
Jquery tooltip help

Here is the jquery code for a tooltip popup when i hover over a link. Error is when i hover over it, it sets title to nothing show it will show once and then nothing will come up if i re hover over it. When i remove this.title = ""; it works but the link title comes up aswell HTML < a href="#" class="tooltip" title="Name< br>Test">...

C# ToolTip on MDI Client

Hi, I'm maintaining an application that shows a toolTip in certain conditions on a userControl. (When the mouse is over some area a timer starts, when it stops, and the mouse is still there, the toolTip displays a text, by calling "Show(..)". This works fine. A different applicatiion is holding this app as an MdiClient. The toolTip now o...

Mootools : tool tip help

I am using mootools in one of my webpages. In this page the tool tip is working fine. I am using mootools.svn.js in this webpage. mootools-1.1-1.2-compat-core.js,mootools-1.2-core-yc.js,mootools-1.1-1.2-compat-...

Positioning a Tooltip

Hello guys, I'm trying to make my tooltips pop up in the left side of the cursor instead of the right side, with a jquery plugin called EasyTooltip. I'm trying to give a negative value in the header's call, which aim would be to affect the x-axis positioning, but with no effects (nothing appears, while a positive value in both axis shal...

Jquery show form on cursor position

Like a tooltip on click, it shows on cursor position and allows you to alter details and submit. I have the code to do this in javascript, but would be great to do it in jquery. I've ahd a look around and seen loads of tooltip plugins but none that aren't mouse over. ...

insert text (edit text) using tooltip (popup)

Hi, I am trying to create a little popup div which contains a textbox and two buttons (insert, cancel). this div would appear when you click on a text to edit it. (like tooltip but contains button and text box) how can i make it by jquery? thank you alot I am newbie on jquery. ...

tooltip on disabled control

happy holidays! i have a tablelayoutpanel (10x10). within each cell i have a picturebox which are disabled (enabled = false). i am trapping mouse move over the table to catch mouse movement. here is the code: private void tableLayoutPanelTest_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!placeShip) { ...

How to display a tooltip while using blockui?

My site is using the jQuery tooltip plugin ( and the blockui plugin. I am applying the tooltips like this: $(function() { $("span.helptooltip").tooltip({ showURL: false, showBody: " - " }); }); That works like a charm everywhere except a DIV that is being shown using ...

jQuery qTip: How to attach a single tooltip div to multiple target divs?

The normal behavior for the jQuery qTip plugin is to create a new hidden div for every tooltip item assigned. Is there a way to tie a single hidden tooltip element to multiple targets, to avoid cluttering the DOM? Contrived Example: <div id="foo1"></div> <div id="foo2"></div> <script> $("#foo1,#foo2").qTip({"content":"test"}); </scrip...

VSTO C#: How to disable the popup (tooltip) on a Ribbon Button

Hello, I developed a plugin for outlook 2007 that adds a button to the office ribbon. I wanted to know if there is any possibility (programmatically) to not show the popup message when hoovering over the button with the mouse pointer. When I hover over the button, a little popup (tooltip) with the following text is displayed: MyAddinN...

How do I put a cftooltip around a table row?

I'm trying to put a tooltip on a table row so that when you hover over any part of the row the tooltip displays. When I put the cftooltip tag around the entire table it works, and when I put it within a td element it works, but nothing displays when I put it around td or tr elements. Any suggestions? Thanks! ...

jQuery lightweight tooltip script recommendation

I am looking for a lightweight jQuery script for tooltips that is lightweight and can be easily used with image maps... Ideally it would automatically take the 'title' of each the area tag to function as a tooltip. The reason this is an issue is I have hundreds of areas (its a world map) and a line of code for each tooltip will soon add ...

C#: Set position of the arrow in a ToolTip Balloon?

Is it possible to change the location of the Arrow / Stem in a Balloon Tooltip? Reason to change is because of a Button, located in the top of the screen, should have a tooltip below it. Above is the situation right now, I only need the arrow to be on the top-left side of the balloon. ...

Is it possible to assign ToolTip text (containing non-latin characters) in a Control Template of a WPF custom control?

In a WPF app I have a custom control. I would like the ToolTip for objects, derived from this custom control, depends on a value of one of the attributes of this custom control. Is it possible to declare it in a Control Template of this custom control? Something like: <ControlTemplate> ??? // <!--XAML ToolTip declaration --> ... <Con...

how to do a [?] explanation/'tooltip' link?

Next to an input field, I want to have a small '[?]' link which will display a brief clarification. I would like this link to display this tooltip both when the mouse hovers over the [?] as well as when the [?] is clicked. There is no other action associated with this [?] link. A normal tooltip (as provided by browsers when faced with H...

How to add tooltip to a drop down/combobox?

I have to implement the tooltip feature for drop down. Also, tooltip will not be any static text, it should be the selected value of drop down. How can i do this in jQuery? ...

Richfaces tooltip componentcontrol param

I have a table where each cell click opens a tooltip using the componentControl tag, this works. But I wanted to pas a parameter to the tooltip, which is different per table cell. <rich:toolTip id="tooltip" attached="false" mode="ajax"> <ui:include id="projectDetailInclude" src="projectDetail.xhtml"> <ui:param name="projectDetail" v...

Gridview tooltip inserting index or check cell for value

Hello all Trying a different approach for tooltipping on a gridview using the following code: protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { foreach (TableCell cell in e...

Databinding in style to property on parent window

Hi, Is it possible to declare a style that sets the fontsize of tooltips to the same size as the parent form? I have tried this... <Style TargetType="{x:Type ToolTip}"> <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding ElementName=MainWindow, Path=FontSize}"/> </Style> ...but that doesnt work. Any suggestions? ...

jQuery tool tip not working when images added dynamically using ajax?

Hello All, i am facing problem in jquery tool tip, when i am searching any image name and then loading ajax based search result in html then my tool tip is not working, even click event is not working. same functionality is working in default image listing can any one help me out? ...