
Vimeo Desktop App OAuth

Hi Guys, I'm currently having massive trouble with Vimeo's Oauth implementation and my desktop app. My program does the following correctly. 1- Requests a Unauthorized Request Token with my key and secret and returns - a Token and a Token secret. 2- Generates a URL for the user to go to using the token which then shows our application...

Delphi: Multiple tokens edit component

Hello, I'm looking for an enchanced edit component that allow users to input multiple tokens (items) manually separated by some symbol, or to select them from another source. It's something like "TO" field in outlook or facebook that allow you to input multiple recipients. Can anyone suggest any solution? Thanks in advice! ...

How to deal with overlapping character groups in different tokens in an EBNF grammar?

I'm using an LL(k) EBNF grammar to parse a character stream. I need three different types of tokens: CHARACTERS letter = 'A'..'Z' + 'a'..'z' . digit = "0123456789" . messageChar = '\u0020'..'\u007e' - ' ' - '(' - ')' . TOKENS num = ['-'] digit { digit } [ '.' digit { digit } ] . ident = letter { letter | digit | '_' } . ...

validate iphone push notification token?

I've not yet implemented push notifications in my app. My understanding is that the app running on the device must request a token, then send this token to my server, and that my server must pass this token to Apple whenever I want to push a message to the device / app. Is a requested push token specific to the app, or do all apps on t...

Custom tokens in view engine?

In ASP.NET MVC 2 project, how might I go about writing a custom view engine that allows custom tokens to be used when searching for views? Specifically, I'm trying to achieve this: In PagesController: public ActionResult ViewPage(string folder, string page) { return View(folder, page); } I want the view engine to search for the vi...

Drupal 6 - Refresh tokens through ajax

I'm experimenting with asynchronous loading objects to speed up drupal. For this, I'm using the authcache module, together with ajaxify regions. So far, I've come a long way by adding regions on the node page, and load blocks to the region with ajaxify regions. This has got me almost all the way with great speed and only a little lag for...

Refreshing existing nodes to pick up Automatic Nodetitles in Drupal

I have a set of existing nodes for a content type ('foo'). Since then I have installed the Automatic Nodetitles module, which has helped tremendously, since I no longer need to work hard to make standardized names for each node of that type. I have used Automatic Nodetitles in conjunction with Tokens to create an automatic title naming p...

Tokenized Email Action Is Not Picking Up My Tokens

Hi, I'm having some problems setting up a tokenized email to use the tokens I've created in my module. I am using this in a tokenized email [example-contact]. I've implemented the example_token_values() and example_token_list() in my module and I've also created a trigger in my module. My module has a form, created with the form API, th...

java.util.NoSuchElementException: token 82 does not exsist.

Error anaylsing resource: java.util.NoSuchElementException: token 82 does not exsist. What is token 82? I can not find it here: CODE: package irc.irc2000.classCustomization.uporabniskiVmesniki.tipi; import java.lang.annotation.Documented; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lan...

Alternatives to NTidy and other ports, need to format html with custom tokens

Looking to format (automated, in application) some html / nvelocity templates. Tidy seems to be the answer for this, however all the .Net ports seem to be problematic and not very well maintained. Most rely on unmanaged code under the covers and that starts imposing other restrictions on the project. For example, to use the code asso...

X_VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_AUTHORIZATION - where can i get those values?

A curl HEADER should contain the following: oauth_consumer_key="YOUR KEY HERE", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_token="YOUR TOKEN HERE", oauth_timestamp="TIMESTAMP", oauth_nonce="OAUTH NONCE", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="SIGNATURE" where can i get the consumer_key, a valid oauth_token, timestamp, ...

Antlr (lexer): matching the right token

In my Antlr3 grammar, I have several "overlapping" lexer rules, like this: NAT: ('0' .. '9')+ ; INT: ('+' | '-')? ('0' .. '9')+ ; BITVECTOR: ('0' | '1')* ; Although tokens like 100110 and 123 can be matched by more than one of those rules, it is always determined by context which of them it has to be. Example: s: a | b | c ; a: '<' N...

How to access twitter api directly in C# using auth_info (oAuth tokens) provided by Janrain(rpx)

Seeking example how to access Twitter API directly after acquiring oAuth Tokens from Janrain(formerly rpx). It is understood twitter requires 2 keys for a twitter app(consumerKey, consumerSecret) which are provided by janrain in the janrain Dashboard under twitter settings. ...