PM wants to be able to have things like Gant charts and such mapping out weeks at a time and such... So we say we can get these bugs done, and this i...

Synchronizing time, but ignoring time zones.

Hi, I have an application that I want to have a feature where it synchronizes the Windows system clock, but only setting the minutes, unless for example the system time is 13:58 and the time server is 14:02, in which case the hour should be changed too. The thing is, I don't want to use the time server hours/days etc because I want the...