
Log when file is requested from server

I need a way to log an entry into a database, everytime a particular file is requested from the server. The file can be any type, even images or other media. Is it also possible to log which IP address or hostname has requested that file? ...

tracking pixel or javascript include?

Hi, I am building a tracking system for refererrals to our websites and on behalf of other 3rd party website owners. This will include placing a cookie when a customer clicks through to the site and subseqently reading their ID from this cookie if they reach the defined 'success' page. I have seen a number of different methods used fo...

What is the SQL query for Orchestration debugger information (tracking data) in BizTalk?

By using the Orchestration debugger one can get useful time information on the left, regarding entering and leaving shapes. Unfortunately one cannot copy the information from that window. I would like to do some benchmarks and save statistics in Excel. Does anyone know the sql query to get the same data from the DB? I have tried to fin...

IIS7: Capture User Interaction

The question is specific to IIS 7 only in the event that this version brings tracking capabilities not found in previous versions. The site is an mvc web app. I'm looking to capture as much information about user sessions as is possible. I have a relatively low-traffic site and, at least at the initial launch, i'd go so far as t...

C#: GPS Tracking system

How do I go about building a GPS tracking system with mobile (with GPS) in ? The scenario is Track a user (service engineer, nothing illegal here) via a GPS enabled mobile Phone. What software and hardware will I require? Is there any open source implementation? For a vehicle tracking system, how do I go about with GPS? I would...

Using web hit counter to track application usage, recommendations wanted

I have an internal tool written in java. It would be useful to get a little feedback on how much it is used by colleagues. A simple solution would be to have the application display an image which it fetches from a web hit counter like application and just look at how often the image is accessed. So what I am looking for: a stand-alone ...

Tracking user actions - analytics for applications

I'm closing in on finishing a Windows Desktop Gadget that downloads plugins from my web server. I'm wondering how I can track the use of these plugins for reporting purposes like seeing which plugins are popular in which countries, how many times a plugin is used per day/month/week and other stuff like that. Logging this on every user ...

tracking users progress on web site

Short version: I'm trying to determine the best way to track what the user does on our site. I.e., page they land on, what links they click, where they end up. Most of this information is stored in the log files, but is using the log file the best way for me to proceed? Long version: My boss is preparing to spend a lot of money adverti...

howto use mobilephone gps to locate a person and display on a website

Hello, my question is the following if it wasn't clear enough. I want to be able to track a person threw his/hers mobilephone and display his whereabouts on a website. I read some stuff here about safari and Iphone. What I need is a startingpoint in the sense off what is possible, and is it only possible for certain phones. I can as...

How to use Pixel Tracking across domains in PHP

I understand the basics of pixel tracking, I'm able to insert a pixel that references an image on my tracking domain to other websites. However, how do I increment that actual pixel count on my tracking domain? Is there some kind of log that tells me every time that pixel image was served up? Am i able to do something like: <img src...

issue with submitChanges() inserting unwanted records in linq

I am using LINQ to insert records in the database. I create these records and keep track of them using a List. Based on some logic, I delete some of the records by deleting from the List. (I am using the same DataContext object). When I want to insert the records in the database, I do the corresponding linq table's InsertOnSubmit() fol...

E-commerce package for PHP / Customer management and "order tracking"

Hi, We're developing a PHP based website through which people can subscribe to certain services. I'm looking for a solution (open-source or reasonably priced) that helps track customer's orders - what have they ordered --> have they paid or not --> has that been approved by the site administrator, etc. The end-user can have multiple sub...

Mass email tracking

Most services offered online today that claim to "track" e-mails, do so by embedding images in the emails. My questions are: Is this the only way to do it and if not, what are the other methods? Are any of the methods actually fool-proof? Has anybody had any luck with specific software or even an online group? ...

storing simple user action/click tracking (associative array in text??)

I've been storing some simple user click-actions in text files so I can easily refer to them. I'm not looking to go the full db route, as I'm looking to learn hadoop, and should be able get the data from my log files, but until then I'm looking for a fairly light-weight solution. I could continue with the txt file route, but it ends u...

How to track all website activity and filtering web robot data

I'm doing a very rudimentary tracking of page views by logging url, referral codes, sessions, times etc but finding it's getting bombarded with robots (Google, Yahoo etc). I'm wondering what an effective way is to filter out or not log these statistics? I've experimented with robot IP lists etc but this isn't foolproof. Is there some k...

Tracking thru PDF

If i am exporting a document in PDF and kept in public so that any users can download and read it. Now i want to track this. How many times the PDF got opened. Note that my question is not to track while i download, we need to track when the PDF is opened. Is there any kind of script that is invoked when the PDF is opened so that acroba...

SQL Server Change Tracking vs Replication vs Differential Backup

Ok we have critical transactional database and its in full recovery mode in SQL Server 2008. We have have two different servers in two different data centers on two different timezones. And I am trying to setup best way to make database as upto date as possible using various options. Database is currently only 1.5GB, expected to grow 1GB...

How can I track custom Windows Workflow Foundation activity properties?

I want to track my custom activities' property values in my own tracking service, .i.e. I don't need it in the built in SQL tracking service. I have been successful in reproducing the SQL tracking service in that I can see the worklfow and activity states etc. but I want to see property values also. We are writing many workflows for a d...

How to track Google Analytics Events in Server Side

Hello, Is there a way to track Google Analytics Events from Server Side in ASP.NET, the requirement is the the Event should be tracked on button click after some functionalities are executed on Serverside. ? OnClientClick of button, we cannot fulfill this requirement completely as some time serverside functionalities can fail but the ev...

Small company of 150 employees needs inexpensive Issue Tracking system.

We are a small company of 150 employees and I am searching for a hosted, inexpensive Issue Tracking system for all employees, both in the office and who work remote. Does anyone know a reliable product/host to use? We work off a SQL database and would like to be able to open, submit, track, resolve, share, complete and then close issues...