
Any way to run python TK scripts on web page?

Is there any way to run a python script that utilizes TKinter on a web page such that a user could run the script and interact with the TK windows without having to download the script or have the appropriate python interpreter? ...

How do I bind an event to the left mouse button being held down?

I need a command to be executed as long as the left mouse button is being held down. ...

How do I get mouse position relative to the parent widget in tkinter?

I need to get the mouse position relative to the tkinter window. ...

color plot animation with play, pause, stop cabability using Tkinter with pylab/matplotlib embedding: can't update figure/canvas ?

I've looked but didn't find previous questions specific enough, so sorry if this is repeated. Goal: GUI to continuously update figure with different matrix data plotted by pylab's pcolor such that there is a running animation. But user should be able to play, pause, stop animation by Tkinter widget buttons. Before I get an answer for ma...

Python Tkinter "X" button control (the button that close the window)

I am doing saving jobs when user presses my "Close" button in GUI environment written in Python with Tkinter library. However, if user pushes the X button on top the window to close the window, I can't do anything. How can I control -be aware of- this button? ...

How do I get a windows border like this in Tkinter?

Is there any way to get a border like this in Tkinter? Notice how it lacks the buttons on the top right. Also I don't want this program to show in the task bar. This is in windows 7, btw. ...

How to pass an argument to event handler? python, tkinter programming

Hi friends., widget.bind('<Button-1>',callback) # binding def callback(self,event) #do something i need to pass an argument to callback() .the argument is a dictionary object. thanks in advance sag ...

Python Tkinter, simple example fails on win 7

From here I've copied an example of python gui app, but it's not working. It starts up and show window, but when i click the Quit button it just freze. And if I run it again then i got another quit button in previous window. Is there error in example code or is this problem with win 7 ? I am using python 2.6.5 and win 7 32 bit. ...

Using TCL extensions to set native window style in Tkinter… documents a overrideredirect method that will remove thetitlebar and borders, if that is not enough you must set the native window style, I'm not sure if Tkinter gives you that kind of low-level access, if not, try the something like

Making a Toggle Button with an image in Tkinter.

I know how to make an image a button in Tkinter, now how do I make th image a toggle button similar to a radio button? ...

stdout to tkinter GUI

Hi, How can I redirect stdout data to a tkinter Text widget? Much obliged, Dennis ...

How to make tkinter repond events while waiting socket data?

I'm trying to make the app read data from a socket, but it takes some time and locks the interface, how do I make it respond to tk events while waiting? ...

How to center a Window on the screen in Tkinter?

I'm trying to center a Tkinter window. I know I can programatically get the size of the window and the size of the screen and use that to set the geometry, but I'm wondering if there's a simpler way, this being Python and all. I know that in Java's Swing library, you can do this with a simple call to frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null), s...

Cannot Display an Image in Tkinter

When I run the program the canvas shows up but the Image does not. canvas = Canvas(frame, width = 128, height = 128, bg= 'white') image_data ='NoArt.gif') ppm_f = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image_data) canvas.create_image(0, 0, image = ppm_f, anchor = NW) canvas.pack(side=BOTTOM) any Ideas?? PS. I have PIL ver...

How to give Tkinter file dialog focus

I'm using OS X. I'm double clicking my script to run it from Finder. This script imports and runs the function below. I'd like the script to present a Tkinter open file dialog and return a list of files selected. Here's what I have so far: def open_files(starting_dir): """Returns list of filenames+paths given starting dir""" ...

Using the ttk (tk 8.5) Notebook widget effectively (scrolling of tabs)

I'm working on a project using Tkinter and Python. In order to have native theming and to take advantage of the new widgets I'm using ttk in Python 2.6. My problem is how to allow the user to scroll through the tabs in the notebook widget (a la firefox). Plus, I need a part in the right edge of the tabs for a close button. The frame for ...

Having trouble with Tkinter transparency

I'm having problems making a top level widget fade in, in TKinter. For some reason the widget doesn't fade in at all, then it will show up in the taskbar, but only after clicking the button that runs this command twice (it's not supposed to be in the taskbar). The code responsible for these problems. Alpha = 0.0 w1.attributes(...

How do I disable default Tkinter key commands?

I'd like to implement my own key command. However when I do, it does both what I tell it and the default command. How do I disable the default command, so that my command is the only one that runs? This is on Windows 7, BTW. ...

Hyperlink In Tkinter Text Widget?

I am re designing a portion of my current software project, and want to use hyperlinks instead of buttons. I really didn't want to use a Text widget, but that is all I could find when I Googled the subject. Anyway, I found an example of this, but keep getting this error: TclError: bitmap "blue" not defined when I add this line of cod...

How do I rotate a polygon in python on a Tkinter Canvas?

Hi, I am working to create a version of asteroids using Python and Tkinter. When the left or right arrow key is pressed the ship needs to rotate. The ship is a triangle on the Tkinter canvas. I am having trouble coming up with formula to adjust the coordinates for the triangle. I believe it has something to do with sin and cos, though I...