
return title of web page i'm visiting in a UIWebView

Hi, I created programmatically a view that contains a navigation bar like Safari, a web view and a toolbar... In the navigation bar I put a label and two text field, one for type URL and one for type search. But how can I use the label to show the web view page title? I tried this code but don't work! :( nomeSito.text = [webView strin...

jQuery ui dialog image for the title

Is it possible when specifying a jQuery UI dialog box, to have an image be placed for my title instead of just plain text? Thanks ...

Xorg, Python, and Current Window Title

After stackoverflow answered my previous question on here about my Wiimote left/right click issue, Not only can I move the mouse cursor, I can now left/right click on things. I now have one more question. What do I use in python to get the title of the current active window? After googling 'X11 Python Window Title', 'Linux Python Window...

Android: How to create a Dialog with a Scrolling title?

Ok so I've read the Custom Dialog explanation on the And Dev website http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/dialogs.html#CustomDialog It show's you how to make a custom dialog, but not how to customise the title! Basically my title is too long and I want it to scroll (like textview) or better still have a 'marquee' effect i think...

How to display an li tag's title using javascript

Hello, I recently found a javascript image gallery, and noticed that it changes the title attribute in the <li> tag. I was wondering how I could make the title information display as text, and update dynamically. As always, any help is appreciated. The code is below. Thanks, Mraisky JS: <!--[if lt IE 8]> <style media="screen,projecti...

Customizing DocBook XSL NS section title styling

I have "section.autolabel" set to 1 with a max.depth of 2. So, my section (sect1, sect2, sect3, ...) titles are as follows: 1. Introduction 1.1 All about it 1.2 Some more all abouts These are generated as pure text (ie: "1.1 All about it") without any formatting specifically for the numbering and the title separately. What I would li...

How to change search tab titles with title callback and title arguments using hook_menu_alter()

I am trying to modify the displayed title of the realname and node search tabs under drupal search using hook_menu_alter in drupal 6. However I can't figure out how to use the title calback and title arguments for my purpose unlike simpler tabs the search tabs doesn't just have a title. function sn_misc_menu_alter(&$items) { // hide...

Taskkill an untitled process?

So I'm using the taskkill.exe which comes with Vista and I want it to do something especially complicated.. There are multiple instances of java.exe running, and I want it to find the one that is untitled.. so this is my command: taskkill /IM java.exe /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq " I also tried: taskkill /IM java.exe /FI "WINDOWTITLE ne Auto...

Best practice for SEO urls(ASCII vs urlencoded UTF8)?

I'am building a website where I need to make an url form article title. First option is to convert all utf8 to ASCII. This can be done, because every language has some kind of Romanization available. But I don't know if, for example, for Chinese people romanticized versions of title makes any sense. Second options is to urlencode utf8 ti...

Beamer: How to remove shadow under the title on a given frame?

On one particular frame I would like to remove the shadow that the theme I am using inserts under the title. The reason is that with a black background (which I use only on this frame), it looks quite ugly. Do you have any idea can I do that? I've managed to remove the shadow under a block environment, thanks to: \setbeamertemplate{...

Get Title and Meta Tags of External site

I want to try figure out how to get the <title>A common title</title> <meta name="keywords" content="Keywords blabla" /> <meta name="description" content="This is the description" /> Even though if it's arranged in any order, I've heard of the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser but I don't really want to use it. Is it possible for a solution ...

PHP to place page-generated title into <head>

We include a header.php file across all the pages on our site. So we could either place a single title in the header.php file which would be applied to the entire site, or have a custom header within each page to be more descriptive. The problem is that in doing that, the title would be outside the head tags (which remain in the header...

Android Mapping Overlay Question

I am developing an Android mapping application and I have managed to work Google's ItemizedOverlay tutorial into my code. I'm plotting my little circle on the map nicely. However, I would like to label my tiny symbol with its title -- all the time. I'm going to be dropping a few different symbols on my map and the able to display thei...

Android Menu Item Title not displaying

Hi all, I've been fiddling with android, and I've been following the menu sample, and it runs almost fine, but the "title" field of the menu items isn't displaying. I think it's related to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3286093/android-menu-item-not-showing-text but I'm not sure what his answer means. Anyway, it prop...

Can you specify the title for xforms message boxes?

The web client of our application makes use of xforms. A message box pops up if an error occurs during validation, and the title of the message box currently shows to the name of the application (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer). (The graphics function is malfunctioning, so I cannot upload a screenshot.) I am trying to find out if it ...

dynamic seo title for news articles

Hi, I have a news section where the pages resolve to urls like newsArticle.php?id=210 What I would like to do is use the title from the database to create seo friendly titles like newsArticle/joe-goes-to-town Any ideas how I can achieve this? Thanks, R. ...

how to use zk annotations

Hi, I am using zk 5.0.3. I want to use the following annotation binding as the title of a "center" region of a borderlayout: <a:bind content="entrydisplay.activeEntryCaption" /> <html /> I want to do the following: <borderlayout> <north title="use the above binding here"> this is north </north> </borderlayout> How do I achie...

rails page titles

I don't like the way rails does page titles by default (just uses the controller name), so I'm working on a new way of doing it like so: application controller: def page_title "Default Title Here" end posts controller: def page_title "Awesome Posts" end application layout: <title><%=controller.page_title%></title> It wo...

Get all the images within a class call post with jquery

Hi I just discovered jquery, but can't figure out how i can get all the imgs within a class and add a rel tag and set its title. I understood that class can be added like this: <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { $('.entry-content img').addClass('myClass yourClass'); }); </script> But is ...

BIRT - how can you set the title of a chart programmatically

I would like to be able to set the title of the chart I am creating in BIRT through a Java program. How do I do this? Many thanks Daniel ...