
Timer alert - FIX

I have a timer alert: private var cheat:Timer; private function init():void { cheat = new Timer(2000, 1); cheat.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, cheatProtection); } private function showAlert():void { cheat.reset(); cheat.start(); } private function alrt_close(evt:CloseEvent):void { cheat.stop(); } priv...

Objects with Timer in AS3

I have this class named MovingObject which extends the MovieClip class. This class will be instantianted for several times. Inside this class is a Timer that handles the speed of the objects moving. There is another class called TheStage and this is where I will instantiate MovingObject (s). public class MovingObject extends MovieClip{...

If timer is started and running , donot reset it once again using flex3

I'm having 2 problems. 1 - I have a text area in which I am matching a string. If it matches then a timer will start. But that condition will likely be satisfied more than once, so I would like to give a condition that if timer is already running don't do anything, if(!timer.running) then start timer. But it still resets the timer ever...

Access Violation with unmanaged DLL

Currently, we use an unmanaged DLL from a vendor that allows us to access a particular instrument. The particular function of interest is specified in a header file as this: extern "C" short CCONV acq_get_board_count (); In my application, I have the pinvoke statement: public class bograms { [DllImport("bograms.dll", EntryPoint =...

help with setitimer / signal issue

I have the following code which I'd hope would wait 2 seconds then wait 5 seconds in a loop. There is a reason why I'm not using the it_interval to refire the timer. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <semaphore.h> sem_t se...

Ruby: connection timeout detection for a TCPServer

Hello, been trying to understand how to implement a timeout detection to a ruby TCP server of mine. Mainly because sometimes clients with instable internet lose connection and i need my server to detect it. The idea is to teach my server to detect when a connection had been silent for longer than 30 seconds and abort it. I've been try...

is form button can handle 400 click at the same time?

I am making a site that who will click button when timer ends first he will won.But I am not sure that if will 400 people will click the same time server can response quickly? And is there will be timer and when timer end click button will be enabled.But is this time will show on each computer as the same time that button enabled? Or c...

System.Threading.Timer not firing after some time

Hello All, I have a windows service application. And debugging it by running in console mode. Here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/842793 it is written that Timers.Timer has a bug and not firing in windows services. And workaround is to use Threading.Timer And this article is for .NET 1.0 and 1.1 I am using .NET 4 but after some time ...

[C#]Object Disposed exception and multi thread application

I have an application that start System.Threading.Timer, then this timer every 5 seconds read some information from a linked database and update GUI on main form of application; Since the System.Threading.Timer create another thread for the Tick event, i need to use Object.Invoke for updating User Interface on the main Form of applicati...

Using Sleep() while using timers through setitimer

I am using a timer in my C++ code through setitimer function from sys/time.h. This maps the SIGALRM signal to my timer handler method. After this I am not able to use sleep function. I am assuming it is because sleep uses SIGALRM signal as well. Can you suggest any workaround for this problem? Thanks for replying. ...

Show notification every step of difference between two values (Math Question)

I have to answer this question that seems a riddle ... I don't know if there's a real solution or it's impossible... Questions : Having two double values, one is the total amount of money in the safe, the other is threshold of maximum money recommended in the safe For example: recommended value of money (threshold) : $1,500 Total amou...

Java Concurrent Execution of Thread Task

Hi, I have a task that needs to be executed on a schedule. (It basically polls a database looking for a change and then executes code depending on the result). The problem is that I need the polled task to happen even when it is already executing. So far I have tried using a Timer/TimerTask combo with the scheduleAtFixedRate() method a...

Optimize code: Linq and foreach loop 15k records

this is my code void fixInstellingenTabel(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { NASDataContext _db = new NASDataContext(); List<Instellingen> newOnes = new List<Instellingen>(); List<InstellingGegeven> li = _db.InstellingGegevens.ToList(); foreach (InstellingGegeven i in li) { if (_db.Instellingens.Count(q => q....

WPF Window Implement ISynchronizeInvoke for use with System.Timers.Timer

Hi All The fact that the dispatch timer, updates on the UI thread, is convenient - with one problem... IT CAUSES THE UI TO FREEZE AT TIMES! As such, i would like to use the Timer in the System.Timers namespace, which will achieve the same thing except, that the UI will be more responsive as it updates from a different thread. System.T...

ASP.NET MVC - time ajax request

Hi, I'm using a jQuery modal dialog to display a 'Please Wait' type message to a user when a ajax call is made back to the server. I'm doing this by making the dialog visible using the jQuery ajaxSend method. And I close the dialog using the jQuery ajaxComplete method. All fairly routine stuff I'm sure. However if the call takes a ve...

Where can I download jQuery timers?

It seems to have disappeared from the top of Google. I've searched teh jQuery site, no results, the top results on Google are either dead links. The links on http://plugins.jquery.com/node/3656/release don't lead to downloads. I'm not a noob but something messed up has happened. EDIT: As per the replies: "The top hit on the big G f...

Problem with Timer and schedule, Android

I am just learning and exercising @ Android, and I tried to make a TextView display the current time, meaning the TextView gets updated every second. Now I know there are probably loads of better ways - Calendar's, DigitalClocks and other widgets to do this properly, but as I said, I am merely training. My problem is that my "schedule"...

How to know if a function is finished?

Hi, I'm using [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0 target:self selector:@selector(myfunc:) userInfo:text repeats:false]; in my code. How can I know if myfunc has finished running so that I can fetch the global variables it has changed? Thank you! ...

C++ Very strange behaviour measuring function execution time - My head exploded

Besides my head exploding this is what happened. I wanted to measure the execution time of a method from a class. The method was too fast to get an accurate time using QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount or Clock. I called the method 2000 times and measured the time elapsed. start=clock(); for (i=0;i<2000;i++) { myObject->myMeth...

Issue with callback method in SetTimer Windows API called from C# code

Hi all I'm currently involved in a project that is migrating some old VB6 code to C# (.Net Framework 3.5). My mandate is to just do the migration; any functional enhancements or refactoring is to be pushed to a later phase of the project. Not ideal, but there you go. So part of the VB6 code makes a call out to the Windows API SetTimer ...