
MVC2: Determine that redirect to login was due to forms authentication timeout?

What is the best way to detect when a redirect to the login page occurs due to a forms authentication timeout in order to display a meaningful message? <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/Login" timeout="15" slidingExpiration="true"/> </authentication> ...

Is there a way to get Stored Procedures to constantly refresh their Timeout Expiration TSQL?

Hello, I wrote a pretty complex Stored Procedure that takes about 2 minutes to run (Is is a single Update statement). However, in this 2 minutes of time the stored procedure times out. I was wondering if there was a way to refresh the Stored Procedures timeout expiration so that I don't have to change the servers timeout from 30 seconds....

Test Run aborted when the option "Abort a test run if its total execution time exceeds" is unchecked in TestRunConfig file....

Hello team, We've around 5 Test Runs scheduled as part of a build (VS2008) to run nightly. I have configured timeout values of my TestRunconfig file with following values, I haven't set any "runTimeout" value - so i assume this test run will run infinite but each test run should only run for maximum of 5 mins. However, when the test...

Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out

In my Android application I am getting a very strange crash, when I press a button (Image) on my UI the entire application freezes and after a couple of seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog appearing. Here is what gets printed in the log: WARN/WindowManager(88): Key dispatching timed out sending to package name/Activity WARN/W...

javascript: How do I verify timer properties?

If I have the following code: var myfunc = function() { alert('wow'); }; var t=setTimeout(myfunc, 300); Is there anything I can do with the id stored in t to verify the timer's duration and callback? I'm trying to verify the timer's properties directly so I don't have to actually run it 'till timeout in my unit tests. ...

Can you change the timeout on a linq-to-objects query?

I have some LINQ queries which are running against objects in memory. I think they're pretty optimized, but there is a large number of objects, and sometimes the query takes a long time to run. Sometimes it takes long enough to timeout. (This code is running as part of an Azure worker role, and it seems to time out more frequently when ...

Can you make a rpc call timeout after x seconds?

If I have a service that makes RPC calls (say to web services, or restful services, or just to scrape data from a url, etc), is it possible for me to have it timeout after 5 seconds? I don't want it to hang and then crash if the remote service is down, rather try for x seconds, if its down, then just carry on to the next remote service ...

Time limiting a method in C#

I have a Game framework where there is a list of Bots who implement IBotInterface. These bots are custom made by user with the only limitation that they must implement the interface. The game then calls methods in the bots (hopefully in parallel) for various events like yourTurn and roundStart. I want the bot to only spend a limited am...

How to detach the local git repository from its working directory?

Is this feasible? I would like to have the .git directory on another drive than the checkout directory. I could not find a way to detach both. The reason is: there is an exchange area on a very slow network drive and limited space and this is a real nightmare with timeouts. At least the repository operations (synchronization with a svn...

Get image slider to auto play

Hi. I am trying to get my own image slider to auto play with an interval of 4000 milliseconds. I've tried using setTimeOut but I cannot seem to get it to work. I would appreciate it if someone could help me out. Here is example of the slider: http://www.matthewruddy.com/slider-intervalissue/ Any ideas how I can get it to auto play? He...

Ruby throws Timeout::Error when calling Net::HTTP.get on an HTTPS URL

I've tried this on a few machines on different networks, all running ruby 1.8.7 and I get the same result after a long wait. Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('https://encrypted.google.com/')) Timeout::Error: execution expired but HTTP works fine Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse('http://www.google.com/')) After the inital timeout I get an EOFError ...

PHP SoapClient Timeout

Is there anyway for a SoapClient Request to time out and throw an exception. As of now, I get PHP Server response timeout, in my case 60 seconds. Basically what I want is, if there isn't any reply from the Web Service within certain time, an exception would be thrown and I could catch it. The 60 seconds warning is not what I want. Is it...

Ruby on Rails: How to set a database timeout in application configuration?

I'd like to set my database to timeout requests that do not complete within a set amount of time, in order to prevent outlier requests from monopolizing the entire application. Is there anything I can add to my Rails configuration files in order to set this? I tried to add a line I saw often online of timeout: 5000 to my database.yml, ...

Avoiding socket timeouts in SQLAlchemy

I'm new to SQLAlchemy, but I'm trying to use it to create and fill a database for a personal project. I've set pool_timeout to 43200 (twelve hours), but I'm still getting socket timeouts. engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( 'postgresql+pg8000://gdwatson:pass@localhost/dbname', pool_timeout=43200) db.tables.meta.d...

Wait till process is no longer running OR until timeout has passed, whichever happens first.

I want to kill a process running on the machine using taskkill if they're still running after X seconds (a windows service was stopped but it takes time for processes to dissapear) What's the most correct way to accomplish the above in C# (.net 2.0 or possibly 3.0)? I've utility method for verifying whether a process is still running,...

.Net SQLCommand times out when executing Stored Procedure which returns no records.

Hi guys, I wonder if any one may be able to help? I have an issue with a SqlCommand object that when it executes a stored procedure that returns no records, will timeout. The stored procedure is not complicated, it is just a simple SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB, ... FROM TableA WHERE Id = @Id type of thing. If I run the SP in Sql Managment ...

SerialPort.Close() problem - can't shut down the application with the taskmanager!

This is a major issue - I use a serial port in an application here and I poll the status of the attached device by opening and then closing the port again. If the device fails, SOMETIMES the SerialPort.Close() - method NEVER returns and this is really a show stopper. The worst thing is that even shutting down the application using the ...

What different settings affect PHP and/or Apache timeouts?

I was asked to help troubleshoot someone's website. It is written in php, on a linux box, using an apache server and mysql, and I have never worked with any of these before (except maybe linux in school). I got most of the issues fixed (most code is really the same no matter what langues it is) however there is still one page that is t...

Force timeout on a MysqlQuery from PHP

Is there a way to force Mysql from PHP to kill a query if it didn't return within a certain time frame? I sometimes see expensive queries running for hours (obviously by this time HTTP connection timed out or the user has left). Once enough such queries accumulate it starts to affect the overall performance badly. ...

How to prevent browser timeout in long-running processes?

How would you prevent a browser from timing out while a long process is running in php? We have a process which accepts a file upload and runs process on the file data. Sometimes this file can be very large with a lot of records, and in these cases the user gets a timeout error. I believe it is a browser timeout because the script is st...