
Tomcat timeout in seconds???

Hello, Can someone please tell me how to set Tomcat timeout in seconds? as far as i know it can be 1minute at minimum.... thanking in anticipation.. ...

In PHP, how can i get fopen to timeout very fast when opening a local file?

I'm having a problem with PHP where i'm writing to a file very often, and sometimes it takes a long time to open that file. The complete description is here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3759345/fopen-file-locking-in-php-reader-writer-type-of-situation My question is how can I get fopen to timeout in, say, 50ms. I looked at strea...

MS SQL Timeout on ASP.NET Page but not in SSMS

When a sproc is executed on one of our ASP.NET pages, it times out on the SQL Server with the exception Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.. When I execute the same sproc in SSMS, it returns relatively quickly. The SQL Server and IIS are on the same box. I logg...

TCP Socket Connection Time Out with Volume Transactions

I am desperate to get some help on this one. We are getting issues when a volume of messages are sent through TCP Socket Connection on a different server for HSM Card validation. This is what we tested for volume testing: We tested with processing 3 blocks of 30,000 transactions at 15 trans/sec and at the third block transactions start...

QTimer timeout problems with QEventLoop and QNAM

Hi, I have created my own HTTP class that utilizes QNAM and provides means for sending HTTP requests. It uses QEventLoop for synchronization and QTimer for timeouts. I'm facing few problems with my solution. On certain Symbian platforms my QTimer signals timeout too fast (e.g. like after 1 sec when timeout is 30 secs). This happends us...

Good timeout for heartbeating proto using TCP - Java Sockets

Im implementing my own proto in Java, it will use a heartbeat over a TCP connection that I also use to transfer messages and files. For the client I am using blocking socket I/O. So here is how Im planning that will work... I will set the socket timeout for K seconds and make the heartbeat stay sending messages in an interval T, so that ...

Pausing the detection of mousemove

PPK at quirksmode.org says, Sometimes the mousemove event continues firing even if the mouse does not move. This is not a browser bug, but an OS or maybe even hardware bug. Some optical mice keep on sending mousemove interrupts, even though they aren't moved. In general this bug is easy to work around: just check the mouse posi...

How do I test for activity inactivity time

Hello, I'm wondering what is the highest level I can go in-order to know when the user interacts with my application preface: I'd like to logout of my application after X seconds of user inactivity. so what I did is create a service with a timer, and a toggle function which resets the timer to X time. after X time has passed, an intent ...

Gitorious socket timeout on repo creation

I'm getting the following error when trying to create a new repository with gitorious: Timeout::Error (execution expired): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in `socket' stomp (1.1) lib/stomp/connection.rb:42:in `initialize' vendor/plugins/activemessaging/lib/activemessaging/adapters/stomp.rb:28:in `initialize' vendor/plugins/activ...

Show loading GIF in jQuery without AJAX?

I know how to do this with $(gif).show(); $.post( action, data, function(result) { $(gif).hide(); } ); // using ajaxStart and ajaxStop is a better way too But, I don't know how to do it without using post, I tryed $(gif).show(); doAction(); // No post... $(gif).hide(); The problem is, while doAction function is running the $(...

Set timeout on getaddrinfo() in Python

Is it possible to set a timeout on a getaddrinfo() call in CPython 2.7? socket.setdefaulttimeout() does not work. I don't really want a solution that wraps a function using threads or signals. A solution that only uses the standard library is best, but using a third-party package would be acceptable. For example, I want to do this: ...

HttpClient timeout not working on my phone

Hi, When executing a PostMethod with httpclient , the request is not stopped at the defined timeout. Running on the acer liquid with 3G network ,but in the emulator it works fine and it generate a SocketTimeoutException HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams(); // Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is e...

Python, Timeout of Try, Except Statement after X number of seconds?

I've been searching on this but can't seem to find an exact answer (most get into more complicated things like multithreading, etc), I just want to do something like a Try, Except statement where if the process doesn't finish within X number of seconds it will throw an exception. EDIT: The reason for this is that I am using a website te...

Is there a general mechanism to timeout events in node.js?

I am learning node.js and most of examples I can find are dealing with simple examples. I am more interested in building real-world complicated systems and estimating how well event based model of node.js can handle all the use cases of a real application. One of the common patterns that I want to apply is let blocking execution to time...

PHP IMAP connecting to server TIMEOUT

Hi! I'm coding very simple email client app with PHP. On my local dev server everything works just fine, but when I move the very same script on production server I get the "Can't connect to secure.emailsrvr.com,993: Connection timed out" response. I tried almost everything, searching the google for two days, but no solution found! Bot...

Executors run longer than timeout value

Here is a code segment of scala. I set timeout as 100 mills. Out of 10000 loops, 106 of them run more than 100 mills without throwing exceptions. The largest one is even 135 mills. Any reason why this is happening? for (j <- 0 to 10000) { total += 1 val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor val result = executor.submit[Int...

Timeout exception when timeout set to infinite time

In my C# .NET 3.5 application I am using CastleProject ActiveRecord over NHibernate. This is desktop application using MS SQL Server 2008. I have set ADO command timeout to 0 to prevent timeout exception during bulk operations: <activerecord> <config> ... <add key="hibernate.command_timeout" value="0" /> </config> ...

jQuery - keeping php session by ajax silent

Hi there! I searched the intenrent for the question: "how to keep php session alive, before it times out by jQuery" I want it being silent - that means, i'd like no poping-up dialogs asking to keep session, but silent ajax request, that will tell server, that client is online. The model is: user logged in, and he is in until he closes t...

Timeout exception when using NHibernate TransactionScope

This is continuation of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3844327/timeout-exception-when-timeout-set-to-infinite-time (and I also see unanswered http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3752440/sqlconnection-and-transactionscope-timeout question). I am using CastleProject ActiveRecord over NHibernate, C# 3.5. I have multiple subsequent inser...

Maximum value of ActiveResource timeout

This is a bad thing to do but this temporary fix I want to push to production wants me to increase the timeout of ActiveResource. I've set it to 120 seconds. How much further can it go ? ...