
Unifying ToolstripButtons and ToolstripMenuItems

Hi, Almost in all cases, ToolStripItems do just what their equivalent MenuStripItem do. In these cases, ToolTip, icon and text of these two commands are the same. So, is there any way (preferably a .net native way) to synchronize and unify these two items? This might be a way to define commands somewhere else and just put them into vari...

How to make a ToolStripComboBox to fill all the space available on a ToolStrip?

A ToolStripComboBox is placed after a ToolStripButton and is folowed by another one, which is right-aligned. How do I best set up the ToolStripComboBox to always adjust its length to fill all the space available between the preceeding and the folowing ToolStripButtons? In past I used to handle a parent resize event, calculate the new le...

How to make Custom contol look like other ToolStrip Items?

I have created a Custom Hosted Control using ToolStripControlHost and put it in a ToolStrip. Everything is working as expected. But my custom control does not look like other items in ToolStrip. How to make my custom control take the look and feel from ToolStripRenderer? or How to make it look like other items in ToolStrip? ...

C# winform: Floating toolstrip like visual studio toolbar

hi. how can i set the toolbar to floating toolbar. this functionality is implemented in Visual studio. when we click on grip area of toolstrip and drag it it becomes floating. how to do this using ToolStrip control of Winform ...

C# run time customization of ToolStrip

With Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, is there any native .NET functionality which allows for user customization of a Tool Bar? I.e., after the application is running, allowing the user to right click on the toolbar and select some form of a 'Customize' command. Allowing the user to hide/show and rearrange buttons and save the user settings...

Handle tab key in ToolStripComboBox

Hi, I have a ToolStripComboBox in a ToolStrip, and when I press TAB key in it, it gives focus to the next toolstrip button. I would like to change this behavior and give focus to a richtextbox on my form instead. The problem is that ToolStripComboBox does not have PreviewKeyDown event. And PreviewKeyDown of the hosting ToolStrip Toolba...

How do I make a button on a form behave like a button on a toolStrip? VS2008

How do I make a button on a form behave like a button on a toolStrip? I want a menu-type list to come down. I tried using a toolStripContainer but it is very hard to manipulate to get it to behave as just one button. Is there an easier way than just putting a toolStrip with one button in a toolStripContainer? Thanks. ...

Why do my horizontal toolstrips keep stacking verticaly?

I'm using a ToolStripContainer that contains three ToolStrips. At design time I move the ToolStrips to the positions I want them in, which is in a horizontal row across the top of the form like this: I then close and save the Form. However, if I open the form up again the ToolStrips end up stacked up on the left side of the ToolStripC...

Is there a way through the Visual Studio IDE to move buttons between ToolStrips?

I have multiple ToolStrips with buttons on my form. I'd like to move some buttons from one ToolStrip to another. However, the Visual Studio IDE is not allowing me to drag the buttons off of a ToolStrip. I could go and edit the designer file for the form, but I try to avoid that as much as possible. So is there some way to do this through...

Show ContextMenuStrip from ToolStripDropDown without dismissing ToolStripDropDown

I have a ToolStrip. In my ToolStrip I have a ToolStripDropDownButton. My ToolStripDropDownButton has a DropDown of type ToolStripDropDown that contains a ToolStripControlHost which contains a Label. I have assigned a ContextMenuStrip to my Label. When I show the DropDown and right-click on the label, the ContextMenuStrip displays cor...

Toolstrip tablelayout style

using c# 2008 winforms. I may be missing something obvious here, but can anyone help me out with using tablelayout style in a toolstrip. I was expecting it would be similar to using a tablelayout control in the designer, and being able to use the desinger to assign controls in the toolstrip to a grid tablelayout of some kind, but none o...

A Toolstrip that can auto size itself

I am using this nice code which by the way if you are aware of any better way to accomplish this, I really appreciate letting us know . so here is the Toolbar that can float :,_Menu,_and_Status_Strips%E2%80%94Floating_ToolStrips good, but what if I only have 4 buttons on this toolbar, when I make it flo...

SourceControl of ContextMenuStrip is Nothing in ToolStripMenuItem Click?

I have single ContextMenuStrip attached to more controls. In use the Opening event of ContextMenuStrip to filter/disable some context entries. In this case the property ContexteMenuStrip.SourceControl is set correctly. The problem I have is on the Click event of a ToolStripMenuItem. This item is inside a ToolStripDropDown. I get the ...

AppBar focus issue

I have created an AppBar. The AppBar always stays on top, when it loses focus, then to get back to the AppBar requires two clicks instead of one. I believe the first click activates the form and then with second click I receive the mouse click events (as expected). Can you give any ideas, what can be wrong here? My problem is similar to ...

Add a second toolbar to the existing toolbar

C# WinForms: I have a static toolbar that is always on my form. but sometimes for example when user selects a command from a menu, I wish to have a second toolbar that is getting added to the right hand side of my static toolbar. How can I accomplish that? Thanks. ...

Having more than one toolstrip at the same line

C# WinForms: I would like to have two Toolbars But I also want them to be at the same line . I mean I do Not want one of them to be below or over the other them. so they will be in tow lines which is I do not want. How can I do this? ...

What is the UITypeEditor for ToolStrip.Items?

Hi, I've had a long look through MSDN documentation and all I'm starting to think that this editor is defined as Internal only. I'm guessing it is similar to the CollectionEditor, though this does provide any ToolStripItem specific elements. [EditorAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor), typeof(System.Drawin...

setting ToolStripSplitButton.DropDownButtonWidth to 0

I want to use ToolStripSplitButton as a button only (no drop down menu) in my StatusStrip. For this reason i want to not display the little arrow, but i can't do this. Tried do this with setting ToolStripSplitButton.DropDownButtonWidth to 0, and it works successfull in windows 7 but not in windows xp. how to get rid of the little arro...

How to align buttons uniformly in a tool strip?

I have a tool strip container in which i have a tool strip.Inside the tool strip i have added three buttons. These buttons are laid out in the vertical tool strip one over another. The distance between the last button and bottom of tool strip is greater than the distance between two buttons. How do i reduce it so that all the buttons loo...

toolstripbutton with images for each state

hi all! I have in my app a ToolSrip with some ToolStripButtons. I wish add not only the basic image, but an image for the hover state and another for the clicked state, and if possible, remove the orange background when the button is hovered by the mouse... it's possible? thanks in advance! ...