
Determine whether the transaction is DTC transaction or not when debugging

In .Net, is there any way to determine whether the ambient transaction is DTC transaction or not when debugging. I investigated SqlConnection class members but I found nothing. thanks. ...

PHP mysqli::autocommit VS "START TRANSACTION"

In our database layer object, we have always managed transactions with "START TRANSACTION", "ROLLBACK" and "COMMIT" SQL statements executed via mysqli::query. Doing some research today, I discovered this mention in the MySQL Manual regarding using API level calls to manage a transaction VS using straight SQL: Important Many API...

Sharing transactional space between two connections

There's an app that starts a transaction on SQL Server 2008 and moves some data around. Then, while the transaction is still not committed, the app prints out some labels. It is very important that the transaction is not committed until printing succeeded; if a printing error occurs, everything is rolled back. Now, the printing engine i...

SQL Server: reasonable "auto increment" techniques?

I'm using SQL Server 2005 for the first time, having mostly worked with MySQL in the past. I'm used to using auto_increment to create unique IDs in tables. Anyway... I'm working in a java app, and need to do the following. Presume my table has two columns: itemID (int) and itemValue(int). This is basically what I want to do (the dbco...

Reading reliably from a constantly appended-to table

I've got a web application, one of whose functions is which is constantly appending rows to a large table. The rows look approximately like this: id bigint not null primary key visited datetime not null ip_address # Other fields It's a tracking table, as you've probably guessed. The use of this table is completely append-only, that i...

Wicket with Spring declarative transaction

It is possible to use the Spring Framework's @Transactional support outside of a Spring container. In reference documentation is chapter about AspectJ aspect. I'm trying to use it in my wicket application, but with no positive result. application-context.xml: <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="trans...

Can I be a deadlock victim if I'm not executing a query within a transaction?

Lets say I open a transaction and run update queries. BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE x SET y = z WHERE w = v The query returns successfully and the transaction stays open deliberately for a period of time before I decide to commit. While I'm sitting on the transaction is it ever possible the MSSQL deadlock machinary would be able to preemp...

Validates_uniqueness_of does not work when doing a large Transaction

I have a validate_uniqueness_of :field inside my ActiveRecord model. When i do a single create/update it works nicely but i have to do some large batch creation from csv files inside a Transaction When i am in the transaction the validate_uniqueness_of does not detect the error and the model is saved! ...

What is proper code pattern to finalize transactions in Java (rollback on exception and commit on success)?

I'm looking for generic code pattern to properly handle transaction with respect to possible exception. I assume there is common code pattern for that, no matter what concrete kind of transaction we are dealing with. I have a method that executes something in transaction and want to rethrow Exception that may occur when inside transacti...

Spring Tests : transaction not rolling back after test method executed

Hi ! I'm trying to create integration tests for a legacy application deployed on Weblogic 8.1 using a subclass of AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests. My test method has the following annotations : @Test @Rollback(true) public void testDeployedEJBCall throws Exception {...} My test class also references beans of type org.s...

Does Distributed Transaction Excalation occur if one of the Databases is READ ONLY?

We are doing an import process from a source database to a destination database. We need to run these imports frequently in an automated fashion. The source is on a separate server than the destination. Both are MS SQL 2008. We access the source using Linq2SQL and the destination using a custom Data Layer. We do not ever modify th...

How to keep on transaction when it fails for some rows?

Hello! I want that when I execute a query for example DELETE FROM Contact, and an error is raised during the transaction it should delete the rows that are able to be deleted raising all the relevant errors for the rows that cannot be deleted. ...

Grails Service Transactions

I'm trying to get transactions working within a Grails service, but I'm not getting the results I'm expecting. Can someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong, if my assumptions are off? My domain class: class Account { static constraints = { balance(min: 0.00) } String companyName BigDecimal balance = 0.00 Boolean...

Nested stored procedures containing TRY CATCH ROLLBACK pattern?

I'm interested in the side effects and potential problems of the following pattern: CREATE PROCEDURE [Name] AS BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY [...Perform work, call nested procedures...] END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RAISERROR [rethrow caught error using @ErrorNumber, @ErrorMessage, ...

Missing support for ambient transactions in nhibernate?

Ok, I know nhibernate supports ambient transactions, because nhibernate sessions enlists in the ambient transactions while inside a transaction scope. However, there are some oddities, consider the following test: [Test] public void Transaction_RollsBackTransactionInsideOfAmbientTransaction_AmbientTransactionAborted() { ...

.Net web services transaction

Is there any way transactions can be implemented in .Net web services ?. Is it possible ? ...

MySQL / PHP transaction behavior

Given: mysql_query("START TRANSACTION"); mysql_query("UPDATE foo = 'bar'"); die(); die() stops the transaction before I can COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Looking at my tables, it appears that the update doesn't take place, but if I run queries later in another script, are they still part of that initial transaction? Is the transaction still 'op...

How to assert that database connection is in a transaction?

I'm using an object/relational mapper to talk to the database. The library in my case is iBatis which is also used for transaction management. However, I recently had a case where iBatis didn't actually start a transaction even though startTransaction() etc. was called as documented. After some debugging I found out that there was a conf...

.net InterBase FireBird SQL

I am using InterBase and FireBird SQL in C# .net Enviroment. I would Like to use Transaction Scope in my program. How to do that Effectively with InterBase-FireBird ? Any Idea ? ...

Can Spring transactions provide the necessary mutual exclusion if DB calls are coming from multiple machines

I'm porting a class from plain JDBC to use Spring. Part of this class consists of a block that find the most recent row, updates a field, and selects it into an object to be processed later. This block should only be executed by one thread on one machine at a time to make sure no two threads process the same row. We've been handling mu...