
least squares svm in matlab

Which ls-svm toolbox can use in matlab? Which implementation do you recommend? ...

Could not load type from assembly when trying to add a user control with dependencies to toolbox

I implemented a VB.NET user control that integrates features of the Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0. The DLLs of the EntLib are not registered in the GAC - as suggested by MS. When I try to add my user control DLL to the Visual Studio 2008 ToolBox, I receive an error that basically tells me that it wasn't able to load a type from an ass...

Toolbox items in Visual Studio 2010 are not persisting after closing VS and reopening

I'm developing Windows Forms applications and using 3rd party controls(ex:Telerik). Whenever I want to add a new Telerik control to my form I have to do the following. Add a new tab to the Toolbox and name it Telerik. Add Items to the tab (all of the controls in the Telerik namespace) Now, when I close VS2010 and reopen it, the tool...

Looking for a Toolbox (Crop/Position/Rotate) for a Website

I'm looking for a Toolbox for a Website that can do the following things: Write Text in a Text Editor (change its color/font size/font) and display it over an product image (plus drag&drop, do rotation). As Texteditor i could use TinyMCE but how to rotate/drag&drop? the same with images (upload a logo, display it over an existing produ...

How can I get toolbox icon of standard WPF control at runtime?

I tried something like this: var attrs = typeof(System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Drawing.ToolboxBitmapAttribute), true); ...but attrs is empty collection. I also tried to look up for icons resources in assemblies and nothing found. ...

Visual Studio 2008 - Winforms Toolbox items gone

For whatever reasons, suddenly, all the usual tabs in the Toolbox of my Visual Studio 2008 (SP1, Prof.) are gone :-( I only have stuff like WPF Interoperability, Visual Basic PowerPacks and so forth left. Where did all the usual tabs go?? Can't even add a button and a label anymore! Tried to repair VS2008, run devenv.exe with /setup, ...

Adding custom control dll to web application project does not work.

I have project B, which is a class library project. I compile it and it creates a dll. In my project B which is a web application project, I add a reference to the A.dll, and I click on toolbox and select choose item, navigate to dll, and click on it. The control does not show up on my toolbox. When I right click my toolbox and select "s...

Custom Control and Application in Same Project

I want to create a custom control in C# which I will use multiple times in my application, but will not likely use in any other applications. I have seen several websites which explain how to create a custom control and add it to the Visual Studio toolbox. They instruct you to create a project with the custom control which compiles to ...

How to put a UserControl into Visual Studio toolBox

I made a usercontrol in my project, and after building project, I need to put it in my toolbox, and use it as a common control. but i can't. the usercontrol is in my project namespace, and I tried Choose Item in rightclick menu, but I didn't find a way to add it. ...

Why doesn't ToolboxBitmapAttribute work?

I have a UserControl in my project called 'UIWizard.cs', and a 24-bit Bitmap named 'UIWizardToolboxBitmap.bmp' that has it's build action set to 'Embedded Resource'. I verified that it does exist in the manifest: .mresource public BitFlex.Windows.Forms.Resources.UIWizardToolboxBitmap.bmp { // Offset: 0x00000000 Length: 0x00000336 } ...

VS2008 crashes when opening toolbox

When opening VS2008 toolbox the complete VS 2008 crashes and an event log entry is created: .NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.4206 - Schwerwiegender Fehler im Ausführungsmodul (73DD7B6E) (80131506). This error occurs on Windows Vista Home Premium. ...

How to adjust Visual Studio Toolbox to active document?

I have implemented a set of ASP.NET web custom controls and added these to my Visual Studio 2008 Toolbox. I also created some user item templates, which are basically ASP.Net Webforms pages with some preconfigurations. I would now like to assign each item template a subset of my custom controls that shall be available in the toolbox whi...

Weird behavior of VS toolbox

I want to configure the Visual Studio toolbox each time the user switches between documents in the editor. For that purpose I implemented an add-in with the following method, which is called upon activation of a document window: private void ConfigureToolbox() { EnvDTE.ToolBoxTab myTab = GetTab("My Tab"); // fix for VS bug (see...

Problem deriving from ToolboxItemAttribute in .Net, Winforms

As an example, here's a simple attribute, derived from ToolboxItemAttribute: <ToolboxItemX(False)> _ Public Class Class1 Inherits Button End Class Public Class ToolboxItemXAttribute Inherits ToolboxItemAttribute Public Sub New(ByVal defaultType As Boolean) MyBase.New(defaultType) End Sub End Class The probl...

Toolbox control tabs/groups won't go away.

I've tried to clean up the multitude of tabs/groups of controls in my Toolbox. There is a ton of stuff that I won't ever use (mobile web forms, reporting stuff, etc...) and it has accumulated over time. I've tried deleting them, but upon restarting Visual Studio, they reappear. How do I get rid of them for good? ...

Compiling Matlab shared library with image processing toolbox

Hi all, I'm trying to compile c shared library from matlab. my matlab code uses a lot of the image processing functionality. So, compiling goes fine, but when i call the dll from my application, i get messages like, "Undefined function or method 'XYZ' for input arguments of type double". I have verified my arguments are ok -- it's not...

Get web user controls into visual studio toolbox

How can I drag a web user control (ascx file) into my page? It seems I can't put them into the toolbox. It seems I can drag them from project explorer into the page, but this only works in design mode. How can I make this work in source code view? ...

Adding Custom UserControl to Visual Studio 2005's Toolbox

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 for a project I'm working on right now. I've created a new, custom control that inherits from 'UserControl'. Now I need to add that control to another Windows Form within the same project. I thought that the IDE would place this custom control into the Toolbox (as I know it's done in the past when I was usi...

Using an instance as on item in ToolboxControl in WF rehosted debugging interface

Hi all, I'm creating an application that rehost workflow designer. What I did is following the tutorial from Apress' Pro WF 4 books. The principle of the tutorial is: 1. Use WorkflowDesigner class to read workflow xaml file, and bind WorkflowDesigner.View and PropertyView property into ContentControl in the UI. 2. Use System.Activiti...

WPF DataGrid not appear in Toolbox?

I am working with Visual studio 2008. I want to work on WPF DataGrid control. I downloaded WPF toolkit and install it, and then added toolkit reference in my project, but it does not recognize Datagrid control, and does not show it in Toolbox, I even try to add it in toolbox through choose Item.. but when I click WPFToolkit.dll, it giv...