
C#: How do I get the document title from a WebBrowser element?

I'm having issues trying to get the document title from a WebBrowser in C#. It works fine in VB.NET, but it won't give me any properties in C#. When I type in MyBrowser.Document., the only options I get are 4 methods: Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, and ToString - no properties. I think it's because I have to assign the document to a new...

Persistent post names in Wordpress sidebar

Hello, I need to display all my post titles in the sidebar of my Wordpress theme all the time. Just now it works only when I am browsing a category (it shows all post titles from that category). But when I click on a post, only this post title remains into my sidebar, which is not supposed to function like that. Could you help me, plea...

What are these windows? .. "M" and "Default IME" (from GetWindowText)

Using EnumWindows and GetWindowText, I see many titles with "M' and "Default IME". What is their primary function?.. It seems to be something quite fundamental. ...

Change the toolbar title in UIImagePicker

Hello, I created an iPhone application which can take photo and allow the user to edit them (moving and scaling), by setting the property "allowsEditing" to YES. My problem is that while editing, the bar at the bottom has a too long title (in french). http://uppix.net/d/8/8/12ee1d66af14d3f99ea65d7b6091b.png So do you have any idea o...

Custom UITableViewCell with 3 labels

Hi guys, I have a custom UITableViewCell and in it I have 2 labels. The 2 labels in the custom cell have name and location. What I need to be able to do is, select a row and use the text in the name label of the row as the title for the next viewController. Any ideas on how I could do this? Thanks. ...

Difference between title and name in html href element

Hey, in an href in html, whats the difference between using <a href="http://www.somesite.com/" name="The Name"> and <a href="http://www.somesite.com/" title="The Name"> Is there any advantage to using one over the other? Thanks ...

How to create a dynamic page title using PHP

Hi I was wondering if anyone can help with this PHP problem. Is it possible to use the text in a H2 tag and use that to populate the page title dynamically. I'd also like to be able to use this same technique to add the H2 text into the meta description - Can anyone help? ...

How to change the Title of a view.

hi everyone, So, I have two views and i want to give at my NavigationBar the name of a Label in my first view... And i have an other, in my .xib, i have many button and Label and on the top a "+" button(in a Navigation Bar) (i'm not in a TableView) and my question is, when the first Label is completed, how when i press again the "+" b...

How can I create this figure title in MATLAB?

I want to combine Latex, numbers, and Tex into the title of a figure using the following (beta_b and lambda are defined variables): title(['$\overline{\beta}=$' num2str(beta_b) 'TE0 , \lambda=' num2str(lambda*1e6) ' \mum'], 'interpreter','latex'); But it doesn't display properly. What's the problem? ...

How do I correctly set a UIViewController's navigationController title?

I am trying the following code: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { Thing *sub = [[subscriptions objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] retain]; StoriesViewController *thing = [[StoriesViewController alloc] initWithThing:sub]; thing.navigationController.title = sub.title; [self.navigat...

iPhone Xcode UIButton Title Will Not Appear

So I am making an iPhone program and for some odd reason the title of my UIButtons will not show... am I missing something?? I get no errors or even warnings on compilation and my buttons and everything appear, just the title is not being shown.... FurballViewController.m ... -(void)loadView { UIButton *btn = [UIButton buttonWith...

Can I ellipsize a dialog title?

I have an Activity running as a Theme.Dialog. Can I set its title to an "ellipsize" style? Currently, the text is being populated in onCreate() with setText(). There's no this.setEllipsize() like on TextView. Or, is my only option to write a Custom Dialog and set the title style there? I'd like to know if that's possible before heading ...

Get title from textfield then use to display function

Hi. I asked this question previously although I don't think I did a great job of explaining it and the answers didn't seem to work so this is my second attempt. FYI, I'm using Wordpress. I wish to create an image slideshow plugin. The idea is that the user can enter the name of the slideshow into a text field then submit it which will u...

Set Page Title using PHP.

I wish to set the title of my webpage to Ultan.me - Whatever the post title. I want it to display the post title. The posts are submitted to a MySQL database and the title row is called "title". Any help is appreciated with this small question. Update: Here is the page itself now but it doesn't display the title. Should I open the php ...

iphone uitableview set description by code

hi all! I have my uitableview created with grouped style.. I wish from my code set the description for the sections of my table.. thanks! ...

jQuery display image title in span tag

Hi, I have a unordered list being shown - each li tag contains an image with an empty span tag under it. I want the title attribute of the image to display in the span tag. I am using this below and it works, but it shows the titles from ALL images in the first span tag... I need to somehow make sure the title from the image goes in it...

Jquery condition to replace title tags

Hi. I have been scratching my head trying to get Jquery to conditionally search and replace title tags in a document. Essentially I want Jquery to go through a list of image tags, check if the image tag is a space " " and if so remove the space "". If the title tag is anything else Jquery should leave it alone. HTM i am not allowed to a...

Solved Jquery change image on hover when image and menu item 'title' equal eachother

This is now solved. I simplified the code. My problem now is that whenever I hover over all list items (shown below ul.menu) then hover over again, upon inspection style="display:none;" is not being removed after I come back to mouseover again. Current Html: <ul class="menu"> <li class="menu-mlid-187" id="ElDorado"><a title="El Dorad...

Title tag and url for paging, which is good?

Hello. I have a page which has 3 pages First page; Url: ex.com/my-good-page Title tag: My Good Page Second page Option 1: url: ex.com/my-good-page/2 Title tag: My Good Page - 2 => Added page number Option 2: url: ex.com/my-good-page?page=2 Title tag: My Good Page => No change I don't know which one to choose between option 1 and 2. T...

How to change color of status bar item title in objective-C/Cocoa?

//Create the NSStatusBar and set its length statusItem = [[[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength] retain]; [statusItem setHighlightMode:YES]; [statusItem setTitle:@"myTitle"]; [statusItem setToolTip:@"myToolTip"]; [statusItem setMenu:statusMenu]; [statusItem setEnabled:YES]; How to change color of...